Doom/Captain-America: Homeland Frank


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A Pre-4th Marvel fanfiction. Happy Summer (thanks for reading),


DOCTOR DOOM: I shall create a wonder-rich extraction of post-9/11 era Homeland paranoia surrounding modern sportsmanship-media to draw a vanities chess game among Western citizenry indulging in the 'water' and 'fire' of purified negligence (ha).


Well, it was clear that the evil Doctor Doom had charted a hateful summer examination of post-9/11 era Homeland (American) social-media culture 'flaws' when he began choreographing his terrorist-blueprint ahead of the upcoming sports-media/market rich pro-football spirits season, perhaps catalyzing a dreadful football-stadium 'scene' on TV eroding forms of social-media rhetoric/conversations concerning anti-terrorism 'resilience' arts and creativity (for the Ego).


CAPTAIN AMERICA: I shall find the needed American citizenry social-media culture handshakes/support for the football environment to counter this dreaded Doom 'agenda' for subversion of the basic cyber-highways traffic activity offering 'energizers' for anti-terrorism intelligentsia/educators (wow).


Doctor Doom was once a respected Euro-investor of diamonds and culture-exchange businesses including pizza-places but decided to 'renovate' his brain to cast himself as a hateful naysayer of the fun modern-age social-media culture of 'access' to street-life and the photo-richness of 'shared' customs/fashions on the otherwise 'good' Earth (for the Ego).


CAPTAIN AMERICA: You dare to destroy the hospitality of the Homeland media-capitalism landscape, doc?
DOOM: Excellence (of hell); this is a time of inventions in subversion in 'basic' hospitality-design (for the Ego).
CAPTAIN AMERICA: You fancy yourself as anti-Freudian, eh?
DOOM: What do you offer to this 'football-vanities' Homeland of indulgences (for hyperbole)?
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Pure pizza...word (wow).


Wow, Captain America was challenging this evildoer of the anti-terrorism media-age with this 'cool' and icy words of defense of media-life/traffic in that dreaded summertime in the United States as the pro-football spirits season approached, and he claimed he wielded the weaponry of hospitality 'pizza' to achieve this wonder-rich deed (for the Ego).

GIRLFRIEND: I feel (simply!) safer as football-arena activities are about to unfurl for the America, darling.
CAPTAIN AMERICA (real-name: Amlan Satan): You're the 'faerie-cheerleader' to this babe-formula for chess.
GIRLFRIEND: How...icy-watered.


Can you destroy terrorism with solid/good art(s)? This was the challenging cry of our beloved American patriot-hero (Captain America) who craved some 'cool' rivalry-games for football-TV-Internet fans in the post-9/11 era Homeland and warded off these icy-hellish words of the villainous Doctor Doom who (no doubt) would seek the method(s) of retreat/words (ha). All's 'fare' in love-and-faeries (for the Homeland, wow).


"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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