Economy grows for the third straight quarter

Mind reader? I never said I was a mind reader. I am taking him at his word.

I believe that is what he was speaking of. Perhaps it is because I believe that all politicians (regardless of party) are untrustworthy.

I don't bow down at your messiah's altar and beg to blow him as you do.

I am however, bringing up my fears and attempting to discuss with LWC and RW in a rational tone. I'd love it if you would join in, however, I've never noticed you discussing anything in a rational manner. You are a partisan troll, plain and simple. Not even worth the time it took to type this out.

You can't be honest about anything.

HIS word was "universal" and you didn't take him at HIS word. YOUR word, or more accurately your MessiahRushie's word, was "nationalize" and that's the word YOU used because you rationalized that's what was in his mind when he said "universal."

And please don't project your sexual fantasies on me.
Thank you.

Welcome back Michael Savage.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care". Which means Nationalized Health Care.

You have just been proven a liar.

Like I said, you can't be honest about anything.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care" YOUR words were "Nationalized Health Care."
They do NOT mean the same thing. Single payer refers only to how it is paid for NOT how it is delivered. Nationalized health care refers to how it is delivered.

From the earlier Wikipedia link, so you have no excuse for your dishonesty:
Single-payer systems may contract for healthcare services from private organizations (as is the case in Canada) or may own and employ healthcare resources and personnel (as is the case in the United Kingdom). The term single-payer thus only describes the funding mechanism—referring to health care being paid for by a single public body from a single fund—and does not specify the type of delivery, or for whom doctors work.
1st post
Yes...bankruptcy rising is a wonderful means there are more job openings for lawyers!!!!

Personal bankruptcies are a lagging indicator because employment is a lagging indicator. Personal bankruptcies usually peak after the economy has bottomed and has started to expand.

Thank you for agreeing that personal bankruptcy and consumer debt are inexorably tied to each other. Bankruptcy goes up...consumer debt goes down.
Look. I pointed out a legitimate factor thats causing consumer debt to fall and all you have is that?

Seriously man...look before you won't get so many knots on your head.

It is one legitimate reason why consumer debt is falling. Another is that banks are now offering lower lines of credit as old loans get paid off. Another is that people have paid down debt.

But you said that this is recovery is being driven by credit card spending. There is no evidence of that. If this is the case, please post it because I would like to see it.

In case you didn't know...we have a consumer driven economy. Without people spending money like credit cards, fat tax return checks etc...the economy dies. Banks are offering credit cards to whoever will sign an application and show even part time income. Since when is having 25,000 dollars in credit card debt, going to a credit counselor and making a deal to pay 3000 dollars paying down debt? You wonder why banks have paid no taxes? There's your answer. Why is it so difficult for you to accept that the Stimulus, which only a small percentage has been spent, hasn't done a thing other than pay the salaries of State and local government workers. We have a consumer driven economy, not a government employed economy like the progressives want. Without consumer spending there isn't a damn reason for companies to hire people or make goods. That's the bottom line. When you offer credit cards and smaller lines of credit to people who are STILL unemployed in the hopes that they will find a job and get into debt your just asking for trouble.
In case you didn't know...we have a consumer driven economy. Without people spending money like credit cards, fat tax return checks etc...the economy dies. Banks are offering credit cards to whoever will sign an application and show even part time income. Since when is having 25,000 dollars in credit card debt, going to a credit counselor and making a deal to pay 3000 dollars paying down debt? You wonder why banks have paid no taxes? There's your answer. Why is it so difficult for you to accept that the Stimulus, which only a small percentage has been spent, hasn't done a thing other than pay the salaries of State and local government workers. We have a consumer driven economy, not a government employed economy like the progressives want. Without consumer spending there isn't a damn reason for companies to hire people or make goods. That's the bottom line. When you offer credit cards and smaller lines of credit to people who are STILL unemployed in the hopes that they will find a job and get into debt your just asking for trouble.

If you have some data to back your assertion that this is being driven by credit card debt, I'd truly like to see it. But I haven't seen it thus far, and you haven't presented it. I look at many, many different sources of data, and I haven't seen anything that suggests that the consumer is behaving any differently than in past bottoms. This surprises me considering the type of recession it was. I thought the rebound would be weaker.
"Economy grows for the third straight quarter "

I will not declare victory until it has grown at least a full dollar. Seventy five cents is just not enough.
5th post
I hope the economy does work itself out and start more on the road to recovery... I do know, however, that the big government policies, higher taxation, government expansion and increased spending, etc are not helping the economy and are most probably hindering what could be an even more robust recovery

So you are saying it is getting better, but because of the way its getting better, it is wrong because it could be faster.....

