Dr. Andrew Kaufman Addresses Trafalgar Square Protest - London September 19th, 2020


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
We want our freedom back and all corona criminals in prison.
It looks like only completely morons still believe in Corona hoax.

Great presentation. The Kung Flu hoax really demand reparations. Therefore, Fraud Fauci, the Fake News/Fake Deep State will have to continue to double down to pretend they did not destroy President Trump's successful economy.
Great presentation. The Kung Flu hoax really demand reparations. Therefore, Fraud Fauci, the Fake News/Fake Deep State will have to continue to double down to pretend they did not destroy President Trump's successful economy.

You shall think about your life, not about economy.
Trump & Co supports deadly 'vaccine' which kill you and your loved ones.
Look how NWO's KGB Youtube quickly removes videos criticizing Corona Hoax

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