Drug arrest for Palin's...


Off too Kuwait..
Oct 17, 2008
OS ANGELES - THE 42-year-old mother of the fiance of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's pregnant daugther, Bristol, was arrested in a drug bust at her home and charged with six felony counts, the Alaska police said on Friday.

Mrs Sherry Johnston's 18-year-old son Levi is betrothed to Ms Bristol Palin, who made the headlines in September when her mother, then a vice-presidential candidate, announced that she was pregnant with Mr Levi Johnston's child and that the couple planned to marry.

According to a police report, Mrs Johnston was arrested on Thursday after her home in Wasilla, Alaska, was searched by Alaska Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Enforcement Investigators, 'at the conclusion of an undercover narcotics investigation'. She was charged with six counts of misconduct involving a controlled substance and released on US$5,000 (S$7,300) bail, the Anchorage Daily News said.

Police provided no details of the offences, but the newspaper said three charges involved manufacturing or delivering drugs and three had to do with posession of drugs.

Governor Palin, a former Wasilla mayor, was picked by Republican John McCain as his running mate for the Nov 4 presidential election he eventually lost against Democrat Barack Obama, now president-elect.

The revelation of her daughter's pregnancy sent shockwaves across the country and raised questioned about Mrs Palin's viability as a top government official days before the Republican Party held its National Convention in St Paul, Minnesota.

Drug arrest for Palins...

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Sherry L. Johnston was arrested Thursday after troopers served a search warrant on a Wasilla home. The 42-year-old Johnston has been charged with six felony drug counts.

Trooper spokeswoman Megan Peters said late Friday in a news release that the charges were in connection with the drug OxyContin, a strong prescription painkiller.

Levi Johnston's mom arrested for drugs - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

I guess Wasilla is not only the meth capitol of Alaska..
Jeeze they'll be coming for me next, I take the occasional hydrocodone for my arthritis.

The docs get you addicted to pain killers and then the cops bust you for taking them....
Levi Johnston's mom arrested for drugs - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

I guess Wasilla is not only the meth capitol of Alaska..
I heard rumors a few months back that Levi himself took prescription pills illegally along with drinking and doing other things maybe the rumors were true. Also I totally called it on them not getting married if Palin was not elected. They said they would marry before the baby was born and unless they plan on getting married in the next few days I don't think that is going to happen! I do feel bad for Bristol, about to have a baby and to have to deal with this crap!
Jeeze they'll be coming for me next, I take the occasional hydrocodone for my arthritis.

The docs get you addicted to pain killers and then the cops bust you for taking them....

I am sure this is not a simple possession case.
the article title is "Drug arrest for Palin's... "
Well hells bells, seems the arrest was for somebody with a different name.
Far be it for the media to actually report news without adding their own biased spin to it.

Headlines are meant to grab attention, and draw the reader into the article..
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Of course they are.

Or are the meant to create news out of nothing?

I will anxiously await for a news article headline about Mr Obama that is really about his daughter's boyfriend's family.

If his daughters boyfriends family gets busted for drugs of course the media will cover it. They could care less about some small drug case in Wasilla if it wasn't for the connection to Palin, that is politics. The same reason the media covered Obama's illegal aunt.. The media is ultimately a business they will cover the storys that create a buzz, whether or not they are relevant to the candidates or not.
If his daughters boyfriends family gets busted for drugs of course the media will cover it. They could care less about some small drug case in Wasilla if it wasn't for the connection to Palin, that is politics. The same reason the media covered Obama's illegal aunt.. The media is ultimately a business they will cover the storys that create a buzz, whether or not they are relevant to the candidates or not.
But what headline do you think they will use?
Will it be,
"Drug arrest for Obama's....."
But what headline do you think they will use?
Will it be,
"Drug arrest for Obama's....."

Why not? Their is one media source who titled their article that way. Not the entire media, I am sure their would be ONE source who would also title an article about Obama's daughter the same. "Sherry Johnston arrested for felony drug charges" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Like I said, if no one reads your articles you will go out of business. Palin has the name recognition, it was used for a headline, with the ultimate goal of getting the readers attention. This is nothing new or out of the ordinary..
maybe the lady shouldn't have been selling oxy's which is pretty the number one drug of choice these days, we had seven pharmacy's in something like two weeks get robbed for oxy where I live. All you can think about is how the media is making Palin look bad and not about the fact her grandchild's grandmother is selling drugs and I might add the ATF doesn't just come in for anything!
I don't find this report surprising. Dysfunction attracts dysfunction.

Bristol and Levi are likely two-of-kind -- kids who have been left to raise themselves because their selfish parents are too busy doing other things - be it drugs or political power-brokering or racing in sled dog races - to be bothered with actually parenting their kids.

What boggles my mind is that the GOP tried to tout Palin as a decent mother and the poster hockey-mom. Anyone who couldn't see through that paper-thin facade was wearing blinders or drinking way too much koolaid IMO.
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Ohh so ANY politician that has children is by your definition not being responsible and raising their children. Or does this just apply to women? Or maybe just Republican women?
One cannot help but wonder what the hell "misconduct involving a controlled substance" actually means.

One also wonders why this bust is brought to our attention?

Why is this tidbit worthy of our attenion to begin with?

Somebody marginally related to somebody who was for a moment somebody famous get's bust for something involving drugs and we need to know about it why?

The MSM is sheer crap.

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