DOW breaks the 30K mark! Congratulations President Trump!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?
The Dow may have peaked at just over 14K under Bush but was down to under 8,300 on the day Obama was sworn in. And it continued falling to under 6,600 about 2 months later. From there it tripled to 19,800 under Obama.

19800? Where the fuck did you get that?

The DOW went up 1500 points as soon as it heard Obama was gone and Hillary was right behind him. Obama had NOTHING to do with the DOW after November 8th 2016.

The Dow opened at 19,795 on the morning of Obama's final day in office.

The Dow opened at 19,795 on the morning of Obama's final day in office.

Even if demos want to use those fake numbers, it took Obama 8 years to go up DOW 10K. It took Trump 4. And that's giving Obama 1500 dow pts that he had nothing to do with and were 100% caused by the fact that he was fixing to be GONE.

Cha ching. Trump had TWICE the stock market rise as Obama.

But the fact that it had been 14500 under Bush and it took Obama 8 years to exceed that by only 4k, that's fucking SORRY.

And quit making excuses for the big eared Oreo. HE ran on being able to fix the economy yet presided over the SLOWEST ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN THE LAST 50 YEARS.


Oh yea, Trump did all of this while under constant investigation, a sham impeachment and obstruction every step of the way. AND HE STILL KICKED THAT HALF BLACK ASS'ES ASS.
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Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?


You're a lowly worm troll. Especially when it comes to money matters.
I got mine, thanks to the Donald, and you'll never get yours. :pinkygirly:

Moron, you literally said you've been telling "muppets this for years." "This" being the results of a Princeton study...

... which covered the years 2005-2015 -- 4 years while he wasn't president and only 7 of his presidency. Not to mention most of the jobs described in that study were under Bush.

If his jobs and economy were so fucking good, why is he known as the food stamp president? Because more people went on food stamps under Obama than any other president in HISTORY.

Chew on that apple for a while.

Suck it, bitch.

Under Trump, millions got out of poverty and off of food stamps:

"Democrats say those figures only show Mr. Trump has pushed struggling Americans off public assistance by pressing to restrict eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid and other programs.

For now, the evidence supports Mr. Trump’s contention that an improving economy is more responsible for falling food stamp rolls than Mr. Trump’s attempts to limit access."

Thank you Mr Trump, you did all you could do given how badly the dems insisted on being whiney little dickless bitches all 4 years.

You idiots call him all sorts of names. That's your problem, not his. Here check this out...







Source: Forbes
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?

Poor Faun. He lacks 3 ingredients to financial success: awareness, poor timing, and picking the wrong horse to be on. Loser!

Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, but my wife's and my own 401K have done very well over the last 11½ years.

You cultists sure do have the most bizarre delusions.

But you still need to contribute and hang onto it and watch it go POOF! :abgg2q.jpg:

I recall you morons saying that when Obama became president.

Our 401K's went on to quadruple under him (including contributions).

The Dow opened at 19,795 on the morning of Obama's final day in office.

Even if demos want to use those fake numbers, it took Obama 8 years to go up DOW 10K. It took Trump 4. And that's giving Obama 1500 dow pts that he had nothing to do with and were 100% caused by the fact that he was fixing to be GONE.

Cha ching. Trump had TWICE the stock market rise as Obama.

But the fact that it had been 14500 under Bush and it took Obama 8 years to exceed that by only 4k, that's fucking SORRY.

And quit making excuses for the big eared Oreo. HE ran on being able to fix the economy yet presided over the SLOWEST ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN THE LAST 50 YEARS.


Oh yea, Trump did all of this while under constant investigation, a sham impeachment and obstruction every step of the way. AND HE STILL KICKED THAT HALF BLACK ASS'ES ASS.
"fake numbers"


There is no more accurate number, ya dumbfuck.
Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?


You're a lowly worm troll. Especially when it comes to money matters.
I got mine, thanks to the Donald, and you'll never get yours. :pinkygirly:

Moron, you literally said you've been telling "muppets this for years." "This" being the results of a Princeton study...

... which covered the years 2005-2015 -- 4 years while he wasn't president and only 7 of his presidency. Not to mention most of the jobs described in that study were under Bush.

If his jobs and economy were so fucking good, why is he known as the food stamp president? Because more people went on food stamps under Obama than any other president in HISTORY.

Chew on that apple for a while.

Suck it, bitch.

Under Trump, millions got out of poverty and off of food stamps:

"Democrats say those figures only show Mr. Trump has pushed struggling Americans off public assistance by pressing to restrict eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid and other programs.

For now, the evidence supports Mr. Trump’s contention that an improving economy is more responsible for falling food stamp rolls than Mr. Trump’s attempts to limit access."

Thank you Mr Trump, you did all you could do given how badly the dems insisted on being whiney little dickless bitches all 4 years.

You idiots call him all sorts of names. That's your problem, not his. Here check this out...

Source: Forbes

Unemployment under Obama:


Unemployment under Trump:


Lowest black and hispanic unemployment in 50 years.

Dem facts hurt huh dem?
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?
The Dow may have peaked at just over 14K under Bush but was down to under 8,300 on the day Obama was sworn in. And it continued falling to under 6,600 about 2 months later. From there it tripled to 19,800 under Obama.

19800? Where the fuck did you get that?

The DOW went up 1500 points as soon as it heard Obama was gone and Hillary was right behind him. Obama had NOTHING to do with the DOW after November 8th 2016.

The Dow opened at 19,795 on the morning of Obama's final day in office.

I was going to say that at some point your wife will leave you for the pool boy. But I realize that you don't even have a pool, so scratch that.

You want a picture of my pool?
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?

