During President Trump's inauguration speech, you knew who was for the people and the country, and those that were the enemy.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
In this Youtube video of President Trump's speech, when he talked about common sense and bringing America back to greatness, the crowd cheered, but those of the Democrat Party just sat there and scowled. That right there tells you who the real enemy of the people are, because the Democrats want to rule the US citizens, not make the citizens happy. Maybe it is time for the US citizens to get in the faces of the Democrats and let them know they arent wanted here anymore.

I started the video at the common sense bit, just follow along and watch them Democrats.

The uneducated are always the first to claim to have common sense. An oxymoron if I've ever heard one.
President Trump's speech, when he talked about common sense and bringing America back to greatness, the crowd cheered, but those of the Democrat Party just sat there and scowled.

I would also point out that GW Bush sat right there and scowled as well. He never stood or clapped for Trump on anything except Trump's accolades for MLK Day.
Trump is criticizing, threatening and attacking the very institution they built and most hold dear that made them all rich.

On the brighter side, I saw Sarah Palin in the crowd and I also like Dan Quayle being highlighted, he should have made one hell of a great president.

DC is a private club: and you are either one of the "gang" or you are a shunned outsider. Only Trump abrogates that maxim.

He simply doesn't care.
I would also point out that GW Bush sat right there and scowled as well. He never stood or clapped for Trump on anything except Trump's accolades for MLK Day.
Trump is criticizing, threatening and attacking the very institution they built and most hold dear that made them all rich.

On the brighter side, I saw Sarah Palin in the crowd and I also like Dan Quayle being highlighted, he should have made one hell of a great president.

DC is a private club: and you are either one of the "gang" or you are a shunned outsider. Only Trump abrogates that maxim.

He simply doesn't care.
Trump has his head so far up his ass he wouldn't know to care.

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