Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that

Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that
It boggles the mind that trumpanzees keep pretending that the Left would forget that.

Ih look BoPete chimes in. Muzzies toss you loons off rooftops and not a peep, Pence "supposedly" says something and you lose your feeble minds. sit down lard ass
Pink News.....LMAO
Which part is untrue ?
start with the first word and end with the last.

everything in between i'm pretty sure is bullshit but hey - feed your fears man.
And on what basis would you say that? I just want to see if you can manage to type "I can't believe Trump would say something so bombastic!" with a straight face.
by the same basis when CNN isn't bashing trump for it, it likely didn't happen. and when you have to some off the wall UK "pink" site yes, i have my doubts.

but like i say, you want to feed your fears so it must be true. whatever hateful shit trump "says" you will believe cause you hate him.

kinda fucked up but that's our world today.
Pink News.....LMAO
Which part is untrue ?
start with the first word and end with the last.

everything in between i'm pretty sure is bullshit but hey - feed your fears man.
And on what basis would you say that? I just want to see if you can manage to type "I can't believe Trump would say something so bombastic!" with a straight face.
by the same basis when CNN isn't bashing trump for it, it likely didn't happen. and when you have to some off the wall UK "pink" site yes, i have my doubts.

but like i say, you want to feed your fears so it must be true. whatever hateful shit trump "says" you will believe cause you hate him.

kinda fucked up but that's our world today.

The links I posted aren't from Pink News. They are from other news sites like NBC and the Guardian.
Unknown source again. Guys, are you so freaking blind to not see that "anonymous" and "unknown" no one but progressives that want to believe will believe anymore, due to how many times you have tried it and been found out to be lying? Seriously. Lol

"Jane Mayer reported on a meeting among an unnamed legal scholar,"
Pink News.....LMAO
Which part is untrue ?
start with the first word and end with the last.

everything in between i'm pretty sure is bullshit but hey - feed your fears man.
And on what basis would you say that? I just want to see if you can manage to type "I can't believe Trump would say something so bombastic!" with a straight face.
by the same basis when CNN isn't bashing trump for it, it likely didn't happen. and when you have to some off the wall UK "pink" site yes, i have my doubts.

but like i say, you want to feed your fears so it must be true. whatever hateful shit trump "says" you will believe cause you hate him.

kinda fucked up but that's our world today.
Pink News is an International News Org. The US stories come fro the US version. Which part of the article is untrue ?
Pink News.....LMAO
Which part is untrue ?
start with the first word and end with the last.

everything in between i'm pretty sure is bullshit but hey - feed your fears man.
And on what basis would you say that? I just want to see if you can manage to type "I can't believe Trump would say something so bombastic!" with a straight face.
by the same basis when CNN isn't bashing trump for it, it likely didn't happen. and when you have to some off the wall UK "pink" site yes, i have my doubts.

but like i say, you want to feed your fears so it must be true. whatever hateful shit trump "says" you will believe cause you hate him.

kinda fucked up but that's our world today.

The links I posted aren't from Pink News. They are from other news sites like NBC and the Guardian.

LOL NBC the pinnacle of true journalism

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