Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece Endorses WONDERFUL DONALD!

Indeed, the worst racial bigotry in America is aimed at blacks who do not support the Democrats... or notice when the Democrats lie...

about things like the murder of MLK... whose life apparently didn't matter.... to Democrats who want to celebrate the traitor LBJ...

Bingo republican blacks have always faced venom from the left and democrats, democrats still arenso.obsessed with race........you can take the democrat out of racism, but never the racism out of the democrat
republican blacks have always faced venom from the left and democrats

Below is another truth the "US " media and the Democrats do not like very much, about Florida 2000...

Let The Sunshine In

"it shows that African-American Republicans who voted were 54 to 66 times more likely than the average African American to cast a non-voted ballot"
Irrelevant, blacks are still not voting for Donald.

All the data highlights this fact. You can attribute this to any number of reasons but the why, at this point, is rather irrelevant. The reality is that there is nothing that Donald is doing at this time that is actually changing that and until that happens he is going to have to deal with the lack of support from minorities.
Trump in Detroit, a Democrat-run city, yet blacks protest Trump's visit? They must be happy w the shitty schools, lack of jobs, & violence

it was a small protest though

For all u asking why it took Trump so long to meet w blacks: Blacks vote 95% Dem. Hillary's never met w the Tea Party. They vote 95% Repub.
Black misery is at an all-time high and it's under Democratic policies

basically crooked hillary's pro-slavery!
Donald Trump visits the childhood home of Dr. Ben Carson, meeting some voters along the way
Damn, had no idea there were so many African American white supremacists in America, right Crooked Hillary?!
Wonderful Donald is A MIXED HISPANIC/BLACK WOMAN at heart if you think about it! ;)

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