DUH!!..69% Say Those Struggling With Mortgage Should Sell, Buy Cheaper Home

Rental's check credit as well. They also charge deposits and extra rent. When you have three kids it's hard to find something that in this situation is affordable.

Is there anything you don't have an excuse for?

Are any of my posts excuses? I am pointing out realities that can occur. You should learn what and excuse is. I pointed out someones situation. That is not an excuse. I offered other problems that can pop up when someone is in an unfortunate situation that make chooses less easy than some suggest. Where is the excuse?

Yes they are excuses. Reasons for inaction are excuses. Other problems do not replace taking responsibility for what a person decided to do earlier. Excuses, you have lots of them.
Does anyone else find it odd that 49% of Americans pay ZERO income taxes yet 69% say those in trouble with their mortgages should sell their houses? That means that at least 20% of Americans both pay no income tax and believe other people should receive no assistance from the government when it comes to THEIR problems.

Well to those 20% (and it could be higher) I say " suck a dick you phonies," Seriously, those people shouldn't even be allowed to vote, we certainly shouldn't care about their opinion on this matter.
None of the banks failed except Goldman. So what?

Goldman did not fail. It received a bailout. ALL major U.S. investment banks got bailed out - except Lehman, which failed. Many depository institutions also received funds.

Not all bank loans are real estate loans. Not all real estate loans are residential loans. Not all residential loans went bad.
Other than not knowing what the hell you're talking about, is there a point you're trying to make here?
A highly leveraged company doesn't need all of its loans to go bad to go belly up.

here's a list of TARP companies
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you can't figure out how bad it would have been for all those major financial companies to fail nearly simultaneously, then you're just stupid. You'll also note that nearly ALL companies receiving tarp funds have paid them back.
You're assuming they would have failed without gov't loans.

Of course many if not most would have. Look at Lehman. No bailout. It failed. Like I said - NAME ONE INVESTMENT BANK THAT SUCCEEDED W/O BAILOUTS.
The truth is that once cheap gov't loans became available they were all taking them.
Cheap? Goldman paid 23% on its bailout. That's not cheap.
News Headlines

And sometimes the gov't forced them to.
That's laughable. The only banks "forced" to take bailout money were depository institutions that did not met FDIC capital requirements. You can't honestly expect the FDIC to insure a bank regardless of risk, can you? When a bank's capital ratio drops too low (below 6%), the FDIC can step in and require action to raise it - if a bank's capital ratio drops even lower, the FDIC will take over the bank. This is how its worked for years, its nothing new with TARP.

But you can't remember what you ate for lunch yesterday. You're not going to remember that.

??? You're clearly the one unaware of history. Capital requirements are nothing new and requiring a bank which does not meet them to either take loans or get taken over is perfectly logical. Why should the FDIC have to insure the deposits of banks that refuse to raise their capital ratios to safe levels?
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It's odd but I've found over the years that usually on political message boards those who are the most hardcore "conservatives" IE those who espouse "fuck everyone who can't take care of themselves" are usually themselves deadbeats who are living off of others, and feel guilty about it and thus espouse such harsh opinions on an anonymous message board.


Funny, I've noticed they go by the name of liberals. Any guesses what percentage of the 49% not paying income tax are liberals?
It's odd but I've found over the years that usually on political message boards those who are the most hardcore "conservatives" IE those who espouse "fuck everyone who can't take care of themselves" are usually themselves deadbeats who are living off of others, and feel guilty about it and thus espouse such harsh opinions on an anonymous message board.


Funny, I've noticed they go by the name of liberals. Any guesses what percentage of the 49% not paying income tax are liberals?

My honest guess would be 50/50 on what they CLAIM they are. Now what they truly are? Who can say.

But then again I don't buy into the internet definitions of either conservative or liberal.
It's odd but I've found over the years that usually on political message boards those who are the most hardcore "conservatives" IE those who espouse "fuck everyone who can't take care of themselves" are usually themselves deadbeats who are living off of others, and feel guilty about it and thus espouse such harsh opinions on an anonymous message board.


Funny, I've noticed they go by the name of liberals. Any guesses what percentage of the 49% not paying income tax are liberals?

Why don't you tell us. You love making up stats, so don't stop now.

