Donny Jr tells the truth...the Republican party exist no longer.

I’m sure that’s true, but I am not sure why that would be an answer to my question? By “participants “do you mean voters?

Sorry, your statement is true, but I’m not sure what you mean. In this context. I’d like to know, sincerely.
The rep's and dem's have had platforms since their conception Seymour.

One can find their values have had some significant changes , especially over the last few generations where each is looking more like their opposition

That said, conservatism ,and conservatives have stayed basically the same as have liberalism and liberals have

The political platforms evolve , and they try and relabel their parties constituency to do the same , where it rightly should be the other way 'round you see

I think your fears are not warranted.

Trump is too old to last much longer in a stressful job like POTUS, and he'll be term limited if he makes it through the second four years. With Lara Trump as co-chair of the RNC, the RINOs will have a more difficult time rushing in and pretending they supported Trump all along so they can get elected and give back all he gained from the Democrats for the American people.

That's all.

It's not a guaranteed Trump dynasty, because none of his grown children generate the kind of reactions from Democrats that made Americans support him even more strongly.

I feel like the pro-American wing of the GOP are the ones who should worry. The RINOs have always had powerful backing from the Arms Manufacturers and the Deepstate, and support of the media when they are gainst a Republican America Firster, so they may well get the GOP again and be all that stands between Americans and the worst excesses of the Democrats.

Imagine that? The Democrats announcing their economic plan and Liz Cheney or Susan Collins gets elected promising to stand up to them?

The voters voted on Lara Trump? Do you have a link?
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, the voters are voting for Trump, not only in the Republican primaries, but polls show Trump beating Biden in every single swing state in the general. It has nothing to do with Lara Trump. Every single challenger in the primaries has dropped out because Republican voters weren't voting for them.
the voters are voting for Trump, not only in the Republican primaries

Yeah, he is getting around 70 to 80 percent of the votes. Not really anything to write home about.

but polls show Trump beating Biden in every single swing state in the general.

polls were fake news till you god took the lead in them.

It has nothing to do with Lara Trump.

It has every thing to do with Lara Trump, that is the point of this thread. She said that the only purpose of the RNC was to help Trump win the election. She is going to send all the RNC money to him and his legal fund.

Risky gamble no helping out those Repubs in a tough fight to keep their seats.
Yeah, he is getting around 70 to 80 percent of the votes. Not really anything to write home about.

polls were fake news till you god took the lead in them.

It has every thing to do with Lara Trump, that is the point of this thread. She said that the only purpose of the RNC was to help Trump win the election. She is going to send all the RNC money to him and his legal fund.

Risky gamble no helping out those Repubs in a tough fight to keep their seats.
The primaries just barely started and they are already over because Trump was so popular.
Both Parties were taken over by elitist technocrats. Trump was a dark horse who embraced American values and rebuilding the American economy. It's pretty simple, and it's also why the assorted deviants and commie corporatist vermin are frantic to get him into prison or dead.
He is so popular that 1/3 of the party did not vote for him.
What do you think normally happens in primaries? Biden just barely won his own primary in 2020. Bernie had him licked until the DNC put their foot down and ran Bernie out. This time around the DNC made sure Biden had no competition at all while the RNC allowed several challengers. Trump is ahead of Biden in every single swing state and every betting venue has Trump winning. And you want to further some nonsense that means nothing?
Trump is ahead of Biden in every single swing state and every betting venue has Trump winning

How much have you put down at these betting venues since you are so very sure of your man winning?

And you want to further some nonsense that means nothing?

Whatever helps you sleep at night I am good with.

Hillary was ahead of Trump in every single swing state and every betting venue has Hillary did that work out for her?
because cutting spending would involve taking goodies away from their base.

They want the OTHER guys goodies cut.
Nah, just cut it all. Republicans have jobs, but the democrats wont' take away tax breaks for the exact same reason.
The problem with the GOP is that its policies benefit a very narrow group of people - wealthy investor class. They have to motivate a larger group of voters to side with them which is why they needed the southern strategy or the maga movement.

Structurally they need emotional voting motivation because the policies aren’t broadly beneficial.

If a cult of personality by a narcissist con man can overcome conservative ideology and take over its party, was it really all that popular to begin with?

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