Don’t Buy the Democrats’ Undemocratic Push to Remake America

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Great article. Democrats are going to help people even if they have to break the law and violate the Constitution.

US4CC.Smart_Guy - violating_constitution.png
The writer is upset Democrats are using the senate rules to get around the filibuster that has been grossly misused the last couple decades. OK, kind of not upset about this.

Then the guy has the balls to call it 'undemocratic' when the vast majority of Americans are represented by senators who approve of the infrastructure bill. You can't make this up.

Why are conservatives worried about democracy now? They keep telling us we're only a Republic (erroneously) but now democracy matters?
America doesn't need to be remade. Society needs to be reminded what it is to be an American is all.
" the problem is the manipulative way Democrats are using the reconciliation process to bypass “regular order” to remake America."

Isn't that the same way Trumpybear and the Neo-GOP got the tax cuts for the wealthy passed. It is a legal but limited maneuver. They still have to vote on it and must have 50+1 for it to pass. That is still democracy. Now if they gin up a phony crisis and the President declares an emergency to access special power afforded a president during an emergency, and the president used that to fulfill part of a campaign promise, now that would be undemocratic. Using reconciliation, not so much.
Great article. Democrats are going to help people even if they have to break the law and violate the Constitution.

Don't buy the right's ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.

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