....And go!
It's odd but I've found over the years that usually on political message boards those who are the most hardcore "conservatives" IE those who espouse "fuck everyone who can't take care of themselves" are usually themselves deadbeats who are living off of others, and feel guilty about it and thus espouse such harsh opinions on an anonymous message board.


Funny, I've noticed they go by the name of liberals. Any guesses what percentage of the 49% not paying income tax are liberals?

Why guess when you know the exact number in your head? Go ahead, make it up. Whatever you decide is the absolute truth. Arguing based on reality is boring anyway.
When you make a bad investment choice, you lose money. While it may be unfortunate for the investor, it's not a problem to rent.

What makes you think someone made a bad investment?

Say these people bought a home when both had decent jobs and a job with a very good income was lost and not able to be replaced. Their financial situation changed. Why do people think that someone had to have done something wrong? I know two families to which this happened. One survived as the job was replaced in a few months. The other one has been a nightmare. Both made good investments and could easily afford what they bought. How were they to know their world will change.
Life sucks that way and I hate it for them.
But like hell will I help bail them out. I don't care whose fault it is.

Why would it require a bail out? Why would you think you would have to lift a finger? It's not necessary for you to do anything. The lender extends the loans over a longer period and lowers the payment for the time of the difficulty. When the people have their act together they pick up right where they were. The lender is still getting some negotiated payment and owns the home. The foreclosure rate drops. You do this only with people who are legitimately at the point of foreclosure. If people were stupid or institutions made unwise loans oh well.
The people retain their home and would be able to recover as the economy improves. No one loses anything. Forcing people into the street doesn't solve anything. It only makes matters worse.
What makes you think someone made a bad investment?

Say these people bought a home when both had decent jobs and a job with a very good income was lost and not able to be replaced. Their financial situation changed. Why do people think that someone had to have done something wrong? I know two families to which this happened. One survived as the job was replaced in a few months. The other one has been a nightmare. Both made good investments and could easily afford what they bought. How were they to know their world will change.
Life sucks that way and I hate it for them.
But like hell will I help bail them out. I don't care whose fault it is.

Why would it require a bail out? Why would you think you would have to lift a finger? It's not necessary for you to do anything. The lender extends the loans over a longer period and lowers the payment for the time of the difficulty. When the people have their act together they pick up right where they were. The lender is still getting some negotiated payment and owns the home. The foreclosure rate drops. You do this only with people who are legitimately at the point of foreclosure. If people were stupid or institutions made unwise loans oh well.
The people retain their home and would be able to recover as the economy improves. No one loses anything. Forcing people into the street doesn't solve anything. It only makes matters worse.

It's simpler to scream " You want to bailout homeowners", and in their defense Obama probably would fuck up that simple solution and make it some massive bailout if we don't keep our eyes on him.
What makes you think someone made a bad investment?

Say these people bought a home when both had decent jobs and a job with a very good income was lost and not able to be replaced. Their financial situation changed. Why do people think that someone had to have done something wrong? I know two families to which this happened. One survived as the job was replaced in a few months. The other one has been a nightmare. Both made good investments and could easily afford what they bought. How were they to know their world will change.
Life sucks that way and I hate it for them.
But like hell will I help bail them out. I don't care whose fault it is.

Why would it require a bail out? Why would you think you would have to lift a finger? It's not necessary for you to do anything. The lender extends the loans over a longer period and lowers the payment for the time of the difficulty. When the people have their act together they pick up right where they were. The lender is still getting some negotiated payment and owns the home. The foreclosure rate drops. You do this only with people who are legitimately at the point of foreclosure. If people were stupid or institutions made unwise loans oh well.
The people retain their home and would be able to recover as the economy improves. No one loses anything. Forcing people into the street doesn't solve anything. It only makes matters worse.

What you are suggesting makes sense. There is no room for that.

Besides how would these "deadbeats" learn a lesson if we "bailed them out".
It's odd but I've found over the years that usually on political message boards those who are the most hardcore "conservatives" IE those who espouse "fuck everyone who can't take care of themselves" are usually themselves deadbeats who are living off of others, and feel guilty about it and thus espouse such harsh opinions on an anonymous message board.


