Due to bias, the following sites should not be used when discussing political issues


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

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Is that a command ?

what will happen if someone slips and use's one those?

public :whip:
oooooooh my GAWD !!!! what shall i do now ? if i can not use FoxNews.com ???? :lmao:

billy Zero, Zero, Zero......, you really do make an ass of yourself in EVERY post..., why ? :up:

BTW :fu:
1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

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You forgot some of the worst offenders:

ThinkProgress, Media Matters, Salon.com, Mother Jones, Fact check.org, USA Today, The New York Times. The L.A. Times, Washington Post, Wikipedia......

As a matter of fact, nothing can be trusted so all sources are biased, so just pull everything out of your ass.
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This is the problem with the (dis)Information Age.
It is all to easy to cocoon yourself into an echo chamber where you never give a hearing to people who don't share your biases.

Don't rule out ANY sources of information. Learn to listen to all sources, from all different angels. Just learn to listen critically.
You have to wade thru these days. Although left leaning I run with the BBC, France 24 and the CBC. They are very up front about their political slant but always give you the real deal.

I'd add Rawstory to the OP's list. Oh and Punditfact. Proven complete liars.
1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

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First of all, there is no such thing as a moderate liberal.... either you don't fully understand the issues, or your compass isn't working.

Second, such a list could accurately contain all news media, as all news media is designed to target a certain audience. Duh. Obama recently blamed his inadequacies on what he calls the "balkanization" of the news media.....amazing, really, that the most powerful man in the world blames the free market of ideas as his biggest roadblock. But the fools and drones, dangers to my family all, simply desire contrarian media to go away. Dangerous times, people....
1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

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Well what do you think about this display of bias and if you are honest you must include these sites: ABC,CBS,NBC.
1,160 employees of the total 1,353 employees or 85% donated to Democrats...

Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.

http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama...butions-by-tv-network-execs-writers-reporters updated/article/130902
How about the New York Times,LA Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune,. and other liberal propaganda.
1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

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First of all, there is no such thing as a moderate liberal.... either you don't fully understand the issues, or your compass isn't working.

Second, such a list could accurately contain all news media, as all news media is designed to target a certain audience. Duh. Obama recently blamed his inadequacies on what he calls the "balkanization" of the news media.....amazing, really, that the most powerful man in the world blames the free market of ideas as his biggest roadblock. But the fools and drones, dangers to my family all, simply desire contrarian media to go away. Dangerous times, people....
The biggest obstacle to obamashitforbrains agenda is the Constitution.
BTW...Fox News, unfortunately, is the best of the cable news networks.
1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

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1) Fox News (this cannot be stressed enough. Bullshit city)
2) Forbes.com
4) The Blaze
5) The Huffington Post
6) The National Review
7) The Daily Caller

Feel free to add any more.

Can I get a Breitbart and Drudge Report?

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