Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

go ahead bigmouth. show us specifically which is untrue and why. put up or stfu. we shall wait.

The burden of proof lies with the poster making the claim.

You claim that obama is "indeed a marxist" based on who he knows and then lace your post with colorful terms like "radcials and anarchists" while NOTHING that you have said proves that obama is "indeed a marxist. to the core."

Put up or shut up. LOL

Well, under Obama we have and huge stake in AIG, and with Government Motors. If he had his way, he would have a huge stake in healthcare. I think that would qualify.

That's nice and all but how does that prove that he is "indeed a marxist to the core" especially when you consider what willow actually said.

not true, he is indeed a Marxist. to the core. 20 years. with jeramiah bullfrog and farrakam, seeks out radicals and anarchists, sal alinsky, and above all. "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the USof KKKA."

After all the comment was about what was said was it not?

Funny but I don't see how your comments have anything to do with the comments of willow nor do your comments substantiate his claims of guilt by association.

Furthermore, having a temporary stake in one company in a given means of production, distribution or exchange is hardly what any HONEST person would equate to marxism to the core.

Thanks for the spin though
Most cons around here ARE children.

It's been this way a long time. They can't be satisfied with the truth. It's like professional wrestling (a con favorite) as opposed to real wrestling.

EXACTLY. One thing that substantiates your post is the fact that they avoid the debate and then gang up on and attack the messenger in lieu of a real argument.

Happens all of the time on this board.

Let's talk truth now.

The lefties are the ones denying that redistribution of wealth, strengthening the middle class and the takeover of industry and banking by the government is socialism.

It's the left who, childlike, start disengenuous threads with lies in the thread titles (think Dante). Truthful? I think not.

Who is taking over industry and banking? There is NOTHING in either health bill that constitutes a take over of the industry. so how can you talk truth when you present a LIE?

What industry is being taken over by the government???

Banking has been regulated by the government before now so how is the government taking over banking NOW??

It is the right who, childlike, start disengenuous posts with lies as the core of their posts. Truthful, in reference to your post? I can tell you don't think.
Most cons around here ARE children.

It's been this way a long time. They can't be satisfied with the truth. It's like professional wrestling (a con favorite) as opposed to real wrestling.

EXACTLY. One thing that substantiates your post is the fact that they avoid the debate and then gang up on and attack the messenger in lieu of a real argument.

Happens all of the time on this board.


I reveiwed what I posted and I offered examples of why I fee as I feel and asked the poster to do the same.

He did not.

I DID see him curse out those that cited examples and disagreed with what he posted...but no where did I see him defend what he said with examples...

So I see your post as one of a lazy person who refused to read throuh the thread before making a general comment on all of the posts in the thread.

So am I correct? Are you a lazy person?

What are you talking about?? Is that when you tried to hold obama accountable for something someone else said?? If that is the dishonesty that you are basing your spin on no wonder he cursed them out. LOL Seems justifiable to me.
Clinton was responsible for 9/11 and the housing bubble.

Id say partially responsible for 9/11, but Reagan and Bush I played a part as well to be fair..........

The housing bubble?

In large measure the Clinton administration , due to regulations established in the early 1990's which pressured banks to extend billions of dollars to non-credit worthy borrowers. Its not even debatable........and of course Republicans werent going to say sh!t and get pigeonholed for being racist. It was a no-lose for the Dums.

LOL so despite the fact that republicans controlled the white house and congress years and did NOTHING to prevent what righties say that tehy predicted would happen it's all clinton's and the dems fault. LOL

Like I said, they like to TALK about and preach personal responsibility to others but never apply that same standard to themselves ot their own party.

Republicans CHOSE to do nothing but it's the democrats fault. LOL The democrats may be screwing up the passage of the health bills but at least they tried which is more than can be said for the republicans and the housing bust.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?
YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

How is it that when George Bush was president EVERYTHING was ultimately his responsibility but we shouldn't hold Obama to the same standard? Why not?
Clinton was responsible for 9/11 and the housing bubble.

Id say partially responsible for 9/11, but Reagan and Bush I played a part as well to be fair..........

