Don't waste this opportunity to embarrass the orange shit out of our orange president


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2016’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?
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Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

Good stuff!
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Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

Good stuff!
The Week That Perished
Voter fraud is amazingly simple to carry out in Blue Districts.
All one need do is visit their local District Court and request copies of the voter rolls.
The voter rolls contain many people who are deceased, no longer living in the District or even a member of a Party.
Call every number and take of list of the above and bus in trespassers to vote.
Happens like crazy in Nassau County.
During recount in just one district of Detroit they found out that more people voted than were registered. Too bad they did not decide to recount California: I bet they would have found all "Clinton's popular vote" there and a lot more.
I support our state's position.

Arizona will comply with only some of White House's voter data request | Cronkite News

WASHINGTON – Arizona will comply with only some of a request from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for personal information on the state’s 3.6 million registered voters, Secretary of State Michele Reagan said Friday.

She follows the lead of several other states that had refused the request, made of all 50 secretaries of state, for voters’ names, dates of birth, addresses, political affiliation, vote history, any felony records and the last four digits of Social Security numbers.

Reagan said Arizona will provide the commission any data that is publicly available but that other information – including Social Security numbers, birth dates and other personally identifying information – will not be released.

Arizona voters can expect to have their personal information remain private and safe,” Reagan said in a statement posted by her office.
Trump is free to be mentally ill apparently, but he isn't free to force the rest of us to support his mental illness.

And let's be clear, this man is mentally ill and needs desperately to be in a hospital getting treatment.
Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

My bet is that you did not write that.

If I'm wrong, I apologize but I'm right.
Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

Good stuff!
The Week That Perished

Looks like you paraphrased parts of that.


Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

A total waste of bits ^^^ and a bombastic post by a partisan pule and a purblind myrmidon [See, one does not need to drone on to be pretentious].
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Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

You're weird, but really quite funny!
Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

I have to commend you, OP. You are quite adept at developing satirically sophisticated straw men and red herrings arguments.

Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

The objection secretaries of states have articulated in response to the Trump Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity request for voter/voting records has nothing to do with whether anyone or "any many" fraudulently voted in the 2016 election. It also isn't about being Democratic or Republican: Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson (R), the president of the National Association of Secretaries of State and member of the Commission, announced in a statement that her state wouldn’t release certain information requested by [Kris] Kobach, who is the vice-chairman of the Commission. Additionally, Secretaries of State for MS, TN and OH also have refused to provide the requested information.

Kobach himself doesn't see the request as meriting compliance -- Korbach announced he won't release the information for his own state -- which comes as no surprise insofar as during Obama's presidency, he told his colleague Jason Kander that the federal government should stay out of elections. What is surprising is (1) that he and the Commission made the request and (2) that he thinks other Secretaries of States should comply with the request.

What states have refused the Commission's request?
Arizona, California, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.


Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

You're weird, but really quite funny!

He didn't write it.
Every sane and patriotic American knows that Vladimir Putin personally voted in the 2016 US election over 332 quadrillion times, and that's why a tiny-fingered orange demon who is not only stupid and evil, he’s the biggest jerkasaurus to ever live, is president of the United States.

Not content merely to destroy our democracy, the malevolent and planet-swallowing demonic force who calls himself Donald Trump now has the audacity to demand that all 50 states turn over their voter registration records to investigate whether millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016’s election is true.

One study has estimated that as many as 5.7 million short, brown aliens cast votes in 2008’s presidential election, but some governors are telling the president to go fuck himself.

Governor and former lobbyist Terry McAuliffe of Virginia—which swung for Clinton in 2016—says he has “no intention of honoring” the feds’ request and instead pretended as if he had the psychic powers to discern Trump’s sinister motives for making the request in the first place:

This is an outrageous violation of citizens’ privacy rights….At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trump’s alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression…[the] only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—who we’ve always suspected smells like a pepperoni-and-cheese stromboli—tweeted thusly:

NY refuses to perpetuate the myth voter fraud played a role in our election. We will not comply with this request.

In California—which, if it had fallen into the ocean prior to last November’s election, would have given Trump the edge in the 2016 popular vote as well—Secretary of State Alex Padilla called the inquiry “a waste of taxpayer money.” It’s cute that he’s suddenly concerned with wasting taxes, seeing as how his ragingly Democratic state lawmakers have shoveled Cali into a debt hole deeper than $1 trillion. Padilla added:

California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President. Here's a thought: if it's already debunked, turn over the records. Why pass up this opportunity to embarrass the national disgrace in the White House? Hmmm?

My bet is that you did not write that.

If I'm wrong, I apologize but I'm right.
Don't waste this opportunity to embarrass the orange shit out of our orange president
I support our state's position.

Arizona will comply with only some of White House's voter data request | Cronkite News

WASHINGTON – Arizona will comply with only some of a request from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for personal information on the state’s 3.6 million registered voters, Secretary of State Michele Reagan said Friday.

She follows the lead of several other states that had refused the request, made of all 50 secretaries of state, for voters’ names, dates of birth, addresses, political affiliation, vote history, any felony records and the last four digits of Social Security numbers.

Reagan said Arizona will provide the commission any data that is publicly available but that other information – including Social Security numbers, birth dates and other personally identifying information – will not be released.

Arizona voters can expect to have their personal information remain private and safe,” Reagan said in a statement posted by her office.

I'm not worried about AZ. For the most part it seems like adults are in charge. There are a couple other states I believe will police themselves up knowing they will have the federal courts backing them from bolshevik lawyers unions. ICE and Border Agents will police up most of the illegals and eventually the democrook party will continue to erode. Rich donors will start to contribute to the CPUSA to keep leftist mobs from trashing their businesses rather than the democrooks and it will be over.

During recount in just one district of Detroit they found out that more people voted than were registered. Too bad they did not decide to recount California: I bet they would have found all "Clinton's popular vote" there and a lot more.
And remember election night, Pennsylvania was going heavily for Trump, then the "north Philly" precincts started reporting and lo and behold it was a tsunami for Hildebeast. Record-breaking turnout from blacks who were, in fact, having a piss poor turnout.

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