Dozens of deaths and hundreds of convalescents throughout Spain following Pfizer vaccine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Don't forget, it's just the beginning.

Just as cases of death from cardiac arrest, multiple thrombosis and coagulation disorders have been reported in Italy, Denmark and Austria, respectively, following the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine, Spain is no exception, and, despite the secrecy, some numbers can already be consulted.
7 deaths in Castellón and Ciudad Rodrigo
The Castalia residence in Castellón, located in front of the General Hospital, is suffering a new deadly outbreak of covid, as denounced by Comisiones Obreras. 40 users and four workers have tested positive again and 4 people have died after users and staff had received the first dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus.
In Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, an outbreak occurred in January that has affected two nursing homes. "There has been an explosive outbreak that has affected the vast majority of residents. There are people of very advanced ages, people of 100 years old and most of them are over 90 with many pathologies, with variegated pathology and with serious pathology", as reported on January 30 by Mercedes García, the medical director of one of the residences, in statements to Antena 3.
In the residences the vaccine was administered on January 15 and three days later the symptoms began. Since then three residents have died, one of them is in critical condition and two others are hospitalized. In addition, more than 70 users and 30 workers have tested positive.
27 deaths in Toledo
In the Los Peñascales Residence -in the municipality of Las Ventas con Peña Aguilera (Toledo)- 16 people died (the first dose was administered on January 4 and the first death occurred on January 13), in the El Salvador de Lagartera Residence (Toledo) 9 and in the San Julián de Las Ventas de San Julián Residence (Toledo) 2, all of them after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine which was administered in the first weeks of January.
68 deaths in Cadiz
And the same happened in the Novo Sancti Petri Residence in Chiclana de la Frontera (Cadiz) where 22 people died after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine before the third wave when during the first two waves there was not a single "case" of Covid-19. This is therefore a very significant case.
The highest number of deaths occurred in the Residencia Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Los Barrios (Cádiz) where 46 residents who had been vaccinated with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday, January 12 died.
41 deaths in Extremadura and Galicia

In the Residencia Los Olivos de Mérida (Extremadura) 13 residents died after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on January 5 and in the Residencia DomusVi de Carballo (Galicia) the first dose was given on January 10 and on February 5 22 people had already died and 6 more in the following six days.

Translation from Spanish

Just as deaths from COVID are greatly exaggerated, so too will deaths associated with vaccines be greatly exaggerated.

I'm afraid we live in an age where nothing we watch or read can be trusted.
Look at the asshole who never cared how many people died of covid suddenly concerned about the safety of the vaccine.
Just as deaths from COVID are greatly exaggerated, so too will deaths associated with vaccines be greatly exaggerated.

I'm afraid we live in an age where nothing we watch or read can be trusted.

Covid-1984 is a flu, the 'vaccine' is a weapon of genocide to reduce humanity.
Do you see the difference?
I know a guy ...
Got vaccinated and then got hit by a bus

i am with Baron
Vaccine Bad
I had the pfizer vax a couple of weeks ago. Still here although one of my balls dropped off the next day.

Tommy you can't blame it on the vaccine, you never had any balls to begin with.

Thanks, that is a massive relief. I was half afraid that a "globalist cabal" of "gliterati" working for Soros,Rothschild and Gates had targetted me with a killer vax for reasons I am not clear about.
Interesting sorta to see all the people willing to be lab rats but then again enough propaganda some people will believe being a Lab Rat is perfectly legit.

Lab rats.PNG
You have to dig deep into every scrap of information contrary to the popular propaganda to find other expert professional opinions on any of these COVID vaccines. There are many scientists, specialists and health experts world wide that have valid and grave concerns about these new vaccines, but you never hear much on the MSM except to "fact check" and debunk anything that goes against the program.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks", Hamlet.
I had the pfizer vax a couple of weeks ago. Still here although one of my balls dropped off the next day.

Tommy you can't blame it on the vaccine, you never had any balls to begin with.

Thanks, that is a massive relief. I was half afraid that a "globalist cabal" of "gliterati" working for Soros,Rothschild and Gates had targetted me with a killer vax for reasons I am not clear about.

Nothing so nefarious. You are simply a gutless, whining leech.

Just as deaths from COVID are greatly exaggerated, so too will deaths associated with vaccines be greatly exaggerated.
Since biden is taking all the credit for the vaccine I suspect the lying lib media will underplay deaths resulting from taking the vaccine
Interesting sorta to see all the people willing to be lab rats but then again enough propaganda some people will believe being a Lab Rat is perfectly legit.

View attachment 467541
The researchers working on the vaccine took the vaccine.

Right wing propaganda is worse.
You are free to get shot up with God knows what just as long as I and others are free to tell you stuff your shot up your anus.

