Dozens Attending NAACP Gala At Redwood City Hotel Sickened

Ah yes...

The representatives of the "poor and disadvantaged" people of african heritage stoically suffered substandard food at a rundown business owned by a cruel white corporatist while diligently working to end the oppresion of their people.

I'll bet Romney owns the hotel and tried to poison them.

/sarcasm off

You know the bed wetters really do "think" this way.
I wonder if they had a book-burning gala too, like they burned Mark Twain's 'Pudd'nhead Wilson' in Philadelphia on account of it was written by whitey and it had the word niqqer in the text. Forget the fact that it was the most scathing indictment of racism ever written in this country; forget the fact that it was Twain's polemic masterpiece. Half the people burning it couldn't read a word, and for the other half of the advancement colored people, lierary abstractions were just way over their heads. So they burned it, on account of it was written by whitey, and it had the word niqqer in the text.
We took a big chance last week. We bought a huge salmon steak at Safeway, straight from a salmon farm in China. It was almost two pounds and cost less than $8. Domestic sockeye goes for at least $10-$12 a pound. I grilled it slow, in foil, with a special sweet mustard glaze I make myself, with some pine nuts and button mushrooms. It was delicious. Of course we kept our fingers crossed that we wouldn't become deathly ill. Nope. We're still here.
Did the Moooch make the salad?


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