Dems make it better but not fast enough....bad
Republicans causing this mess...............good.

Sbsolutely nothing has changed in my life tax wise for years, and I just checked, for the year 2007, I had to pay $1920.00.....last year I got a $300.00 refund.

What changed?
In case you didn't know...we have a consumer driven economy. Without people spending money like credit cards, fat tax return checks etc...the economy dies. Banks are offering credit cards to whoever will sign an application and show even part time income. Since when is having 25,000 dollars in credit card debt, going to a credit counselor and making a deal to pay 3000 dollars paying down debt? You wonder why banks have paid no taxes? There's your answer. Why is it so difficult for you to accept that the Stimulus, which only a small percentage has been spent, hasn't done a thing other than pay the salaries of State and local government workers. We have a consumer driven economy, not a government employed economy like the progressives want. Without consumer spending there isn't a damn reason for companies to hire people or make goods. That's the bottom line. When you offer credit cards and smaller lines of credit to people who are STILL unemployed in the hopes that they will find a job and get into debt your just asking for trouble.

If you have some data to back your assertion that this is being driven by credit card debt, I'd truly like to see it. But I haven't seen it thus far, and you haven't presented it. I look at many, many different sources of data, and I haven't seen anything that suggests that the consumer is behaving any differently than in past bottoms. This surprises me considering the type of recession it was. I thought the rebound would be weaker.

Show me the data you look at. Unemployment has remained the companies are offering card comnpanies are offering loans...banks are offering loans...stores are offering 50% discounts on everything....WalMart is giving away 2500 dollar limit discover cards just for shopping there with in store approval....people are still receiving their tax refunds...summer is coming.

Now you tell me what's driving the recovery? Please.
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You can't be honest about anything.

HIS word was "universal" and you didn't take him at HIS word. YOUR word, or more accurately your MessiahRushie's word, was "nationalize" and that's the word YOU used because you rationalized that's what was in his mind when he said "universal."

And please don't project your sexual fantasies on me.
Thank you.

Welcome back Michael Savage.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care". Which means Nationalized Health Care.

You have just been proven a liar.

Like I said, you can't be honest about anything.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care" YOUR words were "Nationalized Health Care."
They do NOT mean the same thing. Single payer refers only to how it is paid for NOT how it is delivered. Nationalized health care refers to how it is delivered.

From the earlier Wikipedia link, so you have no excuse for your dishonesty:
Single-payer systems may contract for healthcare services from private organizations (as is the case in Canada) or may own and employ healthcare resources and personnel (as is the case in the United Kingdom). The term single-payer thus only describes the funding mechanism—referring to health care being paid for by a single public body from a single fund—and does not specify the type of delivery, or for whom doctors work.

They are the same thing Michael whether you have the courage to admit it or not.

Your messiah has promised this country to provide a Single Payer Health Care System aka Nationalized Health Care System within 15-20 years.

You don't have the honesty to admit it.

He was talking about the government the government being the single payer, not AETNA. You know it and I know it.

It has been what he, Harry and Nancy have been striving to provide all along. It was what they wanted this time around with the Public Option, but they could not get the votes to pull it off. Your messiah said that was what he wants but stated that he realized it would take 15-20 years to accomplish.

You are simply to dishonest to admit it.

You are also, to much of a damned coward to actually debate the issue without whining that other people are liars because they don't agree with your sorry ass.

Welcome back Michael Savage.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care". Which means Nationalized Health Care.

You have just been proven a liar.

Like I said, you can't be honest about anything.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care" YOUR words were "Nationalized Health Care."
They do NOT mean the same thing. Single payer refers only to how it is paid for NOT how it is delivered. Nationalized health care refers to how it is delivered.

From the earlier Wikipedia link, so you have no excuse for your dishonesty:
Single-payer systems may contract for healthcare services from private organizations (as is the case in Canada) or may own and employ healthcare resources and personnel (as is the case in the United Kingdom). The term single-payer thus only describes the funding mechanism—referring to health care being paid for by a single public body from a single fund—and does not specify the type of delivery, or for whom doctors work.

They are the same thing Michael whether you have the courage to admit it or not.

Your messiah has promised this country to provide a Single Payer Health Care System aka Nationalized Health Care System within 15-20 years.

You don't have the honesty to admit it.

He was talking about the government the government being the single payer, not AETNA. You know it and I know it.

It has been what he, Harry and Nancy have been striving to provide all along. It was what they wanted this time around with the Public Option, but they could not get the votes to pull it off. Your messiah said that was what he wants but stated that he realized it would take 15-20 years to accomplish.

