Don't He Know '1 Monkey Don't Stop No Show'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump ridiculously calls an end to 6 Jan Committee after Liz Cheney gets soundly defeated in Wyoming.

Silly, Trump. Cheney and Kinzinger are the 'token' TDS-suffering/hating Republicans on rhe committee, there for the falae appearance of 'bipartisanship'.

They could both be struck down by lightning as they sat on the Committee during a hearing & Democrats would keep going.

Chaney didn't just get "soundly defeated", she might have set a record for the fastest concession speech by a defeated incumbent U.S. politician in American history (a half hour after the polls closed) and the worst numbers of an an incumbent in a hundred years. Anything she says from today will be suspect as a emotional outburst by a lame duck who was rejected by constituents.
J6 is nonsense.

Pelosi would not allow ACTUAL conservatives on the committee, only RINOS.

Its not an investigation.
Invited but Republican leadership rejected the idea.
All the defense since Trump has FBI get some things that belonged to NOT Trump.
You humpers have zero.
All the defense since Trump has FBI get some things that belonged to NOT Trump.
You humpers have zero.
Actually not, snowflake. Way to lie. Trump has a lot of defense against the raid.

The same FBI brass that participated in Hillary's & Obama's failed coup now work for the DOJ and were the ones who helped get the raid approved.

The same exact agents who participated in the failed coup attempt and who are under investigation by Durham for their parts in the failed coup attempt were the agents who raided Trump's home.

The heavily-armed raid was partially about OPTICS. Who did they need the assault rifles for? The Secret Service? Trump's lawyer if he tried to stop them from taking the lawyer-client privileged info they took?

The raid was unprecedented, historic, dangerous, and - as CNN called it - 'Unwarranted'. Never in US history had a raid been conducted on a President's home.
- Them again, never in US history had a former President and his criminal treasonous agencies participated in a coup attempt before Hillary initiated it and Obama tried to carry it out.

The US AG & FBI tried to justify the raid by claiming Trump had 'nuclear secrets' which endangered National Security.
- Yeah, it was such a danger to National Security the US AG claimed he deliberated on whether to approve the raid FOR WEEKS.

After admitting they took attorney-client privileged documents and info the FBI promised to return it IN A FEW WEEKS.

Trump is on record as having been cooperating with the DOJ & FBI for the return.of documents, already having returned 15 boxes of information / material in JUNE. Several weeks later the FBI decided this was not fast enough, so they raided Trump's home.
- Not fast enough? This is the same FBI on re ord as being Ordered by then President Trump to declassify and release FBI-incriminating Crossfire Hurricane documents & 19 MONTHS LATER they have still refused to do so. How about a f*ing RAID on the FBI and Wray's home / office to retrieve those documents the FBI still refuses to release 19 months later?!

Your 'only 1 defense' post is so full of snowflake shit, a LIE, your eyes are brown.

There is a shitload of things wrong with the FBI's raid. The above isn't even all of it that's been reported.
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Actually not, snowflake. Way to lie.

The same FBI brass that participated in Hillary's & Obama's failed coup now work for the DOJ and were the ones who helped get the raid approved.

The sane exact agents who participated in the failed coup attempt were the agents who raided Trump's home.

The heavily-armed raid was partially about OPTICS. Who did they need the assault rifles for? The Secret Service? Trump's lawyer if he tried to stop them from taking the lawyer-client privileged info they took?

The raid was unprecedented, historic, dangerous, and - as CNN called it - 'Unwarranted'. Never in US history had a raid been conducted on a President.
- Them again, never in US history had a President and his criminal treasonous agencies participated in a coup attempt before Hillary initiated it and Obama tried to carry it out.

The US AG & FBI tried to justify the raid by claiming Trump had 'nuclear secrets' which endangered National Security.
- Yeah, it was such a danger to National Security the US AG claimed he deliberated on whether to approve the raid FOR WEEKS.

After admitting they took attorney-client privileged documents and info the FBI promised to return it IN A FEW WEEKS.

Trump is on record as having been cooperating with the DOJ & FBI for the return.of documents, already having returned 15 boxes of information / material on JUNE. Several weeks later the FBI decided this was not fast enough, so they raided Trump's home.
- Not fast enough? This is the same FBI on re ord as being Ordered by then President Trump to declassify and release FBI-incriminating Crossfire Hurricane documents & 19 MONTHS LATER they have still refused to do so. How about a f*ing RAID on the FBI and Wray's home / office to retrieve those documents the FBI still refuses to release 19 months later?!

your 'only 1 defense' post is so full of snowflake shit, a LIE, your eyes are brown.

There is a shitload of things wrong with the FBI's raid. The above isn't even all of it that's been reported.
I'm lying? About what? You are defending Trump, correct?
I'm lying? About what? You are defending Trump, correct?
"All the defense since Trump has FBI get some things that belonged to NOT Trump."

Then again this sentence is pretty much garbled crap. Maybe that explains why it wasn't necessarily a lie. If I misunderstood what you attempted to say I apologize.
"All the defense since Trump has FBI get some things that belonged to NOT Trump."

Then again this sentence is pretty much garbled crap. Maybe that explains why it wasn't necessarily a lie. If I misunderstood what you attempted to say I apologize.
Don't skim next time. You need to actually read.
Don't skim next time. You need to actually read.
I read it 3 times and still don't understand what you're saying.

'All the defense since Trump has FBI get some things that belonged NOT to Trump'?

I read it 3 times and still don't understand what you're saying.

'All the defense since Trump has FBI get some things that belonged NOT to Trump'?

I know. You all defend Trump for items that should not be at MAL. How's that?
MAL = Mar-A-Lago
Thank you.

So the sitting president,, which was Trump at the time, had the authority to declassify information. He says he did so. He is already on record as having ordered the FBI to declassify Crossfire Hurricane files / info, which they have refused to do after going on 20 months now....but you prefer to believe them over Trump?

After the FBI violated the Constitution, the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans and the President, participated in the failed coup attempt, the same players are responsible for approving and conducting the raid, and after taking attorney-client info AGAIN & refusing to return it for WEEKS...

I would not believe anyone from the FBI if they walked up to me on fire and told me they were on fire.
Thank you.

So the sitting president,, which was Trump at the time, had the authority to declassify information. He says he did so. He is already on record as having ordered the FBI to declassify Crossfire Hurricane files / info, which they have refused to do after going on 20 months now....but you prefer to believe them over Trump?

After the FBI violated the Constitution, the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans and the President, participated in the failed coup attempt, the same players are responsible for approving and conducting the raid, and after taking attorney-client info AGAIN & refusing to return it for WEEKS...

I would not believe anyone from the FBI if they walked up to me on fire and told me they were on fire.
But if it wasn't supposed to leave the WH is that good or bad? I have no idea what the FBI got. Do you?
But if it wasn't supposed to leave the WH is that good or bad? I have no idea what the FBI got. Do you?
Who said it wasn't supposed to leave the WH?

If you don't know what it is how do you know it wasn't supposed to leave the WH?

Hillary's wasn't supposed to leave a secure vault but ended up in her possession & turned out to be a 'nothingburger', remember?
No rebuttal witnesses were allowed by the Reich.
Maybe your guy, should not have pulled the 5 right-wing republicans from the committee. Many testifying were in Trumps inner circle, picked by the circle to work with, while in office. I guess we will never know what you think they would have rebutted. Always a fruitless gesture to pick up your marbles and go home, just because you cannot disrupt the proceeding, and the proceedings simply proceed without you. Stupid is as stupid does.

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