Donna Brazil Has Meltdown On Fox News This Morning And Is Shut Down


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Donna Brazil, she was a moderator for one of the DNC debates in 2016 and admitted to supplying Hillary with the questions she was going to ask in advance of one of the debates. Why Fox hired her to be a commentator I cannot understand. She a liar and a cheat. Most of the people that watch Fox News do not like having a Democrat operative featured on their most popular shows. She has been a regular on "The Five" since late last year.

This morning Brian Kilmeade had her as a guest along with another known liberal, Tammy Bruce, to talk about the difference between the DNC and the RNC.
Before you know it she starts yelling about her racist opinions about not feeling safe in America after 400 years of oppression. Oppression that ended over 120 years before she was born I might add. But she claims nobody acknowledges her existence.
It got to the point where nobody could be heard over her raising her voice and refusing to let anyone else respond and so the network cut away to stop what had degenerated into 3 people shouting to be heard at the same time. I was waiting for her to reclaim her time. It was no different than what we saw during the AG Barr fiasco.

Watch it here:
How anyone takes that hack seriously I have no idea. When Meghan Kelly dressed her down over the debate cheating she wouldn't speak to it either, claiming 'as a good christian woman' or some such thing that she wouldn't sit there and be insulted, ie, "I'm not answering that"

same thing here: straight to race care to deflect rather than speak to the point.

Another millionaire decrying the unfairness of it all. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....
Donna Brazil, she was a moderator for one of the DNC debates in 2016 and admitted to supplying Hillary with the questions she was going to ask in advance of one of the debates. Why Fox hired her to be a commentator I cannot understand. She a liar and a cheat. Most of the people that watch Fox News do not like having a Democrat operative featured on their most popular shows. She has been a regular on "The Five" since late last year.

This morning Brian Kilmeade had her as a guest along with another known liberal, Tammy Bruce, to talk about the difference between the DNC and the RNC.
Before you know it she starts yelling about her racist opinions about not feeling safe in America after 400 years of oppression. Oppression that ended over 120 years before she was born I might add. But she claims nobody acknowledges her existence.
It got to the point where nobody could be heard over her raising her voice and refusing to let anyone else respond and so the network cut away to stop what had degenerated into 3 people shouting to be heard at the same time. I was waiting for her to reclaim her time. It was no different than what we saw during the AG Barr fiasco.

Watch it here:

Hilarious. Brazile is a FOOL. Thanks for the post.
Donna Brazil, she was a moderator for one of the DNC debates in 2016 and admitted to supplying Hillary with the questions she was going to ask in advance of one of the debates. Why Fox hired her to be a commentator I cannot understand. She a liar and a cheat. Most of the people that watch Fox News do not like having a Democrat operative featured on their most popular shows. She has been a regular on "The Five" since late last year.

This morning Brian Kilmeade had her as a guest along with another known liberal, Tammy Bruce, to talk about the difference between the DNC and the RNC.
Before you know it she starts yelling about her racist opinions about not feeling safe in America after 400 years of oppression. Oppression that ended over 120 years before she was born I might add. But she claims nobody acknowledges her existence.
It got to the point where nobody could be heard over her raising her voice and refusing to let anyone else respond and so the network cut away to stop what had degenerated into 3 people shouting to be heard at the same time. I was waiting for her to reclaim her time. It was no different than what we saw during the AG Barr fiasco.

Watch it here:
Well, she's fat enough for the View, so maybe she can join the other cows,
Donna Brazil, she was a moderator for one of the DNC debates in 2016 and admitted to supplying Hillary with the questions she was going to ask in advance of one of the debates. Why Fox hired her to be a commentator I cannot understand.

I don't do cable TV anymore but there in a word is why even if I did again, I wouldn't pay to get Fox anymore. Every move Fox has made since the day they fired Bill O'Reilly has been to alienate my viewership. Fox has gone from Fair and Balanced to Flaky and Bullshit.
Has anyone noticed how "Fox News" has refrained from broadcasting that Biden apparently received no bounce in polling following his DNC acceptance speech??? Do you know who sits on the board at FNC, "Paul Ryan" sits on the board of FNC, the same exact Paul Ryan that the so-called freedom caucus surrendered to when they had the RNC completely by the short hairs and could have dictated any new speaker of the house they so chose, but did not, and we got Paul Ryan, who preceded to hand the democrats and the democratic agenda, EVERYTHING they wanted, including the most expansive and bloated omnibus bill ever passed in American history! I don't give a rats ass about Donna Brazille, she's a naked partisan, Paul Ryan on the other hand was the individual who almost single handed engineered the fall of the republican congress to the democrats, he did so on purpose, and all of the wise know he did.

Fuck Fox News....
God, that was a terribly sad “exchange of ideas”!

But what I noticed was that for the first whole minute (out of this painful 3 minute 47 second clip) Donna Brazille sat quietly, without interrupting, listening to the other woman gush on about how the speakers at the Republican Convention captured the real American spirit, and then when she responded to give her own view she was interrupted after 15 seconds.

