Dumbass rides in left lane,angry driver teachers dumbass a lesson

Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.
Risky, despicable, irresponsible, immature, boorish, dangerous.

There are human beings in that car. No hick has any right to drive as recklessly as that.

And you think it's funny.

God have mercy on you. What has this nation become? Idiot boys are calling the shots. May your insurance and license be revoked.

Criminal behavior praised by knuckle heads. I've lived too long as I deeply regret characters like the pick up driver and you.
Its actually against the law to ride in the left lane..its for passing. Car was in the wrong.
You are an idiot if you believe the hick in the truck did the right thing. Aw hell. You're an idiot anyway.
How you know it wasn't a mexishit or n!gger? You think only white folks drive trucks? LOL you sure are showing your ignorance.
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.
Risky, despicable, irresponsible, immature, boorish, dangerous.

There are human beings in that car. No hick has any right to drive as recklessly as that.

And you think it's funny.

God have mercy on you. What has this nation become? Idiot boys are calling the shots. May your insurance and license be revoked.

Criminal behavior praised by knuckle heads. I've lived too long as I deeply regret characters like the pick up driver and you.
Its actually against the law to ride in the left lane..its for passing. Car was in the wrong.
You are an idiot if you believe the hick in the truck did the right thing. Aw hell. You're an idiot anyway.
How you know it wasn't a mexishit or n!gger? You think only white folks drive trucks? LOL you sure are showing your ignorance.
An idiot, a hick, a knuckle dragging moron can come as any race, ethnicity, creed or nationality.

You should know that as you are an idiot, a hick, and a knuckle dragging moron. And a blatant ugly racist to boot!

I've wasted too much time on the likes of you. Karma is a bitch.
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.

I do 10 over in the left lane.

But....riding someone's ass is my #1 most hated driver act.

You ride my ass and I'll brake check the fuck out of you....pray you hit me...and claim all sorts of injuries and sue your ass for everything. Neck. Back. Loss of work. All of it.

People driving slow are a pain in the ass.

But people like you who ride people's ass? I wouldn't care if you ended up in a rollover in a ditch burning.
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.

I do 10 over in the left lane.

But....riding someone's ass is my #1 most hated driver act.

You ride my ass and I'll brake check the fuck out of you....pray you hit me...and claim all sorts of injuries and sue your ass for everything. Neck. Back. Loss of work. All of it.

People driving slow are a pain in the ass.

But people like you who ride people's ass? I wouldn't care if you ended up in a rollover in a ditch burning.
He was riding their ass because they wouldn't move over. People like that slow driver bring shit on themselves.
I just now saw the clip. It took too long to finally play when I tried to watch it earlier. Anyway, to me, that truck driver needs to be found and buried underneath the jail building. If they didn't like how slow the person in front of them was driving, the truck driver could have gone around the person. Making another person crash is not only the act of a bully, but it can also put into danger anyone else who may be on that road and the film shows that another car was in the picture barely missing the car that crashed. Then of course, the person doing the filming was there too meaning they too could have been a victim.

God bless you and them and the two innocents drivers in the film always!!!

Impatience is no excuse to commit a crime. Bullies think that way. Idiots applaud such behavior. The immature, the utterly ignorant, the intellectually stunted fund such behavior funny, praiseworthy and acceptable.
The driver in the car should have pulled to the right, but the driver in the truck should be in prison for at least five years for endangering the lives of many people.

Losers of the world you don't get to make your own rules. The red car was driving too slow, big f#$king deal that is a mere inconvenience. Pitting another car off the road is assault with a deadly weapon and the driver of the truck should be in jail. Let's be thankful this lowlife didn't have a gun.