You are simply to dishonest to admit it.

You are also, to much of a damned coward to actually debate the issue without whining that other people are liars because they don't agree with your sorry ass.

They are NOT the same thing, Stuttering LimpTard, even though you lack the honesty to admit it. Even after the difference was explained in the Wiki link, you choose to continue to lie in typical CON$ervoFascist fashion. You actually compounded your lie by claiming that the Gov was the single payer when the single payer can also be a POOL in addition to repeating your earlier lie.

Again from the earlier Wiki link, so again you have no excuse for your dishonesty:

Single-payer health care is the financing of the costs of delivering universal health care for an entire population through a single insurance pool out of which costs are met. There may be many contributors to the single pool (insured persons, employers, government, etc.)
10th post
Like I said, you can't be honest about anything.

His words were "Single Payer Health Care" YOUR words were "Nationalized Health Care."
They do NOT mean the same thing. Single payer refers only to how it is paid for NOT how it is delivered. Nationalized health care refers to how it is delivered.

From the earlier Wikipedia link, so you have no excuse for your dishonesty:

They are the same thing Michael whether you have the courage to admit it or not.

Your messiah has promised this country to provide a Single Payer Health Care System aka Nationalized Health Care System within 15-20 years.

You don't have the honesty to admit it.

He was talking about the government the government being the single payer, not AETNA. You know it and I know it.

It has been what he, Harry and Nancy have been striving to provide all along. It was what they wanted this time around with the Public Option, but they could not get the votes to pull it off. Your messiah said that was what he wants but stated that he realized it would take 15-20 years to accomplish.

You are simply to dishonest to admit it.

You are also, to much of a damned coward to actually debate the issue without whining that other people are liars because they don't agree with your sorry ass.

They are NOT the same thing, Stuttering LimpTard, even though you lack the honesty to admit it. Even after the difference was explained in the Wiki link, you choose to continue to lie in typical CON$ervoFascist fashion. You actually compounded your lie by claiming that the Gov was the single payer when the single payer can also be a POOL in addition to repeating your earlier lie.

Again from the earlier Wiki link, so again you have no excuse for your dishonesty:

Single-payer health care is the financing of the costs of delivering universal health care for an entire population through a single insurance pool out of which costs are met. There may be many contributors to the single pool (insured persons, employers, government, etc.)

Wikipedia! You use that as proof text? I'll admit sometimes there is decent information posted in there but it cannot be use as proof text. And despite what Wiki has to say, any intelligent human being (I know that bars you) can tell exactly what Barack Obama has in mind.

Learn how to discuss an issue, Michael.

They are the same thing. If you had one ounce of intelligence you would understand what Barack Obama was saying he wanted. And if you have even a milligram of honesty, even if you didn't agree then you would have the intelligence to actually state your believes rather than fall back on the cowards... "you're a liar".

You can't fucking defend your case so you can only whine... "You are a liar".

In other words, if you could defend yourself sorry ass then you would tell me exactly what he meant, not what he didn't mean. You can't because you know what he meant and you won't admit you are wrong.

It's pretty clear what Single Payer means.

Obama Supports Single Payer Health Care

Yes, it is clear. He was referring to everyone being in the health care insurance system, or "Universal Health Care".

Thus the line "everybody in, nobody out". Nowhere in that clip is "Nationalized health care" mentioned.

It's pretty clear that you have no idea what Obama said in that clip.

Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are the same thing Michael whether you have the courage to admit it or not.

Your messiah has promised this country to provide a Single Payer Health Care System aka Nationalized Health Care System within 15-20 years.

You don't have the honesty to admit it.

He was talking about the government the government being the single payer, not AETNA. You know it and I know it.

It has been what he, Harry and Nancy have been striving to provide all along. It was what they wanted this time around with the Public Option, but they could not get the votes to pull it off. Your messiah said that was what he wants but stated that he realized it would take 15-20 years to accomplish.

You are simply to dishonest to admit it.

You are also, to much of a damned coward to actually debate the issue without whining that other people are liars because they don't agree with your sorry ass.

They are NOT the same thing, Stuttering LimpTard, even though you lack the honesty to admit it. Even after the difference was explained in the Wiki link, you choose to continue to lie in typical CON$ervoFascist fashion. You actually compounded your lie by claiming that the Gov was the single payer when the single payer can also be a POOL in addition to repeating your earlier lie.