The white moderator guy Brian, instead of letting her finish her point, sided with the white woman Tammy, trying to sum up what Brazille was saying into a “question” — which she never asked. He was essentially trying to shut Brazille up and allow his white co-host to answer a never asked question. From there it disintegrated to a free for all shouting match, with Brazille and Tammy both refusing to shut up.

Now I don’t really like Donna Brazille, and rarely watch mainstream media spin / talking head discussions, so typical of CNN & MSNBC & FOX. But the blame here belongs on all three participants, with the moderator guy bearing the main blame for failing to control the discussion (not easy once the two women got started) and not initially allowing Brazille equal uninterrupted time.
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Donna Brazil, she was a moderator for one of the DNC debates in 2016 and admitted to supplying Hillary with the questions she was going to ask in advance of one of the debates. Why Fox hired her to be a commentator I cannot understand. She a liar and a cheat. Most of the people that watch Fox News do not like having a Democrat operative featured on their most popular shows. She has been a regular on "The Five" since late last year.

This morning Brian Kilmeade had her as a guest along with another known liberal, Tammy Bruce, to talk about the difference between the DNC and the RNC.
Before you know it she starts yelling about her racist opinions about not feeling safe in America after 400 years of oppression. Oppression that ended over 120 years before she was born I might add. But she claims nobody acknowledges her existence.
It got to the point where nobody could be heard over her raising her voice and refusing to let anyone else respond and so the network cut away to stop what had degenerated into 3 people shouting to be heard at the same time. I was waiting for her to reclaim her time. It was no different than what we saw during the AG Barr fiasco.

Watch it here:

I le how Trump scum always try to make it like women are out of control. Especially Black woken.
You should probably take a Valium and get over it

ps no one is more out of control than your orange sociopath
God, that was a terribly sad “exchange of ideas”!

But what I noticed was that for the first whole minute (out of this painful 3 minute 47 second clip) Donna Brazille sat quietly, without interrupting, listening to the other woman gush on about how the speakers at the Republican Convention captured the real American spirit, and then when she responded to give her own view she was interrupted after 15 seconds.

The white moderator guy Brian, instead of letting her finish her point, sided with the white woman Tammy, trying to sum up what Brazille was saying into a “question” — which she never asked. He was essentially trying to shut Brazille up and allow his white co-host to answer a never asked question. From there it disintegrated to a free for all shouting match, with Brazille and Tammy both refusing to shut up.

Now I don’t really like Donna Brazille, and rarely watch mainstream media spin / talking head discussions, so typical of CNN & MSNBC & FOX. But the blame here belongs on all three participants, with the moderator guy bearing the main blame for failing to control the discussion (not easy once the two women got started) and not initially allowing Brazille equal uninterrupted time.
Barzille was invoking strawman argument, after victimhood tale, after blatant mischaracterization of what Tammy Bruce said....It was all on purpose of course....I've never seen Brazille act like such a fucking fool.
Has anyone noticed how "Fox News" has refrained from broadcasting that Biden apparently received no bounce in polling following his DNC acceptance speech??? Do you know who sits on the board at FNC, "Paul Ryan" sits on the board of FNC, the same exact Paul Ryan that the so-called freedom caucus surrendered to when they had the RNC completely by the short hairs and could have dictated any new speaker of the house they so chose, but did not, and we got Paul Ryan, who preceded to hand the democrats and the democratic agenda, EVERYTHING they wanted, including the most expansive and bloated omnibus bill ever passed in American history! I don't give a rats ass about Donna Brazille, she's a naked partisan, Paul Ryan on the other hand was the individual who almost single handed engineered the fall of the republican congress to the democrats, he did so on purpose, and all of the wise know he did.

Fuck Fox News....

Dude, Orange Jesus presided over an expansion of government with his massive deficit-busting response to the pandemic that would have made Bernie Sanders blush. So whining about Ryan's Omnibus Bill is pretty silly.
God, that was a terribly sad “exchange of ideas”!

But what I noticed was that for the first whole minute (out of this painful 3 minute 47 second clip) Donna Brazille sat quietly, without interrupting, listening to the other woman gush on about how the speakers at the Republican Convention captured the real American spirit, and then when she responded to give her own view she was interrupted after 15 seconds.

The white moderator guy Brian, instead of letting her finish her point, sided with the white woman Tammy, trying to sum up what Brazille was saying into a “question” — which she never asked. He was essentially trying to shut Brazille up and allow his white co-host to answer a never asked question. From there it disintegrated to a free for all shouting match, with Brazille and Tammy both refusing to shut up.

Now I don’t really like Donna Brazille, and rarely watch mainstream media spin / talking head discussions, so typical of CNN & MSNBC & FOX. But the blame here belongs on all three participants, with the moderator guy bearing the main blame for failing to control the discussion (not easy once the two women got started) and not initially allowing Brazille equal uninterrupted time.
Barzille was invoking strawman argument, after victimhood tale, after blatant mischaracterization of what Tammy Bruce said....It was all on purpose of course....I've never seen Brazille act like such a fucking fool.
LAst night they were visibly shaken at the RNC conventions popularity. It doesnt supprise me they would try somethng like this to damage FOX news... Brazil used every victimhood strawman she could..
God, that was a terribly sad “exchange of ideas”!

