Early Ratings: Dems’ Night One Outdrew GOP’s Across Six TV Networks


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

I think people already know what to expect with the RNC. Trump will just ramble like a moron and only his supporters still care. It’s something the rest the country is sick and tired of seeing. That’s why they tuned out.
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

You seem to be glossing over the fact that most Americans that tuned into the DNC shit show were horrified. I wouldn’t be too proud to say you had more people tuning in.

People that tune in to see the RNC see patriots who love America and the Constitution, not a bunch of socialist and virtue signaling.
The RNC's second night should set a ratings record. After overnight reviews for opening night, people will be tuning in for part 2 of the comedy show of a lifetime.

The GOP's empty promises and lies delivered with straight faces by the right-wingers' favorites, should, again, provide many laughs for the viewing audience and offer lessons to amateur comedians in comedic timing and delivery.

It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

You seem to be glossing over the fact that most Americans that tuned into the DNC shit show were horrified. I wouldn’t be too proud to say you had more people tuning in.

People that tune in to see the RNC see patriots who love America and the Constitution, not a bunch of socialist and virtue signaling.

I watch the RNC and I will vote for Biden.

I pledge allegiance to Tramp is all I heard. I suspect every speech was done by speech writers under Stephen Miller.
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

You seem to be glossing over the fact that most Americans that tuned into the DNC shit show were horrified. I wouldn’t be too proud to say you had more people tuning in.

People that tune in to see the RNC see patriots who love America and the Constitution, not a bunch of socialist and virtue signaling.

I watch the RNC and I will vote for Biden.

I pledge allegiance to Tramp is all I heard. I suspect every speech was done by speech writers under Stephen Miller.
Stephen Miller is a patriot and a genius.
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

Leftist networks of ABC, CBS, And NBC are not carrying the RNC convention.. so go figure...

Now if you want to see the real numbers look at the ratings across all platforms.. 58.2 million viewers for day two of the RNC while day two of the DNC only garnered 23.4 million viewers across all platforms...

Day one of the DNC across all platforms was just 18.2 million and the RNC was 60.1 million..

The key here being ALL PLATFORMS vs TV networks that can be skewed by the numbers of them carrying it. You have a serious enthusiasm problem and dishonesty is not going to keep it from being uncovered..
Maybe conservatives all watch it via the internet while they are busy at work. . .

At work?

If they are busy at work they wouldn't have the time to watch.

I don't know of many employers who will allow their employees to watch TV while working.
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

I think people already know what to expect with the RNC. Trump will just ramble like a moron and only his supporters still care. It’s something the rest the country is sick and tired of seeing. That’s why they tuned out.

I don't blame people for not watching.

All it was, was a non stop whine and hate fest.
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

Honestly rating mean little...

People tune into watch car crashes... The RNC seems to be having all the car crashes... From screeching girlfriends, Anti Semitic speakers, a nepotism speech with banner showing three Trumps speaking later... Drinking games for guess the crime they are being investigated, charged or convicted off...

Russians are thinking they put in all this effort and these fools could come up with this shit....
Democrats outdrawing Republicans really surprises me. But does it matter?

Democrats had a bigger audience on the first night of the 2016 conventions as well -
and both parties have experienced a drop in viewers since then. The first night of the
2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland attracted 23 million viewers.
That year’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia attracted 26 million viewers
on its first night.​

It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

6 known Democrat propaganda networks, no doubt.
Without looking:
CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC are among the 6. How'd I do?
Leads to an unsourced tweet from Fox Sports? Wtf?!

Garbage! :death:
In the age of multiple platforms the networks are pretty much meaningless. Republicans are using other platforms to escape the liberal slant on everything so this doesn't surprise me at all.

The left is going to be very surprised this election cycle, again...
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

I think people already know what to expect with the RNC. Trump will just ramble like a moron and only his supporters still care. It’s something the rest the country is sick and tired of seeing. That’s why they tuned out.

I don't blame people for not watching.

All it was, was a non stop whine and hate fest.
The only whine fest was the liberal commentators that republicans cant stand. That is why they are using other platforms to watch it...
It doesn't look good for the republicans with their convention. People aren't tuning in.

More people tuned into the first night of the DNC than the first night of the RNC.

From what I have read the first night was boring and a turn off. Filled with hate and lies. No wonder very few people watched.

Not surprising. How much of a 6 day Grievence Fest and constant dark messaging can one take?

I swear - the Trumplicans (I refuse to call them Republicans because they have abandoned what the party traditionally stood for) have become the whining party of grievance and snowflake mentality. The constant droning of Armegeddon if Biden wins is tiresome unless you are the base. Times are bad right now. We need something uplifting and positive from our politicos...half the speakers being family...ugh.

It doesn't help that they had so many bloopers - one speaker, Eric Jr's girlfriend no less, who had no clue Puerto Ricans ARE American...another "Angel Mom" had to be cancelled after she blasted a rampantly anti-semitic tweet.

Clown show.

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