Again from the earlier Wiki link, so again you have no excuse for your dishonesty:

Single-payer health care is the financing of the costs of delivering universal health care for an entire population through a single insurance pool out of which costs are met. There may be many contributors to the single pool (insured persons, employers, government, etc.)

Wikipedia! You use that as proof text? I'll admit sometimes there is decent information posted in there but it cannot be use as proof text. And despite what Wiki has to say, any intelligent human being (I know that bars you) can tell exactly what Barack Obama has in mind.

Learn how to discuss an issue, Michael.

They are the same thing. If you had one ounce of intelligence you would understand what Barack Obama was saying he wanted. And if you have even a milligram of honesty, even if you didn't agree then you would have the intelligence to actually state your believes rather than fall back on the cowards... "you're a liar".

You can't fucking defend your case so you can only whine... "You are a liar".

In other words, if you could defend yourself sorry ass then you would tell me exactly what he meant, not what he didn't mean. You can't because you know what he meant and you won't admit you are wrong.

Wiki was cited by an extreme right wing whacko PeePee without objection from anyone for the meaning of "single payer." Now that I use a CON$ervative supplied link against you it is suddenly no longer acceptable. Meanwhile you used nothing to defend your pontification of what "single payer" means.

And I don't profess to be the mindreader YOU are so I can only go by what he actually said which was single payer and not nationalized health care. Of course, you are so dishonest you deny you read minds while you read minds.

Mind reader? I never said I was a mind reader.

[ame=]What Is Single-Payer? | Animated | Single-Payer: Answers and Facts about Health Care for All[/ame]
Yes, it is clear. He was referring to everyone being in the health care insurance system, or "Universal Health Care".

Thus the line "everybody in, nobody out". Nowhere in that clip is "Nationalized health care" mentioned.

It's pretty clear that you have no idea what Obama said in that clip.

Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia! You use that as proof text? I'll admit sometimes there is decent information posted in there but it cannot be use as proof text. And despite what Wiki has to say, any intelligent human being (I know that bars you) can tell exactly what Barack Obama has in mind.

Learn how to discuss an issue, Michael.

They are the same thing. If you had one ounce of intelligence you would understand what Barack Obama was saying he wanted. And if you have even a milligram of honesty, even if you didn't agree then you would have the intelligence to actually state your believes rather than fall back on the cowards... "you're a liar".

You can't fucking defend your case so you can only whine... "You are a liar".

In other words, if you could defend yourself sorry ass then you would tell me exactly what he meant, not what he didn't mean. You can't because you know what he meant and you won't admit you are wrong.

Wiki was cited by an extreme right wing whacko PeePee without objection from anyone for the meaning of "single payer." Now that I use a CON$ervative supplied link against you it is suddenly no longer acceptable. Meanwhile you used nothing to defend your pontification of what "single payer" means.

And I don't profess to be the mindreader YOU are so I can only go by what he actually said which was single payer and not nationalized health care. Of course, you are so dishonest you deny you read minds while you read minds.

Mind reader? I never said I was a mind reader.

[ame=]What Is Single-Payer? | Animated | Single-Payer: Answers and Facts about Health Care for All[/ame]

So tell me, Michael, before I bother to read it. Are you actually going to try and defend your position or is this more of your whining?

I think everyone can recognize this as good news but we still need job growth. Democrat plans are either lackluster or ineffective and the Republican alternatives are paltry. We all need to recognize the fault with the job creation failures (and successes) of the stimulus bills, mainly their lack of implementation / ineffective transfer of funds to local governments. We need to make sure any new plan to create jobs should have means to get the money into job creation effectively and affordably.
It's pretty clear that you have no idea what Obama said in that clip.

Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki was cited by an extreme right wing whacko PeePee without objection from anyone for the meaning of "single payer." Now that I use a CON$ervative supplied link against you it is suddenly no longer acceptable. Meanwhile you used nothing to defend your pontification of what "single payer" means.

And I don't profess to be the mindreader YOU are so I can only go by what he actually said which was single payer and not nationalized health care. Of course, you are so dishonest you deny you read minds while you read minds.

Mind reader? I never said I was a mind reader.

[ame=]What Is Single-Payer? | Animated | Single-Payer: Answers and Facts about Health Care for All[/ame]

So tell me, Michael, before I bother to read it. Are you actually going to try and defend your position or is this more of your whining?

Well Stuttering LimpTard, read it and find out.

Of course, based on your past behavior, you've already read it and can't counter it so in your typical dishonesty you pretend not to have read it. :cuckoo:
Wiki was cited by an extreme right wing whacko PeePee without objection from anyone for the meaning of "single payer." Now that I use a CON$ervative supplied link against you it is suddenly no longer acceptable. Meanwhile you used nothing to defend your pontification of what "single payer" means.

