Dr Fauci says lack of truthfulness in Dear Leader's Regime very likely cost lives


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
No doubt about it. The only question is HOW MANY.

And worse, it turns out they had no fucking national plan. Gee, just like health care.

Lies, body bags and grieving families: Trump's legacy.
Manufactured crisis. Inflated death numbers. And constant fear mongering are better?

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.
What a crock of shit! And when you realize there are crazies that believe and repeat this garbage it gives credence to the 0BAMA DEATH SQUADES.
Once again the crazy angry left pretends that Trump was a freaking monarch. The governor of NY and the mayor of NYC chastised citizens who were concerned early in the epidemic and stayed home from work. Senator Schumer had access to the same information as the President but he did nothing but play the political game while the governor forced nursing homes to accept obviously infected patients. If Fauci wants to play the political blame game he should recommend that Gov. Cuomo be charged with manslaughter in the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients.
How many thousands died because of the ridiculous political attack on HydroxyChlorquine?
Dr Fauci and numerous other medical authorities said that there was NO evidence that hydroxychloroquine was effective against COVID. Neither was intravenously injecting Clorox or putting a light up your but. The Dear Leader suggested all of those. He caused tens of thousands of lives.
Once again the crazy angry left pretends that Trump was a freaking monarch. The governor of NY and the mayor of NYC chastised citizens who were concerned early in the epidemic and stayed home from work. Senator Schumer had access to the same information as the President but he did nothing but play the political game while the governor forced nursing homes to accept obviously infected patients. If Fauci wants to play the political blame game he should recommend that Gov. Cuomo be charged with manslaughter in the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients.
No...he was a freaking Moron...
Fauci is a bust because he never says anything. It's always maybe or probably or possibly or "very likely" like in this article. The guy is less definitive than a fortune teller. Why should the taxpayer have to pay for a nothing like him? The people are still dying. I wonder if the big guy is getting 10% from him too?

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Dr Fauci would be correct.
Dr. Fauci is a quack.

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Quid Pro Pedo Finger Raping Joe's death count is over 8,000 and counting. At this rate,He'll be In triple digits in less than a month. What a pos.
How many thousands died because of the ridiculous political attack on HydroxyChlorquine?
Dr Fauci and numerous other medical authorities said that there was NO evidence that hydroxychloroquine was effective against COVID. Neither was intravenously injecting Clorox or putting a light up your but. The Dear Leader suggested all of those. He caused tens of thousands of lives.
Poor Quid Pro Pedo Finger Rapin' Joe 3 days in over 8000 deaths, and 15, jobs lost with the stroke of a pen . What a dementia riddled loser he is.
How many thousands died because of the ridiculous political attack on HydroxyChlorquine?
Dr Fauci and numerous other medical authorities said that there was NO evidence that hydroxychloroquine was effective against COVID. Neither was intravenously injecting Clorox or putting a light up your but. The Dear Leader suggested all of those. He caused tens of thousands of lives.
Poor Quid Pro Pedo Finger Rapin' Joe 3 days in over 8000 deaths, and 15, jobs lost with the stroke of a pen . What a dementia riddled loser he is.
8000 Union Jobs and another 3000 jobs associated with it. Let get these numbers up. Death and Despair. A new hat!

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Dr. Fauci was in charge and appeared in many news conferences with President Trump last spring.

Why didn't he speak up then? He's 80 fucking years old, has worked as bureaucrat for 40 years, his pension will be more than his pay if they fired him.

The great homoamerican activist, Larry Kramer, pointed out Doc Fauci is an "incompetent idiot". I think he was spot on in his analysis. After all, instead of actually performing complicated surgery over the past 4 decades with his degree, he pursued a career as a bureaucratic technocrat. Incompetence personified.
Why were we burdened with an incompetent in the White House when the worst health crisis in 100+ years hits the country. The Liar in Chief totally screwed the virus response. Then he screwed the vaccine roll out, probably as vengeance for Biden handing his big orange butt to him at the ballot box.

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