We’ve Known for Months 3 Factors Are Massively Inflating COVID’s Fatality Count.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The official statistics on COVID deaths are a scam.

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Few Americans know that a local CBS affiliate examined 589 alleged Palm Beach, Florida fatalities and discovered that far less than a third (169) had actually died of the virus.
Most are unaware that the COVID-19 death tally they’ve been terrorized with for months has included motor-cycle fatalities and gunshot victims.
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Factor 1. Anyone who dies and is diagnosed with COVID-19 gets put on the fatality list regardless of how mild their symptoms were or any proof that something else was the real culprit.
According to Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, Dr. Birx herself:
If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.
The unofficial mascot of our response to COVID-19, Dr. Fauci said:
I can’t imagine if someone comes in with coronavirus, goes to an ICU, and they have an underlying heart condition and they die—they’re going to say, ‘Cause of death: heart attack.’ I cannot see that happening.
For whatever reason, the bureaucrats in charge have decided on guidelines that are bound to add a lot of people who would have died of some other cause anyway to COVID-19’s death tally. They haven’t just admitted it; they’ve bragged of it.
Given that 80% of COVID-19 infections don’t cause severe symptoms and 40% cause none at all, of course, you’re going to find people who died from gunshots wounds, road accidents, and every other normally occurring cause of death comprising a lot or even the vast majority of COVID-19’s official death tally.
Dying WITH the virus is being intentionally conflated with dying FROM it.
So is dying WITHOUT it:
Factor 2. The CDC has officially directed physicians to put COVID-19 on death certificates even without any confirming test so long as they’ve “assumed” the deceased had it.
A March 24 Q&A-style memo from the CDC instructing doctors on how to fill out death certificates was explicit:
Q: Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?
A: COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.
No reason for the “assumption” is required. And the emphasis at the end isn’t even mine. It’s the CDC’s.
Moreover, notice that doctors don’t even need to “assume” the deceased wouldn’t have died but for contracting the virus. Assuming it was merely a contributing factor is sufficient to mean not only that they can but that they should cite it.
So the mere assumption that COVID-19 hastened the death of someone suffering from some other mortal ailment by a few days or even a few minutes is good enough.
Adding people who die to COVID-19’s death tally is being encouraged not just without a test but without any medical justification whatsoever.
It also pays well:
Factor 3. Hospitals are being reimbursed for treating any uninsured patients they diagnose with COVID-19. Medicare is also paying out more when the COVID-19-box is checked.
So, on top of directives that guarantee a lot of death certificates are identifying COVID-19 as a cause even though the patient would have died without it and in many cases likely never even had it, there are also enormous financial incentives to create more.
As Dr. Scott Jensen, told Laura Ingraham way back on April 9:
If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000; three times as much. Nobody can tell me, after 35 years in the world of medicine, that sometimes those kinds of things [don’t have an] impact on what we do.
In other words, when you incentivize something – whether it’s solar power, illegitimacy, or false medical diagnoses – you get more of it.
The question isn’t whether COVID-19’s fatality numbers are inflated. It’s by how much.
Given the factors listed above – just as the results of examing those 589 deaths in Florida suggested – the true number can’t be anywhere close to what we’re hearing.
Moreover, some overlooked data from New York City – which at present accounts for around 15% of all reported U.S. fatalities – provides another reason to think the number of bogus reported deaths may dwarf the number of real ones.
For a while New York was examining their list of fatalities to determine if decedents had any other serious medical conditions and releasing updated results daily. For whatever reason, the last day on which they did so appears to be May 17. But as of then, of the 12,667 reported COVID-19 deaths for which they were able to determine whether other comorbidities were present, only 96 failed to have any.

That means that over 99.2 percent were suffering from at least one of the following ailments: Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney Disease, GI/Liver Disease, or Obesity.

Many likely had several of them.

In order to know what exactly to make of these results, we’d need to know how many suffered from ailments serious enough to cause death in the near term regardless of COVID-19. But, given that there are bound to be some cases in which comorbidities went undetected, 99.2% is basically all of them.
Trump cult propaganda. The actual studies done by people who actually know things indicate the deaths are undercounted.

Biden cult propaganda. In other countries, deaths are undercounted. In the US, they are overcounted. They count anyone who has remotely any Biden virus symptom as Biden virus. Including people who die in things like motorcycle accidents.

Of course you made that up anyway. A perk of being a Democrat is you get to make up your "facts" as you go
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Other way around slinky. Stop posting alt-right propaganda. It won't make it go away. :)

In terms of cases, no fucking shit JackassOfNoTrades. Only a fraction of cases are counted.

In terms of deaths, note the article points out the study made up the statistic. They had no real data. They just created a "model." A model with no data is just made up to project whatever you want it to.

The fact is in most of the country they have very little standard for counting Biden virus deaths and they massively assume Biden virus and overcount.

Other way around slinky. Stop posting alt-right propaganda. It won't make it go away. :)

Nope. Sorry. No propaganda here. Only facts.
Here's one from May

Here's one straight from the horse's mouth.
Herman Cain's death...how many in the liberal news media bothered to note the guy had colon cancer that had spread to his liver and his immune system was compromised? Instead the SPIN was Trump killed Cain.
So what? Are you saying Cain died of colon cancer or what?
Other way around slinky. Stop posting alt-right propaganda. It won't make it go away. :)
That’s what people who aren’t conspiratorial fringe say about your original post.
Other way around slinky. Stop posting alt-right propaganda. It won't make it go away. :)

Nope. Sorry. No propaganda here. Only facts.
Here's one from May

Here's one straight from the horse's mouth.
You expect us to believe Fauci or a couple of leftwing MIT professors?

Not a chance.
Herman Cain's death...how many in the liberal news media bothered to note the guy had colon cancer that had spread to his liver and his immune system was compromised? Instead the SPIN was Trump killed Cain.
So what? Are you saying Cain died of colon cancer or what?

Why don't you get a 5th grader to explain it to you.
Other way around slinky. Stop posting alt-right propaganda. It won't make it go away. :)
That’s what people who aren’t conspiratorial fringe say about your original post.
The death statistics are bogus. That much is obvious.

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