Dow has Longest Winning Streak in 6 Years !!

say what?
the market is up from when Trump left, the annual deficit is down from Trump. that is what is down. And unemployment is down as Biden has the best labor market in US history

Stock market up, deficit and unemployment down. We are on the brink of another Bill Clinton Golden Age

Republicans give us debt, deficit and recessions. Democrats give us lower deficits and economic booms
What an idiotic post! Unemployment is down because people went back to work after Covid restrictions were lifted. That had nothing to do with Joe Biden or Democrats. The deficit is less because we're not spending a trillion dollars on Covid relief! Calling what we're in right now a "boom" is nonsense. We're saddled with high interest rates now because Biden's policies gave us some of the worst inflation rates in nearly fifty years and those high interest rates are going to hamstring the economy.
Shutdowns happened UNDER POS45, aka trump. FACT.
The worst public schools are in RED States. FACT.
Fauci is your boogeyman. FACT
Credit Cards are your Problem. Pay your DEBT.
I have 3 Credit Cards, I pay 0% interest. You know why? Yes You Do.
My 401K is at an All-Time High, but I do pay a bit more for gas, thanks OPEC+
No, red states are much better with education because they receive the truth. Shutdowns started with Trump but Biden refused to end them. States had to after pressure from the people. And Biden lied along with Fauci and would not fire him.
Who cares about your debt. The average balance is almost $20,000 per household. 22% average interest. Up 4% during the Biden fiasco. The poor can’t afford fast foods anymore either. Biden is a pathetic crooked man.
No, red states are much better with education because they receive the truth. Shutdowns started with Trump but Biden refused to end them. States had to after pressure from the people. And Biden lied along with Fauci and would not fire him.
Who cares about your debt. The average balance is almost $20,000 per household. 22% average interest. Up 4% during the Biden fiasco. The poor can’t afford fast foods anymore either. Biden is a pathetic crooked man.
LOLLOLLL at Red States. The Deep South, largely (R), is loaded with SNAP members, poorly educated, simpletons like Nostra and miketx
No, red states are much better with education because they receive the truth. Shutdowns started with Trump but Biden refused to end them. States had to after pressure from the people. And Biden lied along with Fauci and would not fire him.
Who cares about your debt. The average balance is almost $20,000 per household. 22% average interest. Up 4% during the Biden fiasco. The poor can’t afford fast foods anymore either. Biden is a pathetic crooked man.
Do you ignore my LACK of debt and success because you have that 24% interest rate on your 3 credit cards?
I'm sorry.
Please consider leaving a tip, giving to charity, or donating your time.

I'm not the one here bragging that I'm worth 5 million dollars yet can't be bothered to plunk down $10 for a site you use 30 hours a week to rag to others about what a "generous" guy you are.

But then, you're not worth nowhere near 5 million dollars.
Partially true, mostly false.
Here are the Facts:

Super Successful.....Depends on your definition. Fact is
1). 800K in 401K (partial Roth) Fund. NOT drawing from, don't need to draw.
2). SS not collected yet.
3). Pension paying $3,700 per Month
4). Part time Job, since no SS yet, because y'all know that under 68ish****, you have your SS stopped if you make more than like $24K**** per year. I make $58K on this part-time job. ****guessing on the exact numbers.
5) Wife still works full time, she has the Insurance plan......sweet deal. Wife obviously NOT collecting SS yet either.

Any of the above you would like to dispute.
Feel free.

2....why not
What an idiotic post! Unemployment is down because people went back to work after Covid restrictions were lifted. That had nothing to do with Joe Biden or Democrats. The deficit is less because we're not spending a trillion dollars on Covid relief! Calling what we're in right now a "boom" is nonsense. We're saddled with high interest rates now because Biden's policies gave us some of the worst inflation rates in nearly fifty years and those high interest rates are going to hamstring the economy.
Covid disruption in production caused inflation. Funny you see some effects by covid and not others… almost as if you view life through a political leno. Biden’s policies have led to record oil production while you jokers think he caused gas price increases. Brilliant.
No, red states are much better with education because they receive the truth. Shutdowns started with Trump but Biden refused to end them. States had to after pressure from the people. And Biden lied along with Fauci and would not fire him.
Who cares about your debt. The average balance is almost $20,000 per household. 22% average interest. Up 4% during the Biden fiasco. The poor can’t afford fast foods anymore either. Biden is a pathetic crooked man.
You must be red state educated in “truth” cuz you are wrong. Personal debt levels are near historic lows and are pre-pandemic all time lows. Your 4% looks at the covid impacted data that is junk. Don’t be such a sucker for the liars to prey on you.

Covid disruption in production caused inflation. Funny you see some effects by covid and not others… almost as if you view life through a political leno. Biden’s policies have led to record oil production while you jokers think he caused gas price increases. Brilliant.
Didn't take Economics in college...did you, Gator? Too much money chasing too few goods causes inflation. Biden pumping trillions of dollars into the US economy with his "Build Back Better" plan was the main driver of inflation. His policies that kept millions of Americans sitting on their couches instead of going back to work was a driver of the supply chain issue. What Biden policy increased oil production? His very first actions in office was to go after oil producers. He gave the US higher gas and diesel prices and that in turn helped fuel some of the worst inflation the US has ever seen.
LOLLOLLL at Red States. The Deep South, largely (R), is loaded with SNAP members, poorly educated, simpletons like Nostra and miketx
Racist Democrat!
Times have changed! You are the poorly simpletons with your stupid woke nonsense. Can’t even define scientifically what a woman is. Nor a man either. Completely stupid blue states that love killing innocent unborn children
And poor uneducated lefties still vote for them, gotsa have that gubmint check
For sure. Their ideology is a religion to them and thus they never use logic and reasoning. Although, there are many religions that do also use logic and reasoning.
“So far, there’s no evidence of a recession. So as long as there’s no evidence of recession, and I think the market will probably continue to melt up; people are chasing,” Steve Eisman, senior portfolio manager at Neuberger Berman, said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Joe "Bill Clinton 2.0" Biden has America on the brink of a Golden Age, just like Bill Clinton gave us.

When all the bullshit from post-covid and the war in Ukraine finally wind down, the economy is looking to explode and grow at 3+%
Party like its 1995, because the Bill Clinton Golden Age will be reborn.
Republicans are trying to teach children slavery was good, while Biden has the best labor market in US history and easing inflation.

I remember the stock market was surging a few short years ago before covid and some here were not as impressed by that as they are now.

The Dow was at 31,200 when Biden took over.

It was at 33,800 on 6/23.

Now it is at 35,500.

The Dow was at 19,700 the day Trump took office.

In late July 2018, the dow was at 25,300.

The Dow grew 5,600 in Trumps first 18 months.

The Dow has grown 4,300, under Biden. Most of that coming in the last month.

The Dow peaked at around 32,000 under Trump.

So Trump did better than Biden in the first 18 months.

As a percentage that is even higher and if we adjust for inflation, it's even better.

Thank you DJT.

I am glad the market is back close to the 36,500 peak under Biden before the Bidenrecession hit.

Biden has work to do to match DJT.
Too much money chasing too few goods causes inflation.

Yes. During COVID Trump and the Fed Govt were handing out money like there was no tomorrow, but there was not really anywhere to spend it....Then BOOM there are places to spend it but the goods are delayed due to the breaking of supply chains during COVID.

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