I've known a number of people that if you tailgated them like that they would pull to the right and then follow you home. People think they are tough until someone who is shows up at their door. Relax, honk the horn, maybe even notiffy the Highway Patrol if someone driving slow is becoming a hazard themselves. You never get to just do what you want because you are angry. That in fact is why the prisons are full.
When did the left lane become a law breakers lane?
Only here in the US can some dumb fucking inconsiderate moron justify blocking a travel lane because "they" don't think others should be 'breaking the law"...Meanwhile traffic studies prove that those who do the lane clogging cause but do not become involved in auto crashes.
Here's how they do it in Europe and many states in the midwest and northeast. "Keep right. Pass Left only"....That is the the law. In other states traffic statutes mandate slower moving vehicles must yield to overtaking vehicles by moving to the right lane of a multi lane roadway.
Only selfish douchebags hang out in the passing lanes just because "they can".....
Sooner or later these little pricks get blown off the road into a ditch. Or they just crash themselves.
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.
You're the friggin' dumbass. On interstate highways you're supposed to cruise in the right lane and only use the left for passing. If the posted speed limit is 70 that's supposed to be the maximum but no one is required to drive 70 if they're uncomfortable at that speed for whatever reasons. On interstates they post the minimum one should not drive slower than in the right lane, generally 40 mph.
The law requires those driving slower to yield the passing lane to over taking traffic.
When did the left lane become a law breakers lane?
Only here in the US can some dumb fucking inconsiderate moron justify blocking a travel lane because "they" don't think others should be 'breaking the law"...Meanwhile traffic studies prove that those who do the lane clogging cause but do not become involved in auto crashes.
Here's how they do it in Europe and many states in the midwest and northeast. "Keep right. Pass Left only"....That is the the law. In other states traffic statutes mandate slower moving vehicles must yield to overtaking vehicles by moving to the right lane of a multi lane roadway.
Only selfish douchebags hang out in the passing lanes just because "they can".....
Sooner or later these little pricks get blown off the road into a ditch. Or they just crash themselves.
But if they are doing 70 in a max 70 zone, there should be no one passing, or they are breaking the law for speeding..
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.

You should live in Houston, Texas!

1. Daily I have to drive into Houston and no matter what there is that one individual that is driving the service road speed while on the interstate.

They will be doing 45mph to 50mph while on a cellphone and get angry if you blow your horn at them because how dare you disturb their drive and talk moment of the day.

2. They do not use turn signals at all!

I have flipped off more drivers for lane changing while not using a signal because they're on their cellphone for drive and talk time.

3. Driving in the passing lane and still on the cellphone while doing 40mph to 45mph ( yes slower ) and not understanding that they are the idiot on the roadways...

I support anyone that pulls up and flips those that drive with their cellphone glued to their ear while being on the interstate and driving in the passing lanes while doing 20mph below the speed limit...

I know how dare I not respect someone talk and drive time!
1. I don't flip off when pissed off at a stupid inconsiderate asshole driver. I look at them while I pas by and do the head shake of disdain.
2. if a person is imprudent on the highway, I will find a way around them...I always do. Sometimes I go by "you have to slow down to go fast"....
3. Never to do I brake check, cut off, or do any other thing to create a traffic hazard. I use certain maneuvers to pin these offending drivers behind slower cars by using "pic" moves.
it gets them stuck behind the slower traffic which gives me time to avoid these creators of hazard and buys me time to get away from them.
When a left lane hog is given a taste of what they have been doing to others by blocking the passing lanes, it gives me satisfaction. All done with zero risk of causing a crash or doing any of the stupid crap aggressive drivers pull off.
4. when traffic is too heavy to get going at a good clip, I just deal with it.
When did the left lane become a law breakers lane?
Only here in the US can some dumb fucking inconsiderate moron justify blocking a travel lane because "they" don't think others should be 'breaking the law"...Meanwhile traffic studies prove that those who do the lane clogging cause but do not become involved in auto crashes.
Here's how they do it in Europe and many states in the midwest and northeast. "Keep right. Pass Left only"....That is the the law. In other states traffic statutes mandate slower moving vehicles must yield to overtaking vehicles by moving to the right lane of a multi lane roadway.
Only selfish douchebags hang out in the passing lanes just because "they can".....
Sooner or later these little pricks get blown off the road into a ditch. Or they just crash themselves.
But if they are doing 70 in a max 70 zone, there should be no one passing, or they are breaking the law for speeding..
So?....Most state law enforcement agencies freely admit that speed limits set on rural interstates are arbitrary and have little to do with safety. Hence the reason why police will not make a stop unless a driver is 10 plus MPH over the posted limit.....It is just not worth their time. More commonly, and this comes from a retired LEO friend, citations for too fast for conditions or unsafe maneuver violations are the ones police are more likely to write as those charges tend to stick and get convictions. Speed enforcement is a game. Has been since the invention of portable radar and now laser speed detection systems.
Now as for your observation about 70 in a 70 zone there should be no one passing.....That may be true, but it is neither accurate nor is it practical.
When did the left lane become a law breakers lane?
Only here in the US can some dumb fucking inconsiderate moron justify blocking a travel lane because "they" don't think others should be 'breaking the law"...Meanwhile traffic studies prove that those who do the lane clogging cause but do not become involved in auto crashes.
Here's how they do it in Europe and many states in the midwest and northeast. "Keep right. Pass Left only"....That is the the law. In other states traffic statutes mandate slower moving vehicles must yield to overtaking vehicles by moving to the right lane of a multi lane roadway.
Only selfish douchebags hang out in the passing lanes just because "they can".....
Sooner or later these little pricks get blown off the road into a ditch. Or they just crash themselves.
But if they are doing 70 in a max 70 zone, there should be no one passing, or they are breaking the law for speeding..
So?....Most state law enforcement agencies freely admit that speed limits set on rural interstates are arbitrary and have little to do with safety. Hence the reason why police will not make a stop unless a driver is 10 plus MPH over the posted limit.....It is just not worth their time. More commonly, and this comes from a retired LEO friend, citations for too fast for conditions or unsafe maneuver violations are the ones police are more likely to write as those charges tend to stick and get convictions. Speed enforcement is a game. Has been since the invention of portable radar and now laser speed detection systems.
Now as for your observation about 70 in a 70 zone there should be no one passing.....That may be true, but it is neither accurate nor is it practical.
Neither is driving 80 to 90 on the highway...and I have been pulled over for doing as little as 2 miles over the limit..
When did the left lane become a law breakers lane?
Only here in the US can some dumb fucking inconsiderate moron justify blocking a travel lane because "they" don't think others should be 'breaking the law"...Meanwhile traffic studies prove that those who do the lane clogging cause but do not become involved in auto crashes.
Here's how they do it in Europe and many states in the midwest and northeast. "Keep right. Pass Left only"....That is the the law. In other states traffic statutes mandate slower moving vehicles must yield to overtaking vehicles by moving to the right lane of a multi lane roadway.
Only selfish douchebags hang out in the passing lanes just because "they can".....
Sooner or later these little pricks get blown off the road into a ditch. Or they just crash themselves.
Someone took it upon themselves to crash into someone else because they were driving too slowly for their liking.