Funny, I've noticed they go by the name of liberals. Any guesses what percentage of the 49% not paying income tax are liberals?

Why don't you tell us. You love making up stats, so don't stop now.

....And go!

Reality bites huh RDD?

Looks like at least a 10% greater number on the liberal side.

Does anyone else find it odd that 49% of Americans pay ZERO income taxes yet 69% say those in trouble with their mortgages should sell their houses? That means that at least 20% of Americans both pay no income tax and believe other people should receive no assistance from the government when it comes to THEIR problems.

Well to those 20% (and it could be higher) I say " suck a dick you phonies," Seriously, those people shouldn't even be allowed to vote, we certainly shouldn't care about their opinion on this matter.

Disenfranchising voters? Just because you don't pay tax doesn't mean you received an entitlement. Probably in just too big a rush to talk about oral sex in your post.
Funny, I've noticed they go by the name of liberals. Any guesses what percentage of the 49% not paying income tax are liberals?

Why don't you tell us. You love making up stats, so don't stop now.

....And go!

Reality bites huh RDD?

Looks like at least a 10% greater number on the liberal side.

Political ideologies in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Treat me like an idiot that you know I am, and point out / quote the portion of your link that says that 10% more liberals than cons don't pay federal income taxes.
Why don't you tell us. You love making up stats, so don't stop now.

....And go!

Reality bites huh RDD?

Looks like at least a 10% greater number on the liberal side.

Political ideologies in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Treat me like an idiot that you know I am, and point out / quote the portion of your link that says that 10% more liberals than cons don't pay federal income taxes.

What's the income threshhold for owing income tax?
What makes you think someone made a bad investment?

Say these people bought a home when both had decent jobs and a job with a very good income was lost and not able to be replaced. Their financial situation changed. Why do people think that someone had to have done something wrong? I know two families to which this happened. One survived as the job was replaced in a few months. The other one has been a nightmare. Both made good investments and could easily afford what they bought. How were they to know their world will change.
Life sucks that way and I hate it for them.
But like hell will I help bail them out. I don't care whose fault it is.

Why would it require a bail out? Why would you think you would have to lift a finger? It's not necessary for you to do anything. The lender extends the loans over a longer period and lowers the payment for the time of the difficulty. When the people have their act together they pick up right where they were. The lender is still getting some negotiated payment and owns the home. The foreclosure rate drops. You do this only with people who are legitimately at the point of foreclosure. If people were stupid or institutions made unwise loans oh well.
The people retain their home and would be able to recover as the economy improves. No one loses anything. Forcing people into the street doesn't solve anything. It only makes matters worse.

Why should the lender do that? The terms of the loan are the terms of the loan. If the borrower is released from those terms, then the lender is being robbed.

Do you think contracts should become meaningless?
Reality bites huh RDD?

Looks like at least a 10% greater number on the liberal side.

Political ideologies in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Treat me like an idiot that you know I am, and point out / quote the portion of your link that says that 10% more liberals than cons don't pay federal income taxes.

What's the income threshhold for owing income tax?

Wait, you already quoted that there was a 10% difference, which chart did you pull that stat from?
The banking industry is mostly to blame for the boom and consequent drop in home values.
Big fucking deal. Did they force you or anyone else to buy a house? You are responsible for your own life and decisions. It's a shame that so many people refuse to accept personal responsibility for their lives.

Look dude, forget about the investment issue, because that's not what we're talking about here. If someone bought ten houses on mortgage to try to flip them for a profit. tough shit for them, I agree, but that's not what were talking about.

We're talking about regular people who bought a modestly priced home well within their budget when the economy was good and they had stable income(s) to pay their mortgage who have suddenly found themselves working jobs that don't pay nearly as well, or on unemployment, due to a near collapse of the world economy and are now struggling to make ends meet but deserve a chance to not lose out on the equity they DO have in their homes due to something largely out of their control.

Now if you can focus and just discuss THAT situation, let's talk. But if you'd rather be a monkey who doesn't have a clue, then I'll just move on.

Not everyone who's in trouble bought a house that they couldn't afford and lived the high life while things came crashing down. Only a simpleton would believe otherwise.

OK, let's focus on the people you mention.
They were victims of bad circumstances. Lots of people are. Why do we need to bail them out?

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