DOW down over 700 points 1/24

This wild market is scary hasn't been this volatile since March of 2020...
And that was from pandemic quarantine announcements.

But today's volatility is ALL Joe Biden and his fumbling of foreign policy and lack of transparency.

I do expect that today's lows will be revisited again but at a slower pace.

We are in stagflation or recession... take your pick.
It was down about $1,000.00 at one point today. It closed UP $100.00.

Makes me wonder if it is a real market or is it just a rigged stage prop?
I have to admit, I do so love the triggering effect that facts have on you all
You give yourself too much credit. I know you for exactly what you are--a liar who is incapable of doing simple math. Triggered, that's rich. Go back and get fed some more lies by your health care professionals that are pushing genetic therapy for a virus that has an over 99% survival rate. Don't forget to wear your mask on your way to your attic. LMAO
You give yourself too much credit. I know you for exactly what you are--a liar who is incapable of doing simple math. Triggered, that's rich. Go back and get fed some more lies by your health care professionals that are pushing genetic therapy for a virus that has an over 99% survival rate. Don't forget to wear your mask on your way to your attic. LMAO

I gave you facts, you give me yes triggered is all you have.

But please keep it up, it is so entertaining to see you thrash about so
Poopeypants dropped it 1000 points Otis where's your pompoms???

You celebrated doom for America too soon ...

Strangely enough it seems that the mainstream media has been pushing for a shooting war with Russia over a corrupt little country like Ukraine and Wall Street doesn't like it. Biden thought he could regain America's confidence with a wobbly 2 hour speech and it seems we are worse off. Let's go Brandon.
Which wars did not occur under a democrat?

You could say Lincoln, but I was only talking about foreign wars.

You could say "W" but the Gulf war was hardly a major war, and "W" voted for Biden. (wink, wink) You kids now own "W".

Keep moving those goalposts.
This is my source....

Now, go back to your insults, it is all you have
Good, now look at it moron. Trump market increased by near 50% in four years, TWICE. BTW, you might want to avail yourself to the dictionary and learn the meaning of "virtually" Here, I'll help you. Definition of VIRTUALLY Now you know what everyone else that is trolled by your claptrap knows--stupid.
Good, now look at it moron. Trump market increased by near 50% in four years, TWICE. BTW, you might want to avail yourself to the dictionary and learn the meaning of "virtually" Here, I'll help you. Definition of VIRTUALLY Now you know what everyone else that is trolled by your claptrap knows--stupid.

That does not remove the year that it was in the red, and you are shitting your pants over one day...which ended up being in the black. So did you shit your pants for the whole of 2018?
That does not remove the year that it was in the red, and you are shitting your pants over one day...which ended up being in the black. So did you shit your pants for the whole of 2018?
Really, please show me where I said ANYTHING about one day. I said the Biden market has been virtually flat for the past year and when taken in context of the previous four years it has. Try again you lying fuck.
When the vegetable racks up gains near 50% over four years---TWICE, come and talk to me you disingenuous POS. Tell us again how much less you are paying for fuel and food today than you were a year ago. You know, when you tell lies--they don't go away.
Annualized, Trump raised it 11.9% to Biden's 10.7%. If the Dow goes up just 350 points this week, Biden will pass Trump.
Trump market increased by near 50% in four years, TWICE. BTW,
That's not how it works.
You don't get to discount that dip in 2020 of 39%. From 29,856 to 18,213

Overall the Dow increase 50-54% depending on which start and end dates you use.
Hey, Fine job. From approx 19,800 to approx 30,600.

Just stick with the facts and quits cherry picking the stats and choosing dates that best serves your narrative.

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