Dr. Scott Jensen on Laura Ingraham re: Medicaide $13k for covid19, $39k if they are put on a ventilator


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The April 8th (yesterdays) episode is online somewhere I'm sure, but this doctor claimed, contrary to Fauci (who called it a conspiracy theory yesterday in the briefing) regarding "padding" the covid19 numbers, that Medicare basically pays hospitals more if it's a covid19 situation. This doctor suggests that after 35 years in medicine, payments based on identifying an issue a particular way (in this case, as coronavirus) impact doctors decisions.

Thus, $13k if admitted, $39K if put on a ventilator, and of course what some of us have tried to understand, the cause of death is put in the first line "Coronavirus", even if the underlying health, age or other conditions may have been bigger contributors, but payment received, less.
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The April 8th (yesterdays) episode is online somewhere I'm sure, but this doctor claimed, contrary to Fauci (who called it a conspiracy theory yesterday in the briefing) regarding "padding" the covid19 numbers, that Medicare basically pays hospitals more if it's a covid19 situation. This doctor suggests that after 35 years in medicine, he isn't convinced that these cash payments don't impact decisions.

Thus, $13k if admitted, $39K if put on a ventilator, and of course what some of us have tried to understand, the cause of death is put in the first line "Coronavirus", even if the underlying health, age or other conditions may have been bigger contributors.

This would not surprise me in the least, putting down a dx based on the dollars.

Interesting information coming out on the ventilators. It seems that in a normal lung disease situation, you have about a 50% chance of survival if they put you on a vent. In COVID, about 20%. It's complicated, but it seems like the low oxygen situation they try to fix with vents is not really the same problem in COVID.

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