Durham investigation: President Trump can't be indicted but Obama can be


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Durham investigation:
President Trump can't be indicted but Obama can be

Durham investigation: President Trump can't be indicted but Obama can be
06/06/2019 ~ By L.J. Keith
As British spy Christopher Steele finally agrees to be interviewed by US Attorney John Durham, the sordid truth about the Obama Clinton Russia Hoax begins to unravel. It is only a matter of time before the long-running campaign of illegal spying on Americans and the criminal use of NSA surveillance programs is revealed. And laid at the feet of the Obama White House and Barack Obama himself.
The United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, Durham has been on the case since at least October 2018. His first actions being conducting a criminal leak investigation of DOJ official James Baker. Baker is at the center of the FBI conspiracy with Comey and Andrew McCabe. (Ex-top FBI lawyer James Baker: DOJ inspector general FISA probe will find ‘mistakes’) Ex-top FBI lawyer James Baker: DOJ inspector general FISA probe will find 'mistakes'
At the nexus of the whole affair is President Obama. It simply could not have happened without his knowledge and consent, if not his instructions. It is obvious that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did conspire with the CIA Director John Brennan, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and the head of the FBI James Comey.


The 'illegals' have overtaken the 'legals'. The U.S.A. has become a superpower criminal state. Domestic enemies conspiring with enemies foreign, and there is “no controlling legal authority” to do anything about it. Violating the very words and honor they took when accepting their positions.
An element that has not been discussed much is asset forfeiture! Just imagine the horror when Hillary is not indicted, tried and sent to prison for the rest of her unnatural life, but she is stripped of all her ill gotten gains! Poor Chelsea will need to live off her in-laws (assuming she is not also involved in the "family business" of graft, treason, and most likely murder!
When 0bama gets the pre-dawn raid by FIB storm troopers, which I doubt, the big cities will burn to the ground out of racism towards whites. So glad I live in a small rural community where most of the neighbors have gun ranges in their backyards and know how to shoot straight.
Obama is Black, a Progressive Democrat and free as a bird. He could murder someone on Pennsylvania Ave and nothing would happen, same for the Clintons. Especially with Wray in charge, the FBI will likely destroy any incriminating documents, like they did with Solyndra, and Benghazi.
Ask yourself this, what did we really know about previous scandals? How much information was there detailing the criminal acts? Past scandals were swept under the rug with very little information about them getting out. We know a great deal about the Russia hoax. There is still more information forthcoming. There is no way these criminals walk free. To much has been revealed to allow that. My fear is that only the low hanging fruit will be arrested tried and sent to jail while the real perpetrators pictured above go scott free.
NSA spying in U.S.will coincide with facial-recognition now in place for public transportation in Queensland. Downer-Obama-Clinton, because Downer did not first report to the Australian government but to the American embassy in London, which is the same thing as reporting to MI6. Thus, one should not get amnesia about Clinton-MI6 connections.
Obama is not a SITTING President, and, as Speaker of the House Pelosi exposed during her 'I want to see Trump in prison' rant the other day, that means Barry CAN be indicted.

While that sounds like 'exciting' / 'titillating' news, take a breath and think about the fact that the US Govt / 'Higher-Ups' did not even want to see a former Secretary of State and former 1st Lady indicted 'because of the shaming and casting such a negative stain on this country by dragging us through such a public scandal'...


Hillary is the 'Teflon Madame', continuously protected and shielded from the consequences of her crimes, and Barry is still worshipped by far-left extremists and snowflakes. NOTHING will be done to them.
Durham investigation:
President Trump can't be indicted but Obama can be

Durham investigation: President Trump can't be indicted but Obama can be
06/06/2019 ~ By L.J. Keith
As British spy Christopher Steele finally agrees to be interviewed by US Attorney John Durham, the sordid truth about the Obama Clinton Russia Hoax begins to unravel. It is only a matter of time before the long-running campaign of illegal spying on Americans and the criminal use of NSA surveillance programs is revealed. And laid at the feet of the Obama White House and Barack Obama himself.
The United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, Durham has been on the case since at least October 2018. His first actions being conducting a criminal leak investigation of DOJ official James Baker. Baker is at the center of the FBI conspiracy with Comey and Andrew McCabe. (Ex-top FBI lawyer James Baker: DOJ inspector general FISA probe will find ‘mistakes’) Ex-top FBI lawyer James Baker: DOJ inspector general FISA probe will find 'mistakes'
At the nexus of the whole affair is President Obama. It simply could not have happened without his knowledge and consent, if not his instructions. It is obvious that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did conspire with the CIA Director John Brennan, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and the head of the FBI James Comey.


The 'illegals' have overtaken the 'legals'. The U.S.A. has become a superpower criminal state. Domestic enemies conspiring with enemies foreign, and there is “no controlling legal authority” to do anything about it. Violating the very words and honor they took when accepting their positions.
An element that has not been discussed much is asset forfeiture! Just imagine the horror when Hillary is not indicted, tried and sent to prison for the rest of her unnatural life, but she is stripped of all her ill gotten gains! Poor Chelsea will need to live off her in-laws (assuming she is not also involved in the "family business" of graft, treason, and most likely murder!
When 0bama gets the pre-dawn raid by FIB storm troopers, which I doubt, the big cities will burn to the ground out of racism towards whites. So glad I live in a small rural community where most of the neighbors have gun ranges in their backyards and know how to shoot straight.
Obama is Black, a Progressive Democrat and free as a bird. He could murder someone on Pennsylvania Ave and nothing would happen, same for the Clintons. Especially with Wray in charge, the FBI will likely destroy any incriminating documents, like they did with Solyndra, and Benghazi.
Ask yourself this, what did we really know about previous scandals? How much information was there detailing the criminal acts? Past scandals were swept under the rug with very little information about them getting out. We know a great deal about the Russia hoax. There is still more information forthcoming. There is no way these criminals walk free. To much has been revealed to allow that. My fear is that only the low hanging fruit will be arrested tried and sent to jail while the real perpetrators pictured above go scott free.
Yeah, bro. And pizzagate was real, too. :cuckoo:
I don't think any of those traitors will ever see justice, I will just be glad when they are all dead.
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