Economy surges more than expected


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Let me be the first to explain that none of this had anything to do with President Obama. If not for Obama, the economy probably would have grown 5.1%
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.
yet another empty headed thread on guys never look before you create a thread?
Most of the growth was in stated by the article you linked to which of course you didn't read.
You saw the headline and couldn't wait to make yourself look like a fool over here.
Analyst have been reporting for the past few weeks that though consumer spending is up now (duh) - it has not been what was hoped for and companies are expecting to be sitting on inventory come January.
Also - analyst are already reporting that the 4th quarter is expecting to have a sharp decline.
Read what you post simpleton.
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.

Sorry, I guess the Bureau of Economic Analysis needs to confer with you before their next report. I will shoot them an e-mail....:lol:
yet another empty headed thread on guys never look before you create a thread?
Most of the growth was in stated by the article you linked to which of course you didn't read.
You saw the headline and couldn't wait to make yourself look like a fool over here.
Analyst have been reporting for the past few weeks that though consumer spending is up now (duh) - it has not been what was hoped for and companies are expecting to be sitting on inventory come January.
Also - analyst are already reporting that the 4th quarter is expecting to have a sharp decline.
Read what you post simpleton.

Shit yea......

Then when it goes down next quarter we can blame Obama again
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.

Sorry, I guess the Bureau of Economic Analysis needs to confer with you before their next report. I will shoot them an e-mail....:lol:

An interesting note on the bogus good news graph they included, in 4Q 2011 the same spike occurred, followed by progressive drops.

The economy has not even scratched the surface of the Obamacare fallout.

Times are good I guess for paid internet shills. Soros has deep pockets.
GDP Report: Economy grew at 4.1% annual pace in third quarter - Dec. 20, 2013

"With each of the revisions, we've been getting better data and it's showing there's some better traction with the consumer than we had initially expected," said Wells Fargo senior economist Sam Bullard. "There is more momentum in the economy than we originally thought."

OH NO! The GOP is going to have to do something to slow down the progress!

Yeah, but the employment to pop ratio still sucks. The GDP has to do much better to make up for the losses.
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.

One of these, GDP = C + I + G + NX.

Here we go,

For third quarter of 2013,

Consumption rate of change......................................................1.36
Investment rate of change.........................................................2.56
Net exports..............................................................................0.14
Government consumption expenditures and gross investment.......0.08

So that would be gains in investment followed by consumption with net exports and government barely making a dent.
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.

Sorry, I guess the Bureau of Economic Analysis needs to confer with you before their next report. I will shoot them an e-mail....:lol:

An interesting note on the bogus good news graph they included, in 4Q 2011 the same spike occurred, followed by progressive drops.

The economy has not even scratched the surface of the Obamacare fallout.

Times are good I guess for paid internet shills. Soros has deep pockets.


That is RGDP from mid recession on. Doesn's seem to validate your point.

And for Nominal, we have


Still not seeing it.
Wow, look at all those impressive charts, and supplied by the Fed too? Mercy.

You do realize that pumping trillions upon trillions of phony dollars into the economy makes the GDP look better? All that growth is as fake as Pam Anerdon's tits, but not as fun to play with.

Who signs your paychecks, Mr Shill? Or is it Ms Shill?
So that is seriously your only counter-argument here after your "where does the growth come from" question was answered? All the numbers are all fake and anyone posting them is a paid government shill?
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.

You are not the weather board of success, on.

If you don't have counter facts, then who cares?
Wow, look at all those impressive charts, and supplied by the Fed too? Mercy.

You do realize that pumping trillions upon trillions of phony dollars into the economy makes the GDP look better? All that growth is as fake as Pam Anerdon's tits, but not as fun to play with.

Who signs your paychecks, Mr Shill? Or is it Ms Shill?

Oh, your one of those paranoid delusional conspiracy theory with no actual facts to back up the bullshit folks.

Yeah, that's it, everyone is lying. Surre bub.

So, where did the supposed spikes you are bullshiting about come from? BEA data? Cuz it aint there.

Really, unless you have another source from the GDP besides the BEA then your response of a "spike" is complete bs.
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Wow, look at all those impressive charts, and supplied by the Fed too? Mercy.

You do realize that pumping trillions upon trillions of phony dollars into the economy makes the GDP look better? All that growth is as fake as Pam Anerdon's tits, but not as fun to play with.

Who signs your paychecks, Mr Shill? Or is it Ms Shill?

The BEA chart can be found here.

BEA : Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Graph

No spike.

So, you just imagine the GDP while staring throught the barred window in your padded cell? If you take you anti-psychotic meds like your suppose to you wouldn't have problems grasping reality.
Where is the alleged growth coming from? Neither I nor anyone I know is seeing any kind of growth in the economy.

One of these, GDP = C + I + G + NX.

Here we go,

For third quarter of 2013,

Consumption rate of change......................................................1.36
Investment rate of change.........................................................2.56
Net exports..............................................................................0.14
Government consumption expenditures and gross investment.......0.08

So that would be gains in investment followed by consumption with net exports and government barely making a dent.

Somewhat anemic growth in consumption - but still a positive sign.

Relatively large increase in investment gains - thanks to the Fed printing money and propping up the markets.

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