"'Drain the Swamp'? Trump's Potential Cabinet Fills Out With Washington Insiders"


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Not exactly picking a "Team of Rivals". Trump has been surrounded by insufferable sycophants all of his life and he's not going to change now.

No minorities except for consideration of Ben Carson for HHS. Trump called Carson a pedophile so this is the most humorous of all.

'Drain the Swamp'? Trump's Potential Cabinet Fills Out With Washington Insiders
VP-elect Pence to take over Trump transition

Elections don't really alter anything, that was never their intention, the societal wealth extraction will continue unabated until the american public can get beyond the ruse of partisanshit and social divide-and-conquer wedge issues.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Not exactly picking a "Team of Rivals". Trump has been surrounded by insufferable sycophants all of his life and he's not going to change now.

No minorities except for consideration of Ben Carson for HHS. Trump called Carson a pedophile so this is the most humorous of all.

'Drain the Swamp'? Trump's Potential Cabinet Fills Out With Washington Insiders
VP-elect Pence to take over Trump transition

That's really the irony, isn't it? Trump's administration is going to be filled with useless old Repug dinosaurs like Newt Gingrich. Oh well, the joke will be on all the racist "anti-establishment" Trumpkins out there.
Not exactly picking a "Team of Rivals". Trump has been surrounded by insufferable sycophants all of his life and he's not going to change now.

No minorities except for consideration of Ben Carson for HHS. Trump called Carson a pedophile so this is the most humorous of all.

'Drain the Swamp'? Trump's Potential Cabinet Fills Out With Washington Insiders
VP-elect Pence to take over Trump transition

That's really the irony, isn't it? Trump's administration is going to be filled with useless old Repug dinosaurs like Newt Gingrich. Oh well, the joke will be on all the racist "anti-establishment" Trumpkins out there.

Yayyyy ray CISS!
Let's not mention that two of Trump's proposed picks for his staff include Steve Bannon who worked for Goldman Sachs and Steven Mnuchin who also worked for Goldman Sachs and George Soros. So people voted against Hillary to keep these types of people out of politics, and Trump is bringing them in anyway. It's the same old same old.
Trumpanzees are idiots, I hope they all choke on the disappointing reality that his tenure will bring.

Meanwhile, the rest of us who hate him get screwed, too.
Let's not mention that two of Trump's proposed picks for his staff include Steve Bannon who worked for Goldman Sachs and Steven Mnuchin who also worked for Goldman Sachs and George Soros. So people voted against Hillary to keep these types of people out of politics, and Trump is bringing them in anyway. It's the same old same old.

This is exactly how the system is set up to function, the illusion of change must be maintained to preserve the quiescence of the masses. Trump? Hilary? Meh, the overarching trajectory will continue either way. Voting will never be enough.
Two words = Rudy Giuliani

He's not a Washington insider. He will be our next AG.

Mr. Holder, Ms. Lynch, and others have a lot to fear about that...
You hate Rudy, because as a slime who steals from the US taxpayer, you have real fear of an honest and patriotic Attorney General, which we haven't had since HW was Prez.
It is the truth.

You hate WHITES, the UNITED STATES, and anyone who wants to stop you from stealing more from the US taxpayer.
You hate Rudy, because as a slime who steals from the US taxpayer, you have real fear of an honest and patriotic Attorney General, which we haven't had since HW was Prez.

Yep, you hit the nail on the head, Repug goober. That's exactly why we don't want that mentally ill fascist old man as Attorney General.

We liberals simply have no counter point for your simple Repug goober talk eloquence.
Dumb thread. You have to have people there that know how it all works. You couldn't take over a shoe factory without people knowing the machines, suppliers, sales, advertising staff, etc.

That's not the swamp, the swamp is the corruption, which liberals cannot see for whatever reason.
Dumb thread. You have to have people there that know how it all works. You couldn't take over a shoe factory without people knowing the machines, suppliers, sales, advertising staff, etc.

That's not the swamp, the swamp is the corruption, which liberals cannot see for whatever reason.

And Newt Gingrich doesn't have a history of corruption. Right, goober.

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