DRAFT John McCain President 2004



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by: nationalmatchcom 11/05/03 09:16 pm
Msg: 302 of 362
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DRAFT John McCain President 2004
by: nationalmatchcom 11/05/03 08:58 pm
Msg: 156 of 294

>>>> "I don't think the Baathists in Syria, the mullahs in Tehran or Arab despots from Riyadh to Tripoli are cheering for the United States."

"Let there be no doubt: victory can be our only exit strategy. We are winning in Iraq, but we sow the seeds of our own failure by contemplating a premature military drawdown." <<<<

At the risk of overstating my often repeated mantra, DRAFT JOHN McCAIN FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AS THE GOP CANDIDATE IN 2004.

George Bush is a One-Term President, just like his father before him. This is no accident!

McCain is INTELLIGENT, ARTICULATE, a DECORATED MILITARY HERO, and a legitimate Legislator of the United States Senate -- not some governor wannabe from Texas who couldn't get the Texas Rangers Baseball team off the ground!


Write your Congressmen, Senators -- and GWB! Let them know what they're up against. McCain will recover American military prestige, national confidence, and international leadership ability!

And that's just for a "start!" Bush is finished! Draft McCain GOP 2004!!!!!!!
Originally posted by nationalpride
Repeating This Message
by: nationalmatchcom 11/05/03 09:16 pm
Msg: 302 of 362
1 recommendation

DRAFT John McCain President 2004
by: nationalmatchcom 11/05/03 08:58 pm
Msg: 156 of 294

...And that's just for a "start!" Bush is finished! Draft McCain GOP 2004!!!!!!!

I am so relieved to hear someone admit this. I have always voted Republican, and I voted for George W. Bush in 2000, but I cannot, in good conscience, cast a vote for him again, and I know so many Republicans who feel the same way.

One thing that bothers me about McCain, and this may not disturb others, is his authoring of the latest 'guestworker' proposal, which will legalize millions of illegal migrants (and draw millions more over the border), and will allow American business to hire anyone in the world for work which has been posted in the newspaper for 14 days without a response from an American.

Knowing the degree to which the H1-B visa system has been abused makes me very wary of placing American workers in competition with the billions of impoverished people in the world. I mean McCain is kind of an open-borders guy, and I disagree with him in that respect. These are just my immediate thoughts on McCain.

Still I appreciate your bringing up the matter--conservatives seem not to want to admit that Bush may have destroyed his chances for re-election in 2004. And I shall certainly think about McCain for 2004.
One thing that bothers me about McCain, and this may not disturb others, is his authoring of the latest 'guestworker' proposal, which will legalize millions of illegal migrants (and draw millions more over the border)

Yes this is a deal breaker in my book !

Welcome RMW!:)
Of all the Republicans I know, I like McCain best. Hell, of most of the professional politicians, he's one of the most interesting. If I had to choose between McCain and Liebermann, for example, I think I'd vote McCain.

And personally, I like the idea of opening the borders a bit. We need to recognize that illegal labor is a fact: This country couldn't survive without it. Better to legalize it somehow, and make sure those workers get the protection they deserve as an important and necessary part of our economy. The only problem is there would still be a demand to illegal labor because with them, you don't have to pay taxes, and you don't even have to pay them minimum wage. Having an illegal worker is a tough deal to beat, if you're willing to take the risk, and many have already shown that they are (witness the recent WallMart scandal).
My opinion, like it or not, is that they should throw all the illegals out of this country! We should let our economy go down the drain to support illegals??
Of course, I respect that opinion, Joan, but I think blaming the state of the economy on illegal workers is stretching it a bit. Anyway, the argument is that labor force is necessary, why not legalize some of it. That way you'd have fewer illegals to kick out. :D
If they want to work so badly in this country they should have entered legally! They are taking work away from Americans. Case in point, the WalMart crap. They knew full well they were in this country illegally, took what job they could get - but now that they've been caught, they want to sue because they weren't paid as much as the Americans. I am not defending WalMart by any stretch of the imagination. Have you ever been in a WalMart? If you don't understand Spanish, you are pretty much shit out of luck! WalMart doesn't stand alone in this practice, there are many employing these illegals - strictly because they can get cheap labor. The illegals live in packs like rats - hell they even travel that way. More and more Americans are out of work due to this plus off-shore outsourcing. We will make all these third world countries rich - and drive America into the slums!
Posted by Bry
Of all the Republicans I know, I like McCain best
I gotta agree with you on that one, Bry.
Posted by Eric
Yes this is a deal breaker in my book !
Though eric and RMW make a good point.

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