Don't Work For Obama. It Could Mean The End Of Your Career.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It seems just about every General or public official that has worked directly under Obama has fallen for one reason or another or been involved in a scandal. By the time Obama finishes his second term we may not have a command structure left. Scandal after scandal and none of it seems to effect Obama personally.

General Stanley McChrystal didn't make any comments that Rollingstone Magazine could quote but it was clear from a story using quotes from his aides that the General was disappointed in the lack of leadership Obama was showing. He was forced to retire and awarded the DDSM. His replacement was General Petraeus.

Now General Petraeus' replacement General Allen is under fire.

Hillary Clinton has been involved in the Secret Service prostitute scandal in Columbia and the attack in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 2 embassy members and 2 members of the CIA. Hillary is supposed to testify in a congressional hearing this week but she instead will be wine-tasting with friends in Australia with more security than the Prince of Wales. Since she accepted responsibility for the Benghazi debacle she has conveniently been out of the country and unavailable for questions.

Susan Rice has been picked to possibly replace Hillary but she is now involved in the Benghazi coverup. She made a point of going on several Sunday morning talk-shows to repeat a lie that the attack was the result of a video, a claim that has been thoroughly dispelled as a fabrication.

All of the lies and all of the coverups and none of it come close to tarnishing Obama.

My question is even if the stonewalling succeeds in not implicating Obama in anything you have to admit that his choices are disastrous to say the least. One thing is for sure, anyone who is stupid enough to accept a job from him deserves what they get.

keep trying to pretend this is some big deal.

Just like fast abd furious the second it got the national stage the right ended up looking like compolete lying assholes.

then your party shut the fuck up about it instantaniously.

dont you remember that?
No, of course they don't remember that. They are limited to one lie at a time, and when it is disproven, they move on to another, leaving the dumb shits that post on this board to repeat the past proven lies endlessly. Why do you think they lost this election so badly?
keep trying to pretend this is some big deal.

Just like fast abd furious the second it got the national stage the right ended up looking like compolete lying assholes.

then your party shut the fuck up about it instantaniously.

dont you remember that?
No, I don't remember that.

Obama claimed executive privilage and the hearings were scheduled for later, after the election.

The White House and the mainstreamers ignored it so it just goes away.

Benghazi is an even bigger story and the White House is trying to ether fire or make unavailable anyone involved.
maybe you should go back and look at the time period when the right got it to the national stage.

then you will see that the facts started getting national attention and it became clear the republicans were lying about the facts surrounding the issue and then it just DROPPED off the rader of the republican party
maybe you should go back and look at the time period when the right got it to the national stage.

then you will see that the facts started getting national attention and it became clear the republicans were lying about the facts surrounding the issue and then it just DROPPED off the rader of the republican party

The Republicans asked for answers and Obama claimed Executive Privilege. The MSM stopped covering it so to you it would appear that way.

I am aware of the facts. The Administration gave military grade weapons to drug traffickers and got caught. These weapons were used to commit several murders and even used to shoot down a helicopter. Serial numbers matched those Obama gave to criminals in Mexico. The media ignores it and it looks like Obama can rig elections so anyone who pisses him off loses when they're up for reelection.

How does it feel to be in a quasi-dictatorship?
When it comes to Petraeus his GF tried to blow the whistle on Obama and now she and anyone else at the top are catching hell from the media.

Hillary is wine-tasting in Australia and Obama is meeting with radical leftists in the White House plotting their next move.
No, of course they don't remember that. They are limited to one lie at a time, and when it is disproven, they move on to another, leaving the dumb shits that post on this board to repeat the past proven lies endlessly. Why do you think they lost this election so badly?

Electorially it sort of appears that way. Forgetting the fact that voting machines in swing states were changing Romney votes to Obama votes, 59 districts in Cleveland registered 19,000 votes and not one was for Romney which is a statistical impossibility, the fact that 330,000 votes would have swung the election to Romney and thousands of deployed troops were screwed out of voting during this election, I don't think you have a thing to be proud of.
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I believe Obama is going to be impeached which is not funny for any of us because it leaves us with that ABSOLUTE DOLT- Joe Biden and that scares the hell out of me!

It seems just about every General or public official that has worked directly under Obama has fallen for one reason or another or been involved in a scandal. By the time Obama finishes his second term we may not have a command structure left. Scandal after scandal and none of it seems to effect Obama personally.

General Stanley McChrystal didn't make any comments that Rollingstone Magazine could quote but it was clear from a story using quotes from his aides that the General was disappointed in the lack of leadership Obama was showing. He was forced to retire and awarded the DDSM. His replacement was General Petraeus.

Now General Petraeus' replacement General Allen is under fire.

Hillary Clinton has been involved in the Secret Service prostitute scandal in Columbia and the attack in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 2 embassy members and 2 members of the CIA. Hillary is supposed to testify in a congressional hearing this week but she instead will be wine-tasting with friends in Australia with more security than the Prince of Wales. Since she accepted responsibility for the Benghazi debacle she has conveniently been out of the country and unavailable for questions.