Tell us more about the law.
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.
The violent Right.
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.
The violent Right.
Intolerant left
Watch: Oklahoma Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera - Breitbart

MUAHAHA! I love it! The left lane is NOT your cruising lane. I like putting my cruise on 5-10 mph over the speed limit as do MILLIONS of others but there is always some jackass that thinks the right lane is their personal lane to drive 10 mph BELOW the speed limit in...I ride their ass as well go ahead hit your brakes I won't :) I don't care if my truck gets screwed up it looks like shit anyways.
Risky, despicable, irresponsible, immature, boorish, dangerous.

There are human beings in that car. No hick has any right to drive as recklessly as that.

And you think it's funny.

God have mercy on you. What has this nation become? Idiot boys are calling the shots. May your insurance and license be revoked.

Criminal behavior praised by knuckle heads. I've lived too long as I deeply regret characters like the pick up driver and you.
Its actually against the law to ride in the left lane..its for passing. Car was in the wrong.
Not where I live...The cops are just waiting for dolts like you to help with retirement...
When did the left lane become a law breakers lane?
Only here in the US can some dumb fucking inconsiderate moron justify blocking a travel lane because "they" don't think others should be 'breaking the law"...Meanwhile traffic studies prove that those who do the lane clogging cause but do not become involved in auto crashes.
Here's how they do it in Europe and many states in the midwest and northeast. "Keep right. Pass Left only"....That is the the law. In other states traffic statutes mandate slower moving vehicles must yield to overtaking vehicles by moving to the right lane of a multi lane roadway.
Only selfish douchebags hang out in the passing lanes just because "they can".....
Sooner or later these little pricks get blown off the road into a ditch. Or they just crash themselves.
But if they are doing 70 in a max 70 zone, there should be no one passing, or they are breaking the law for speeding..
So?....Most state law enforcement agencies freely admit that speed limits set on rural interstates are arbitrary and have little to do with safety. Hence the reason why police will not make a stop unless a driver is 10 plus MPH over the posted limit.....It is just not worth their time. More commonly, and this comes from a retired LEO friend, citations for too fast for conditions or unsafe maneuver violations are the ones police are more likely to write as those charges tend to stick and get convictions. Speed enforcement is a game. Has been since the invention of portable radar and now laser speed detection systems.
Now as for your observation about 70 in a 70 zone there should be no one passing.....That may be true, but it is neither accurate nor is it practical.
Neither is driving 80 to 90 on the highway...and I have been pulled over for doing as little as 2 miles over the limit..
Pulled over and cited? And did you challenge the citation in court? Or did you just capitulate and pay the fine?
Speed of traffic depends on traffic volume and road/weather conditions.
Multi lane interstates in rural areas are designed for automobiles to travel in excess of 80MPH..In fact there are roadways where posted limits are 80mph.
Those who complain the most about driving on interstate roadways are also poor drivers that are fearful of using these roadways. Quite frankly, each state should have two types of Class C licenses. One for surface roads. One for limited access roads.
The theory is drivers should have to show advanced skill and proficiency in their driving in order to be permitted to use roadways with higher speed limits. Germany requires this.
Bottom line..If one is an unskilled driver or has poor driving habits should stay off the expressways.

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