Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

12 Feb 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

There is substantial evidence that Perkins Coie has been used by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats to fix and obfuscate DNC illegal actions dating back decades.
Is anybody actually shocked by this? This is what lying, corruption, seditious and traitorous actors do when they know they rarely face any consequences.
The entire federal system has been subverted to work exclusively for the PM/DSA Democrat Commie minions.
Our judiciary has become a coin toss- tails they win and heads we lose
Identifying Perkins Coie LLC as a den of Democrat Socialist Marxist activists is an understatement. It's common knowledge that Soros has given the group millions.
Sussman and Elias are not the only members of Perkins Coie that has been involved in the corrupt actions of Perkins Coie. It's the whole group of attorneys.
Simply, all the proof and documentation in the world exposing PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist scheming, lying, cheating, just does not matter. Democrats are above the law...it's been proven over and over.


Now that's something else right there .... looks like a game changer. With documented proof. Unlike the bullshit claims by the left.
Indeed... The Laws are for thee, not for me say the Progressive Marxist DSA Democrats and especially Hillary Clinton.

From the time this was happening, you could smell a rat! How many people were actively involved that knew what was going on? I betcha no more than 5 to 10, and most all of them were on high in the government. The rest were guided along by their ideology and hatred for Trump. They wanted it all to be true!

Still, does anyone think that the truth will come out any time soon? If it did, it would bring much of the government down, and at least 50% of Americans would never trust their alphabet agencies again. Politicians in Washington are never going to let that happen. Just think to yourself what the stockmarket would do if they actually proved that a coup was attempted by one part of government against the other, especially against a President elected by the people; and possibly/probably with the help of the current President now holding office! Hell, they won't even let Hunters laptop out for public consumption, and do any of us think they will allow this!

I will let all of you answer your own question, by posing a question to all of you------------> If the truth were to come out totally, or even at least partially by mid 2023, if he was still alive and healthy, who would be a shoe in to be elected President in 2024? And if he was elected President, with all of this info being public knowledge, what do you think he would do to all of the people involved?

Now you know why history will tell people what really happened, long after the principles are gone! There is no way in hell, the government is going to bring down itself, and there is absolutely no way the Democrats are ever going to admit to anything. Biden will just pardon them if it got to hot during discovery for a court case, long before they ever had to testify.

It is absolutely disgusting, but Washington insiders protect themselves and each other, not the American people! Remember, there is a reason that one of the wealthiest areas in the country is around Washington DC, and it isn't because they like living there!
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Awaiting instructions from Soros on how to spin this.
Expect a lot of BUT TRUMP!
First that story didn't source Durham, it sourced somebody aka Techno Fog sourcing Durham.

And the allies of, sounds like a game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.
First that story didn't source Durham, it sourced somebody aka Techno Fog sourcing Durham.

And the allies of, sounds like a game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.
How many people here even know what a DNS server is?
An explanation....

Oh for fuck sake! :auiqs.jpg:
What is it with you card carrying members of Alt-Right Nation anyway?
When did the bus veer off the road for you? When did you go plumbing for just any asshole's opinion (let alone Hippie Stink!!) on YouTube?

Do you understand why the rest of us consider you people low information and easily led lemmings?
You'll believe ANYTHING. This guy really needs to put the meth pipe down.

Stick to your gun rights posts.
This shit is conspiracy theory folder manure. :)

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