Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickox Works For CDC…Her Lawyer Is A White House Visitor

if our political leaders had shown more humility on describing the risk, and our ability to contain it, public confidence might not be so badly shaken.
"If only they had not been so absolute in declaring that there is zero risk of airborne transmission (when we know that there is a risk of ‘droplet’ spread).

"If only they had not been so outright in arguing that there is zero risk of transmission before someone gets a fever (we know some patients present with other symptoms first, even after they are viremic, and don’t mount high fevers).

"If only President Obama hadn’t taped a weird video for Liberians declaring that you can’t get Ebola by sitting next to an infected person on a bus; at the same time U.S. hazmat teams were wrapping a building in plastic over a suspected Ebola case.

"Enter CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden. And listen closely. His public comments in all of these regards, while too bold in hindsight, have been far more nuanced than other leaders’, including those of his boss, the President of the United States."

"If we don’t break the virus there, it will arrive on our shores with a vengeance."

"If that contagion continues, and grows, the virus will move to more populous nations like Nigeria, and then eventually emerging markets — where it may well become epidemic. India and Latin America are at grave risk in this circumstance.
If that happens, we will be battling here in the U.S. increasingly larger and more frequent outbreaks. We will be in this fight for a long time. Absent a drug or vaccine that can thwart Ebola, at that point the virus could literally change human history.

"The stakes are that high."

In The Ebola Fight A Defense Of Embattled CDC Chief Thomas Frieden - Forbes
Why shouldn't we detain people coming back from that part of the world? Do we really want ebola to spread in America.

Because Beaver, here in America we have something called freedom. Part of that freedom is the constitutionally protected right to not be seized by the government without probable cause.
Then the smoking laws should be eliminated?

What are you talking about?
Smoking bans, where I live you cannot smoke in any commercial establishment. Even if its private. That's a law against a legal thing.

You misunderstood me. There is no constitutional right to smoke. So what are you talking about?
Why shouldn't we detain people coming back from that part of the world? Do we really want ebola to spread in America.

Because Beaver, here in America we have something called freedom. Part of that freedom is the constitutionally protected right to not be seized by the government without probable cause.
Then the smoking laws should be eliminated?

What are you talking about?
Smoking bans, where I live you cannot smoke in any commercial establishment. Even if its private. That's a law against a legal thing.

No it isn't. Owning and driving a car is legal. That doesn't mean you can do it anywhere and in any way you please.

You're an idiot.
What? I'm saying private businesses are being told they cannot allow smoking in THEIR business. What does that have to do with driving? We can have a person that could have Ebola doing the same, and your good with that? Your the idiot.
Why shouldn't we detain people coming back from that part of the world? Do we really want ebola to spread in America.

Because Beaver, here in America we have something called freedom. Part of that freedom is the constitutionally protected right to not be seized by the government without probable cause.
Then the smoking laws should be eliminated?

What are you talking about?
Smoking bans, where I live you cannot smoke in any commercial establishment. Even if its private. That's a law against a legal thing.

You misunderstood me. There is no constitutional right to smoke. So what are you talking about?
You have a constitutional right to do whatever is legal, right? You don't have a constitutional right to have the means to spread a potentially deadly disease that could kill thousands. Like it already has, because of dumbasses like yourself.
You have a constitutional right to do whatever is legal, right?

Per your own statements, smoking is not legal in certain places.
Why? It is also illegal to be a possible threat to society, as this woman could be.

Right....so you're just being emotional. Maybe you need another cigarette. You aren't actually informed, nor are you even particularly intelligent, it seems. I've never seen a statute that makes it illegal "to be a possible threat to society," whatever that means.
Why shouldn't we detain people coming back from that part of the world? Do we really want ebola to spread in America.

Because Beaver, here in America we have something called freedom. Part of that freedom is the constitutionally protected right to not be seized by the government without probable cause.
Then the smoking laws should be eliminated?

What are you talking about?
Smoking bans, where I live you cannot smoke in any commercial establishment. Even if its private. That's a law against a legal thing.

You misunderstood me. There is no constitutional right to smoke. So what are you talking about?

There is no constitutional right to spread a deadly disease amongst the surrounding population.
There is no constitutional right to spread a deadly disease amongst the surrounding population.

You have a constitutional right to do whatever is legal, right?

Per your own statements, smoking is not legal in certain places.
Why? It is also illegal to be a possible threat to society, as this woman could be.

Right....so you're just being emotional. Maybe you need another cigarette. You aren't actually informed, nor are you even particularly intelligent, it seems. I've never seen a statute that makes it illegal "to be a possible threat to society," whatever that means.
Lol, I don't smoke but I can see your hatred for them. If someone walks around with a gun on their side, I bet you piss your pants and you say they don't have that right either. Even though there is no threat to you, unless that low percentage rate he is. Right?
Lol, I don't smoke but I can see your hatred for them. If someone walks around with a gun on their side, I bet you piss your pants and you say they don't have that right either. Even though there is no threat to you, unless that low percentage rate he is. Right?

So your good with guns? If you are sorry.

Sure. I'm "good" with guns. If you call wanting universal open and conceal carry without permits being "good" with guns, then yeah I'm good with them. I always say the best way to change the tune of the government is to exercise the first amendment on the Capitol steps, carrying AR-15s. If that's "good" with guns, then I'm "good" with guns.
So your good with guns? If you are sorry.

Sure. I'm "good" with guns. If you call wanting universal open and conceal carry without permits being "good" with guns, then yeah I'm good with them. I always say the best way to change the tune of the government is to exercise the first amendment on the Capitol steps, carrying AR-15s. If that's "good" with guns, then I'm "good" with guns.
Because Beaver, here in America we have something called freedom. Part of that freedom is the constitutionally protected right to not be seized by the government without probable cause.
Then the smoking laws should be eliminated?

What are you talking about?
Smoking bans, where I live you cannot smoke in any commercial establishment. Even if its private. That's a law against a legal thing.

You misunderstood me. There is no constitutional right to smoke. So what are you talking about?

There is no constitutional right to spread a deadly disease amongst the surrounding population.
since she doesn't have the disease, how is she going to spread it?
Released Ebola Nurse Worked For CDC The Daily Caller

Ebola health care worker Kaci Hickox, who was released from quarantine with the support of the White House, is a Centers For Disease Control and Prevention employee, records reveal. The lawyer who helped earn her release is a recent White House state dinner guest.
I think we are living in the twilight zone

about the only thing that fits with the prezbos actions on ebola

is that it is

probably another fast n furious type of operation

this time get enough ebola cases in the United States

so that countries like Mexico will not accept the return of its citizens

The Mexican state government in Tamaulipas is conducting Ebola screenings of airplane and bus passengers as well as deported immigrants from the United States at points of entry in to the border state.

Tamaulipas Sets Up Ebola-Screening Stations KRGV.com CHANNEL 5 NEWS Breaking News Breaking Stories
NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO (KGNS) - Precautions continue in Nuevo Laredo to stop Ebola from potentially crossing into Mexico.

Since news spread of the virus infecting several people in Dallas, Mexican customs at Bridge Two began screening all immigrants deported from the U.S. back into their country.

That includes immigrants from Mexico and other countries as well.

They are also inspecting all bus passengers traveling across the bridge.

Ebola precautions continue at the bridges in Nuevo Laredo

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