Dump of Piney Point Wastewater May Undo Years of Restoration for Tampa Bay and its Manatees


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Sounds like another EPA superfund site, underscoring the responsibility of business to handle their infrastructure and pollution in a responsible way instead of just extracting the profits and externalizing the costs of their money making enterprise.
Nothing more to say. You hit the nail on the head. Maintenance gets ignored and underfunded in both public and private sector and what is happening in Tampa is an example of what happens because of that.
This is what happens when threats are minimized and ignored. They rise up and bite you on the ass.

Tampa has had a Progressive Mayor for years now, why do prog elites put the money in the poor, who dont do shit, and end up having problems like this all the time. Katrina 2005 Ray Nagen diverted funds from the Levies so he could pander to the poor, and when the flood hit, not only the poor died but a lot of tax paying citizens also. Progs hate people...
This is what happens when people deny that problems exist and ignore them, all for the love of money. Those of us who remember Love Canal and Three Mile Island, who have gone down to the river at Harper's Ferry to find a spot to fish, only to find unmarked steel drums in the shallow water, and whose grandparents' home town is a superfund site know the obvious: our children and grandchildren will pay for it with their health, their money, and the loss of the earth they live on, and our non-human friends in nature are already paying with their lives and will continue to do so.

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