The housing bubble?

In large measure the Clinton administration , due to regulations established in the early 1990's which pressured banks to extend billions of dollars to non-credit worthy borrowers. Its not even debatable........and of course Republicans werent going to say sh!t and get pigeonholed for being racist. It was a no-lose for the Dums.

LOL so despite the fact that republicans controlled the white house and congress years and did NOTHING to prevent what righties say that tehy predicted would happen it's all clinton's and the dems fault. LOL

Like I said, they like to TALK about and preach personal responsibility to others but never apply that same standard to themselves ot their own party.

Republicans CHOSE to do nothing but it's the democrats fault. LOL The democrats may be screwing up the passage of the health bills but at least they tried which is more than can be said for the republicans and the housing bust.

you may want to go back and look who signed the bills into law deregulating lending may want to go back and look who proposed a bill to re regulate lending and who blocked it.....
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Leftists say that he is a centrist because of the way he has governed. The right says that he is a socialist because of how he promised he would govern. The fact that there is such a disparity between his rhetoric and his leadership should not be held against those on either side who oppose him. If he is the single payer socialized medicine man he said he was, then forgive the left for calling him a moderate. If he is the "I'll take whatever I can get" moderate that it looks like he is settling for, then forgive the right for believing what he originally said.

Why do the rest of us bear the blame for his inability to establish who he really is?
How is it that when George Bush was president EVERYTHING was ultimately his responsibility but we shouldn't hold Obama to the same standard? Why not?

from my recollection, bush had the sympathy from 9/11 kick in before the blame clinton period officially expired. he didnt really face that standard until '03 on the basis of souring results in the mid-east and an up-coming election.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?
YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

How is it that when George Bush was president EVERYTHING was ultimately his responsibility but we shouldn't hold Obama to the same standard? Why not?
The bottom line is that they're not going to hold Obama responsible. There's a few up here who are starting to seriously question his competency, and those are who deserve respect. But for the most part, the Obamabot morons will defend him to the death, even as he takes the futures of at least the next two generations down the fucking toilet.

It's no different than the morons who abjectly refuse to hold their beloved dem messiahs accountable for their dominant role in causing the housing collapse. Ya' just can't take those types seriously whatsoever. They're kool-aid drinking morons, nothing more!
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How is it that when George Bush was president EVERYTHING was ultimately his responsibility but we shouldn't hold Obama to the same standard? Why not?

from my recollection, bush had the sympathy from 9/11 kick in before the blame clinton period officially expired. he didnt really face that standard until '03 on the basis of souring results in the mid-east and an up-coming election.

I thought it was "the failed policies of the last 8 years". Has that changed too now?
How is it that when George Bush was president EVERYTHING was ultimately his responsibility but we shouldn't hold Obama to the same standard? Why not?

from my recollection, bush had the sympathy from 9/11 kick in before the blame clinton period officially expired. he didnt really face that standard until '03 on the basis of souring results in the mid-east and an up-coming election.

As I recall, Bush ( selected not elected ) was not given any honeymoon. He was held responsible for the recession that started in 2000. It wasn't until 9/11 that the Dems cut him any slack at all.
Id say partially responsible for 9/11, but Reagan and Bush I played a part as well to be fair..........

The housing bubble?

In large measure the Clinton administration , due to regulations established in the early 1990's which pressured banks to extend billions of dollars to non-credit worthy borrowers. Its not even debatable........and of course Republicans werent going to say sh!t and get pigeonholed for being racist. It was a no-lose for the Dums.

LOL so despite the fact that republicans controlled the white house and congress years and did NOTHING to prevent what righties say that tehy predicted would happen it's all clinton's and the dems fault. LOL

Like I said, they like to TALK about and preach personal responsibility to others but never apply that same standard to themselves ot their own party.

Republicans CHOSE to do nothing but it's the democrats fault. LOL The democrats may be screwing up the passage of the health bills but at least they tried which is more than can be said for the republicans and the housing bust.

you may want to go back and look who signed the bills into law deregulating lending may want to go back and look who proposed a bill to re regulate lending and who blocked it.....