Susan Rice has been picked to possibly replace Hillary but she is now involved in the Benghazi coverup. She made a point of going on several Sunday morning talk-shows to repeat a lie that the attack was the result of a video, a claim that has been thoroughly dispelled as a fabrication.

All of the lies and all of the coverups and none of it come close to tarnishing Obama.

My question is even if the stonewalling succeeds in not implicating Obama in anything you have to admit that his choices are disastrous to say the least. One thing is for sure, anyone who is stupid enough to accept a job from him deserves what they get.


That's an ugly picture of those two.

Of course their nonsense doesn't affect Obama, they're the morons who get themselves into these troubling situations.
I believe Obama is going to be impeached which is not funny for any of us because it leaves us with that ABSOLUTE DOLT- Joe Biden and that scares the hell out of me!

It takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate to kick him out of office. The House may hold a trial but Harry Reid will squash it. Meanwhile the press will demonize the GOP led House for daring to impeach our fearless leader.

I figure they have nothing to lose but Boehner doesn't have the balls.

Let's not forget....Hillary has a GF that has the position of "Body-Girl" who just happens to be daughter to two members of radical terrorist groups, Obama himself has a body-man that takes care of his every need. *wink wink*

Nether is pure as Snow White.

Senior members of Homeland Defense have been accused of sexual harassment.

The Secret Service is trying to get rid of their own sex scandal.

The election could have ended this all, instead we're left to deal with it for 4 more GD years.

Oh, and then there's the massive cliff we're about to jump head first over.

It seems just about every General or public official that has worked directly under Obama has fallen for one reason or another or been involved in a scandal. By the time Obama finishes his second term we may not have a command structure left. Scandal after scandal and none of it seems to effect Obama personally.

General Stanley McChrystal didn't make any comments that Rollingstone Magazine could quote but it was clear from a story using quotes from his aides that the General was disappointed in the lack of leadership Obama was showing. He was forced to retire and awarded the DDSM. His replacement was General Petraeus.

Now General Petraeus' replacement General Allen is under fire.

Hillary Clinton has been involved in the Secret Service prostitute scandal in Columbia and the attack in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 2 embassy members and 2 members of the CIA. Hillary is supposed to testify in a congressional hearing this week but she instead will be wine-tasting with friends in Australia with more security than the Prince of Wales. Since she accepted responsibility for the Benghazi debacle she has conveniently been out of the country and unavailable for questions.

Susan Rice has been picked to possibly replace Hillary but she is now involved in the Benghazi coverup. She made a point of going on several Sunday morning talk-shows to repeat a lie that the attack was the result of a video, a claim that has been thoroughly dispelled as a fabrication.

All of the lies and all of the coverups and none of it come close to tarnishing Obama.

My question is even if the stonewalling succeeds in not implicating Obama in anything you have to admit that his choices are disastrous to say the least. One thing is for sure, anyone who is stupid enough to accept a job from him deserves what they get.


That's an ugly picture of those two.

Of course their nonsense doesn't affect Obama, they're the morons who get themselves into these troubling situations.

Well it's not meant to be pretty.

The press only covers what they want to. They are currently giving us every possible detail in an attempt to destroy lives. Do you think they would cut them any slack?

I guess the Clinton defense doesn't apply anymore. "Who cares about a blow-job!!!!"

In extremely “fascinating” timing, Petraeus resigned today, a few days after the election, over an extramartial affair. Now I’m sure that the affair happened, but I rather doubt that at this juncture, where extramarital affairs are normal even in the White House and the Marines are expected to embrace gay marriage, that this was really about the affair.

If Petraeus had stood by Obama over Benghazigate all the way, and taken the fall, then the affair would not have mattered. This is Valerie Jarrett delivering a first dose of payback and neutering the threat of a Petraeus presidential run against Obama in 2016.

The CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”

Instead of Petraeus falling on his sword at the CIA, Panetta and Dempsey were forced to do it. And Petraeus has been forced out anyway.

This is Godfather politics, but then again this isn’t America or Washington DC anymore. It’s Chicago boss politics. And with foreign wars off the table and national security a dead issue, the borrowed credibility that Petraeus gave to the Troika of Obama, Jarrett and Clinton is no longer needed anymore.

The left took a while to get Petraeus since their “General Betrayus” days, but they got him in the end.

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So the FBI takes the girlfriend's PC and discovers classified documents on it. (Probably planted)

Petraeus testifies Friday and backs up Obama's video claim just to keep himself and his gf out of jail. The FBI Found Classified Documents On Paula Broadwell's Computer

See how it works?

Abuse of power. And without a corrupt media that refuses to hold these people's feet to the fire none of this would have happened and our President wouldn't be tampering with witnesses.

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