And I don't profess to be the mindreader YOU are so I can only go by what he actually said which was single payer and not nationalized health care. Of course, you are so dishonest you deny you read minds while you read minds.

What Is Single-Payer? | Animated | Single-Payer: Answers and Facts about Health Care for All

So tell me, Michael, before I bother to read it. Are you actually going to try and defend your position or is this more of your whining?

Well Stuttering LimpTard, read it and find out.

Of course, based on your past behavior, you've already read it and can't counter it so in your typical dishonesty you pretend not to have read it. :cuckoo:

Sorry, All I have seen from you is whiny assed shit.

No, I did not read it. Prior to that you didn't have the balls to actually defend your whiny ass and quite frankly, I doubt you have grown any in the last ten minutes.

If you don't have the fucking balls to come out and defend your position, I'm not going to waste my time reading your whining posts.

So tell me, Michael, before I bother to read it. Are you actually going to try and defend your position or is this more of your whining?

Well Stuttering LimpTard, read it and find out.

Of course, based on your past behavior, you've already read it and can't counter it so in your typical dishonesty you pretend not to have read it. :cuckoo:

Sorry, All I have seen from you is whiny assed shit.

No, I did not read it. Prior to that you didn't have the balls to actually defend your whiny ass and quite frankly, I doubt you have grown any in the last ten minutes.

If you don't have the fucking balls to come out and defend your position, I'm not going to waste my time reading your whining posts.

Like I said, you read it, you have no rebuttal, and you can do nothing but pontificate without any source, even though I gave another source for the explanation of single payer.
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NEW YORK ( -- The U.S. economy kept growing in the first three months of this year but at a much slower pace than at the end of 2009, according to a government report Friday.

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the nation's economic activity, rose at a 3.2% annual rate in the quarter, the Commerce Department said.

That's down from the 5.6% growth rate in the fourth quarter, and slightly below economists' forecasts for a 3.3% increase.

The report marked the third straight quarter of growth, confirming the view of many economists that the recession that started in December 2007 ended at some point in the middle of last year.

GDP Report: Economy grows 3.2% in the first quarter - Apr. 30, 2010

I'm sure the fifteen million unemployed and on welfare are thrilled to hear this news. Where are the new jobs??

It is good news that the economy is improving slightly, but it is spring and recessions typically last from one and a half to two years, then come out on their own. The stimulus did nothing to excelerate the economy. Lots of pork projects were funded though.
Well Stuttering LimpTard, read it and find out.

Of course, based on your past behavior, you've already read it and can't counter it so in your typical dishonesty you pretend not to have read it. :cuckoo:

Sorry, All I have seen from you is whiny assed shit.

No, I did not read it. Prior to that you didn't have the balls to actually defend your whiny ass and quite frankly, I doubt you have grown any in the last ten minutes.

If you don't have the fucking balls to come out and defend your position, I'm not going to waste my time reading your whining posts.

Like I said, you read it, you have no rebuttal, and you can do nothing but pontificate without any source, even though I gave another source for the explanation of single payer.

Single-Payer Republican - Conservative Approach

Then I take it you actually did decide to defend your position which is all that I asked.

I have not yet read it. I made the decision that if you had the balls to come back to the thread... something that I very much doubted, I was going to reply just as I did. I simply scrolled down to the bottom, hit quote and made my statement that I wasn't going to read your whiny assed bullshit if you could not defend your point of view.

And you called me a mind reader? You say you know that I read it. What kind of an idiot are you?

Definitely an idiot... that we can all see.

Sorry, All I have seen from you is whiny assed shit.

No, I did not read it. Prior to that you didn't have the balls to actually defend your whiny ass and quite frankly, I doubt you have grown any in the last ten minutes.

If you don't have the fucking balls to come out and defend your position, I'm not going to waste my time reading your whining posts.

Like I said, you read it, you have no rebuttal, and you can do nothing but pontificate without any source, even though I gave another source for the explanation of single payer.

Single-Payer Republican - Conservative Approach

Then I take it you actually did decide to defend your position which is all that I asked.

I have not yet read it. I made the decision that if you had the balls to come back to the thread... something that I very much doubted, I was going to reply just as I did. I simply scrolled down to the bottom, hit quote and made my statement that I wasn't going to read your whiny assed bullshit if you could not defend your point of view.

And you called me a mind reader? You say you know that I read it. What kind of an idiot are you?

Definitely an idiot... that we can all see.

I don't believe you for an instant!

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