"1,136 deaths nationwide"
Interesting sorta to see all the people willing to be lab rats but then again enough propaganda some people will believe being a Lab Rat is perfectly legit.

View attachment 467541
The researchers working on the vaccine took the vaccine.

Right wing propaganda is worse.
You are free to get shot up with God knows what just as long as I and others are free to tell you stuff your shot up your anus.

"1,136 deaths nationwide"
View attachment 467620
How can that be when right wingers Insist the pandemic is nothing but a democrat Hoax?
Interesting sorta to see all the people willing to be lab rats but then again enough propaganda some people will believe being a Lab Rat is perfectly legit.

View attachment 467541
The researchers working on the vaccine took the vaccine.

Right wing propaganda is worse.
You are free to get shot up with God knows what just as long as I and others are free to tell you stuff your shot up your anus.

"1,136 deaths nationwide"
View attachment 467620
How can that be when right wingers Insist the pandemic is nothing but a democrat Hoax?

Try to just once not be stupid. The virus is real, the terrifying lethality of it that you've been brainwashed to accept is a hoax. Les than 2% mortality and the vast percentage of those have several co-morbidity issues.
Interesting sorta to see all the people willing to be lab rats but then again enough propaganda some people will believe being a Lab Rat is perfectly legit.

View attachment 467541
The researchers working on the vaccine took the vaccine.

Right wing propaganda is worse.
You are free to get shot up with God knows what just as long as I and others are free to tell you stuff your shot up your anus.

"1,136 deaths nationwide"
View attachment 467620
How can that be when right wingers Insist the pandemic is nothing but a democrat Hoax?
Why do you want to spread propaganda? I have not said that there wasn't a virus at any time.

Fact is I was concerned about it all and had a eery feeling about it before the leftwingers and the control freak right extremist got on board and decided to go ape shit over it. At no time would I have suggested shutting the entire country down. Just use common sense. I realize that is lacking with many these days but do attempt to find it.

President Trump allowing the CDC such control under the leadership of Pence spelled disaster. Yet that is what it was all about as insider politicians and control freak corporates really believe that citizens are their own to do with whatever they please.

Hopefully you do realize that the overall deaths stats for the USA remained the same in 2020 throughout; Perhaps even slightly under the normal.

On a bright side note.

People now know more about where their local and state politicians stand.

Adults who were clueless about vaccines now get to have the experience that they have been pushing off on little children and babies for years.

Some parents have little choice but to actually see what some teachers have been doing to their children.

Everyone gets to make choices.
Don't forget, it's just the beginning.

Just as cases of death from cardiac arrest, multiple thrombosis and coagulation disorders have been reported in Italy, Denmark and Austria, respectively, following the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine, Spain is no exception, and, despite the secrecy, some numbers can already be consulted.
7 deaths in Castellón and Ciudad Rodrigo
The Castalia residence in Castellón, located in front of the General Hospital, is suffering a new deadly outbreak of covid, as denounced by Comisiones Obreras. 40 users and four workers have tested positive again and 4 people have died after users and staff had received the first dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus.
In Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, an outbreak occurred in January that has affected two nursing homes. "There has been an explosive outbreak that has affected the vast majority of residents. There are people of very advanced ages, people of 100 years old and most of them are over 90 with many pathologies, with variegated pathology and with serious pathology", as reported on January 30 by Mercedes García, the medical director of one of the residences, in statements to Antena 3.
In the residences the vaccine was administered on January 15 and three days later the symptoms began. Since then three residents have died, one of them is in critical condition and two others are hospitalized. In addition, more than 70 users and 30 workers have tested positive.
27 deaths in Toledo
In the Los Peñascales Residence -in the municipality of Las Ventas con Peña Aguilera (Toledo)- 16 people died (the first dose was administered on January 4 and the first death occurred on January 13), in the El Salvador de Lagartera Residence (Toledo) 9 and in the San Julián de Las Ventas de San Julián Residence (Toledo) 2, all of them after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine which was administered in the first weeks of January.
68 deaths in Cadiz
And the same happened in the Novo Sancti Petri Residence in Chiclana de la Frontera (Cadiz) where 22 people died after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine before the third wave when during the first two waves there was not a single "case" of Covid-19. This is therefore a very significant case.
The highest number of deaths occurred in the Residencia Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Los Barrios (Cádiz) where 46 residents who had been vaccinated with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday, January 12 died.
41 deaths in Extremadura and Galicia

In the Residencia Los Olivos de Mérida (Extremadura) 13 residents died after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on January 5 and in the Residencia DomusVi de Carballo (Galicia) the first dose was given on January 10 and on February 5 22 people had already died and 6 more in the following six days.

Translation from Spanish

Ahh.. our resident propagandist trying to ensure American stays mired in the pandemic as long as possible.

Fuck you Baron. Go suck a tailpipe.

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