Ebola Is Bush's Fault

Alabama lost yesterday. It's Bush's fault.

If the Steelers lose today I'm gonna be soooo pissed off at Bush. It's bad enough what he did to the Pirates the other day. :mad:
Pirates of the Caribbean??
Clearly, the Ebola outbreak is Bush's fault. Had he not given tax cuts to the 1% and had 2 unfunded wars (BTW Krugman says were still paying for WWII) we could have invested that money into Ebola R&D and had a cure. Hell, maybe even converted the Ebola virus into something that can combat Climate Change (LOLz, I had to add that the Warmer are so easy to mock).

Remember, Ebola is Bush's Fault

Oy, Gewalt!
Alabama lost yesterday. It's Bush's fault.

If the Steelers lose today I'm gonna be soooo pissed off at Bush. It's bad enough what he did to the Pirates the other day. :mad:
Pirates of the Caribbean??

This is no time for jokes, people. We have a mad former President spreading disease throughout Africa. :mad:
WATCH OUT...................ROCKS...........


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