Don't muddy this all up with facts and truth. The left doesn't need facts and truth, they just need their version of revisionist history.

not true, he is indeed a Marxist. to the core. 20 years. with jeramiah bullfrog and farrakam, seeks out radicals and anarchists, sal alinsky, and above all. "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the USof KKKA."

OK, tell us what the definition of marxist is and then list the things Obama has done that are marxist.


(Fact is you have no idea what it is and you're just spewing GOP talking points and lies, just like this thread is stating).

GOP talking points? Exactly what notable memeber of the GOP refers to Obama as a marxist?

Here's a GOP candidate, Ed Martin, a former chief of staff to Missouri governor Matt Blunt with a website of tea partiers claiming Obama is a Marxist. Do you think he put those pics up on his campaign website by mistake?

Photos from the Tea Party Rally at the Arch (Feb 27) Ed Martin For Congress

And don't you remember when the Republicans tried to change the name of the Democratic party to the Democrat Socialist Party? LOL!!!!

Seriously though, are you denying the Republicans call him a socialist all the time?
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How is it that when George Bush was president EVERYTHING was ultimately his responsibility but we shouldn't hold Obama to the same standard? Why not?

from my recollection, bush had the sympathy from 9/11 kick in before the blame clinton period officially expired. he didnt really face that standard until '03 on the basis of souring results in the mid-east and an up-coming election.

As I recall, Bush ( selected not elected ) was not given any honeymoon. He was held responsible for the recession that started in 2000. It wasn't until 9/11 that the Dems cut him any slack at all.

oh.. silly me, i thought you were talking about the public. of course the democrats were making a bunch of noise. are you new to politics? a minority congress with an opposition executive is the bitchiest entity there is. the republicans are slacking, id say.
Here's a GOP candidate, Ed Martin, a former chief of staff to Missouri governor Matt Blunt with a website of tea partiers claiming Obama is a Marxist. Do you think he put those pics up on his campaign website by mistake?

No, I don't think he put those up by mistake. In fact, I doubt that he posts the picture on his website in the first place.

Exhibit #2

go ahead bigmouth. show us specifically which is untrue and why. put up or stfu. we shall wait.

The burden of proof lies with the poster making the claim.

You claim that obama is "indeed a marxist" based on who he knows and then lace your post with colorful terms like "radcials and anarchists" while NOTHING that you have said proves that obama is "indeed a marxist. to the core."

Put up or shut up. LOL

They are just repeating the kool-aid talking points that FOX gave them.

Did you know that the second largest shareholder in newscorp (FOX) is the nephew of the Saudi Monarch? Yep, that's who's influencing our right wing friends in America these days.
Here's a GOP candidate, Ed Martin, a former chief of staff to Missouri governor Matt Blunt with a website of tea partiers claiming Obama is a Marxist. Do you think he put those pics up on his campaign website by mistake?

No, I don't think he put those up by mistake. In fact, I doubt that he posts the picture on his website in the first place.

So he has pics of people calling Obama a Marxist and he doesn't believe Obama is a Marxist? Is that your stance?
Here's a GOP candidate, Ed Martin, a former chief of staff to Missouri governor Matt Blunt with a website of tea partiers claiming Obama is a Marxist. Do you think he put those pics up on his campaign website by mistake?

No, I don't think he put those up by mistake. In fact, I doubt that he posts the picture on his website in the first place.

So he has pics of people calling Obama a Marxist and he doesn't believe Obama is a Marxist? Is that your stance?

taking high school government to heart, anyone would think 'marxist' is a stretch for a president courting capitalist special interests as they do, but republicans think they've found the motherlode in an ignorant sensationalist base of tbag types. quite limber how today's conservatives stoop to their bottom-feeding fanclub.
Most european nations have a lot more socialism than our country, Grump...agreed/ I'm not saying a Marxist style, but I'm saying heavy government taxes for heavy government influence in those nations....would you say that is a fiar statement?

Dunno...depends what you call socialism. I think your govt interferes in a lot of ways - not just with its own people...

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