But what I noticed was that for the first whole minute (out of this painful 3 minute 47 second clip) Donna Brazille sat quietly, without interrupting, listening to the other woman gush on about how the speakers at the Republican Convention captured the real American spirit, and then when she responded to give her own view she was interrupted after 15 seconds.

The white moderator guy Brian, instead of letting her finish her point, sided with the white woman Tammy, trying to sum up what Brazille was saying into a “question” — which she never asked. He was essentially trying to shut Brazille up and allow his white co-host to answer a never asked question. From there it disintegrated to a free for all shouting match, with Brazille and Tammy both refusing to shut up.

Now I don’t really like Donna Brazille, and rarely watch mainstream media spin / talking head discussions, so typical of CNN & MSNBC & FOX. But the blame here belongs on all three participants, with the moderator guy bearing the main blame for failing to control the discussion (not easy once the two women got started) and not initially allowing Brazille equal uninterrupted time.
Do you see how this creature only see's in color, its all identity politics, they will have to be stamped out, annihilated, surgically removed as they are cancer... :wink:
God, that was a terribly sad “exchange of ideas”!

But what I noticed was that for the first whole minute (out of this painful 3 minute 47 second clip) Donna Brazille sat quietly, without interrupting, listening to the other woman gush on about how the speakers at the Republican Convention captured the real American spirit, and then when she responded to give her own view she was interrupted after 15 seconds.

She gave Tammy her turn to speak, which was to her credit.

But she did not address what Tammy Bruce actually said, She, and i've seen this type of response from libs before., took any disagreement over....anything, as disrespect or a "denial of her existence" or "denial of 400 years".

The white moderator guy Brian, instead of letting her finish her point, sided with the white woman Tammy, trying to sum up what Brazille was saying into a “question” — which she never asked. He was essentially trying to shut Brazille up and allow his white co-host to answer a never asked question. From there it disintegrated to a free for all shouting match, with Brazille and Tammy both refusing to shut up.

The "white moderator,", I believe is Brian. He was trying to get Brazille to engage in discussion or debate, instead of general "lecture. "

Brazille made her point. He was trying to get her to let Tammy respond.

Tammy was right to not let Brazille just yell at them unchallenged. And they were right to turn off her mike.

Now I don’t really like Donna Brazille, and rarely watch mainstream media spin / talking head discussions, so typical of CNN & MSNBC & FOX. But the blame here belongs on all three participants, with the moderator guy bearing the main blame for failing to control the discussion (not easy once the two women got started) and not initially allowing Brazille equal uninterrupted time.

All the blame goes on Brazille. She is the one that was out of control.
On Tuesday during Fox News shot "Fox & Friends," former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile had a total meltdown as she accused conservative commentator Tammy Bruce of being a racist.

Bruce started by commenting on the first night of the Republican National Convention, saying, “No Democratic has spoken out against the nature of what’s happening in Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, New York, Chicago. Americans have a choice, and the fact is that the Republicans are showing an expanse of what the American sensibility and what the American future is.”


Brazile replied, “This is why the choir sounds like a note coming from a scratched record. It sounds like I will never be an American in your world, because, after 400 years, my family cannot walk out of this house without fearing violence.”

Fox host Brian Kilmeade jumped in, rightly noting, “That’s not what anyone said.”

Brazile and Bruce continued going back and forth.

“She ignores the reality of what is happening," Brazile said. "She is ignoring it because I see it. Tammy, I see it every day. I see the violence, Tammy.”

I have to say I agree with Hillary on this one, Brazile is a brain dead buffalo.
On Tuesday during Fox News shot "Fox & Friends," former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile had a total meltdown as she accused conservative commentator Tammy Bruce of being a racist.

Bruce started by commenting on the first night of the Republican National Convention, saying, “No Democratic has spoken out against the nature of what’s happening in Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, New York, Chicago. Americans have a choice, and the fact is that the Republicans are showing an expanse of what the American sensibility and what the American future is.”


Brazile replied, “This is why the choir sounds like a note coming from a scratched record. It sounds like I will never be an American in your world, because, after 400 years, my family cannot walk out of this house without fearing violence.”

Fox host Brian Kilmeade jumped in, rightly noting, “That’s not what anyone said.”

Brazile and Bruce continued going back and forth.

“She ignores the reality of what is happening," Brazile said. "She is ignoring it because I see it. Tammy, I see it every day. I see the violence, Tammy.”

I have to say I agree with Hillary on this one, Brazile is a brain dead buffalo.

Brazile did a diversion and then played a race card because she had no retort or comeback to Tammy Bruce calling out Democrats for standing idle and letting the cities burn.

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