Poor Faun. He lacks 3 ingredients to financial success: awareness, poor timing, and picking the wrong horse to be on. Loser!

Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, but my wife's and my own 401K have done very well over the last 11½ years.

You cultists sure do have the most bizarre delusions.

But you still need to contribute and hang onto it and watch it go POOF! :abgg2q.jpg:

I recall you morons saying that when Obama became president.

Our 401K's went on to quadruple under him (including contributions).

For now on I'm calling you TRIPLE F; Financially Fucked Forever!

You brought it upon yourself, amigo.
Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?


You're a lowly worm troll. Especially when it comes to money matters.
I got mine, thanks to the Donald, and you'll never get yours. :pinkygirly:

Moron, you literally said you've been telling "muppets this for years." "This" being the results of a Princeton study...

... which covered the years 2005-2015 -- 4 years while he wasn't president and only 7 of his presidency. Not to mention most of the jobs described in that study were under Bush.

If his jobs and economy were so fucking good, why is he known as the food stamp president? Because more people went on food stamps under Obama than any other president in HISTORY.

Chew on that apple for a while.

Suck it, bitch.

Under Trump, millions got out of poverty and off of food stamps:

"Democrats say those figures only show Mr. Trump has pushed struggling Americans off public assistance by pressing to restrict eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid and other programs.

For now, the evidence supports Mr. Trump’s contention that an improving economy is more responsible for falling food stamp rolls than Mr. Trump’s attempts to limit access."

Thank you Mr Trump, you did all you could do given how badly the dems insisted on being whiney little dickless bitches all 4 years.

You idiots call him all sorts of names. That's your problem, not his. Here check this out...

Source: Forbes

Unemployment under Obama:


Unemployment under Trump:


Lowest black and hispanic unemployment in 50 years.

Dem facts hurt huh dem?

You moron, exactly what point do you think you make comparing the one high month under Obama with the one low month under Trump? In reality, unemployment under Obama dropped 3.1 points from 7.8% to 4.7%. Under Trump, it went up 2.2 points from 4.7% to 6.9%

As far as black unemployment. It peaked at 16.8% from Bush's Great Recession and dropped 9.3 points to 7.5% under Obama. It dropped another 2.3 points under Trump to 5.4%. The only reason it was a record low under Trump is because Obama handed him 7.5 black unemployment and the previous record low was 7.0%.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?

Poor Faun. He lacks 3 ingredients to financial success: awareness, poor timing, and picking the wrong horse to be on. Loser!

Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, but my wife's and my own 401K have done very well over the last 11½ years.

You cultists sure do have the most bizarre delusions.

But you still need to contribute and hang onto it and watch it go POOF! :abgg2q.jpg:

I recall you morons saying that when Obama became president.

Our 401K's went on to quadruple under him (including contributions).

For now on I'm calling you TRIPLE F; Financially Fucked Forever!

You brought it upon yourself, amigo.

Aww, please don't. That's really gonna upset me.

Dow 30k is something for all of us to be happy about. How and why is the Biden-Harris Green Deal going to sustain that? How is going back to join the Paris Accords going to help? How will the markets react to policies that result in more foreign oil dependence for an oil-driven economy going to be a benefit?

You people want Obama/Biden/Harris to have credit yet cannot speak economically HOW and WHY the policies being pushed are going to sustain a healthy Wall Street let alone Main Street.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?
The Dow may have peaked at just over 14K under Bush but was down to under 8,300 on the day Obama was sworn in. And it continued falling to under 6,600 about 2 months later. From there it tripled to 19,800 under Obama.

Yes, Obama looked after those at the top. Are you really going to brag about this?

Historical charts of the DJ comparing Trump to 4 other presidents

Trump was in the bottom tier. Obama, Clinton, and Reagan were ahead of him. Obama was the top performer if you buy into the Dow Jones is an indicator of something

Bush was below him

So Trump continues to says the economy will tank without him. Yet it still humming along when they know he is history.

history shows the dow was humming when OBama was president and passed it on to Trump

he should have just stayed in his office and cried instead of shouting DJ numbers and then walking back to the office to continue crying.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
THE GROWTH? WTH are you talking about? Under Obama----even with $10 Trillion more in debt and coming off the 2008 housing crash recession (recessions only last with 2 years with 2 exceptions--socialist roosevelt and communist Obama)-----only part time jobs, average household income down, and anemic growth.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Lying fuck. The market hit 20,000 under Obama.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
THE GROWTH? WTH are you talking about? Under Obama----even with $10 Trillion more in debt and coming off the 2008 housing crash recession (recessions only last with 2 years with 2 exceptions--socialist roosevelt and communist Obama)-----only part time jobs, average household income down, and anemic growth.
Fuck off Trump boy. Any idiot knows that the effects of a recessiopn last well beyond its official end.

Trump has added 7 trillion to the debt in 4 years.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
THE GROWTH? WTH are you talking about? Under Obama----even with $10 Trillion more in debt and coming off the 2008 housing crash recession (recessions only last with 2 years with 2 exceptions--socialist roosevelt and communist Obama)-----only part time jobs, average household income down, and anemic growth.
^^^ fuzzy conservative math

The debt increased $9.3 trillion under Obama, not $10 trillion. That took 8 years. In slightly under 4 years, it's up $7.3 trillion under Impeached Trump.

On an annual average, that's $1.2 Trillion for Obama and a record high among all presidents of $1.9 trillion for Impeached Trump.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Lying fuck. The market hit 20,000 under Obama.
No, it's true. The peak under Obama was 19,975 on 12.16.2016. It hit 20,000 on 1.25.2017.

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