Donald Trump Jr launches 2nd amendment task force to fight the left

"Thus the logic is clear, "shall not be infringed" is negotiable on all lethal weapons. That includes small arms too!"

The only thing that is clear is that your definition of "logic" is far different from mine.
the 2nd Amendment is non-negotiable.
Don’t let them Europe your America

I don’t trust any politician. From what I have seen charities run by politicians often end up as slush funds for the politician. Therefore I do not contribute to politicians or their charities. I contribute to charities rated highly by a reputable charity watch organization like …

These four words, "shall not be infringed" is an absurdity.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Arms are nunchucks, gravity knives, fragmentation grenades, anti tank bazookas, claymore mines, fully automatic long guns, surface to air missiles, etc. etc. Thus the logic is clear, "shall not be infringed" is negotiable on all lethal weapons. That includes small arms too!

Now, control does not take away all firearms in the control of millions of us. Gun Control is common sense: Do to the number of murders; The number of mass killings of innocents people going on way on days when they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, such as schools, movie theaters, concerts, parks, restaurants, and driving home on highways; Suicides and Accidents.

The costs of these four words, "shall not be infringed" is not only an absurdity, it costs the nation an enormous amount of treasure and blood.
Red herring alert.
Your Statement: "Felons, and the dangerously mentally ill cannot buy, own or carry guns"

Response: As I stated above, BULLSHIT. Guns sold at gun shows, on the streets, to friends and relatives, stolen and those purchased legally when paid for by someone who can't buy a gun.

Gun control laws, making the sale of a gun privately is a felony. And the seller will be denied to own a gun and serve one year and a day in prison.
Have you ever been to a gun show?
There are laws that prohibit felines from pocessing a firearm but that does stop them. Why do judges allow prohibited people out of prison?
These four words, "shall not be infringed" is an absurdity.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Arms are nunchucks, gravity knives, fragmentation grenades, anti tank bazookas, claymore mines, fully automatic long guns, surface to air missiles, etc. etc. Thus the logic is clear, "shall not be infringed" is negotiable on all lethal weapons. That includes small arms too!

Now, control does not take away all firearms in the control of millions of us. Gun Control is common sense: Do to the number of murders; The number of mass killings of innocents people going on way on days when they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, such as schools, movie theaters, concerts, parks, restaurants, and driving home on highways; Suicides and Accidents.

The costs of these four words, "shall not be infringed" is not only an absurdity, it costs the nation an enormous amount of treasure and blood.
The fact that citizens can own firearms actually prevents more crime than it causes.

It also prevents our government from treating our citizens like the Chinest are doing today to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Democrats would love to run this nation like the Chinese Run theirs

Your Statement: "Felons, and the dangerously mentally ill cannot buy, own or carry guns"

Response: As I stated above, BULLSHIT. Guns sold at gun shows, on the streets, to friends and relatives, stolen and those purchased legally when paid for by someone who can't buy a gun.

Gun control laws, making the sale of a gun privately is a felony. And the seller will be denied to own a gun and serve one year and a day in prison.

As we keep telling you...we have the laws we need to arrest gun criminals...criminals will still ignore those laws....that's on you, doofus.

You anti-gun fanatics just keep showing us why we need to keep you out of power.
Fallacy: non seq

Not really. If one's claim is that gun laws will not stop gun criminals from breaking those laws then there's absolutely no reason to assume that ANY laws will stop ANY criminal from breaking those laws.

There is no fallacy in my reponse.

And it is certainly not a non sequitur. In fact it "follows" directly!
As we keep telling you...we have the laws we need to arrest gun criminals...criminals will still ignore those laws....that's on you, doofus.

You anti-gun fanatics just keep showing us why we need to keep you out of power.
You are either an idiot, brainwashed or a damn liar.

Yes there are laws, and criminals are not the only ones who commit murders, commit suicide and sell and give guns to friends, neighbors, relatives, and those who buy guns for people knowingly that these guns are going to be sold for money to those who are criminals or those who are not mentally a danger to themselves or others.

Most laws are passed to protect We the People and their property. It's people like you who are allowing criminals who have yet to have been arrested, and those who are protected by HIPAA rules who don't and can't disclose if their patient is a danger to themselves and others, unless the other person is a named person.

Many of those who commit mass murders of innocent people who are in schools, movie theaters, at concerts or eating in restaurants, etc. etc. have never been arrested, never convicted and never been treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist though some who know them know they are "different".

Q. Is your right to own, possess and have in your custody and control a greater right than others to have the right to life?
Not really. If one's claim is that gun laws will not stop gun criminals from breaking those laws then there's absolutely no reason to assume that ANY laws will stop ANY criminal from breaking those laws.

There is no fallacy in my reponse.

And it is certainly not a non sequitur. In fact it "follows" directly!

Wrong...what the laws do is allow us to lock up the criminals.....we state the law, they break it, we can isolate them from society. The problem is the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians releasing the most violent, dangerous criminals over and over again.
You are either an idiot, brainwashed or a damn liar.

Yes there are laws, and criminals are not the only ones who commit murders, commit suicide and sell and give guns to friends, neighbors, relatives, and those who buy guns for people knowingly that these guns are going to be sold for money to those who are criminals or those who are not mentally a danger to themselves or others.

Most laws are passed to protect We the People and their property. It's people like you who are allowing criminals who have yet to have been arrested, and those who are protected by HIPAA rules who don't and can't disclose if their patient is a danger to themselves and others, unless the other person is a named person.

Many of those who commit mass murders of innocent people who are in schools, movie theaters, at concerts or eating in restaurants, etc. etc. have never been arrested, never convicted and never been treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist though some who know them know they are "different".

Q. Is your right to own, possess and have in your custody and control a greater right than others to have the right to life?


Yes there are laws, and criminals are not the only ones who commit murders, commit suicide and sell and give guns to friends, neighbors, relatives, and those who buy guns for people knowingly that these guns are going to be sold for money to those who are criminals or those who are not mentally a danger to themselves or others.

90% of murder is committed by criminals with long histories of crime and violence going back to their teen no, normal people who suddenly get the urge to murder their wife over dinner are not the problem....

suicide is not a gun issue, you twit......stop mixing it into the gun debate.

Friends, neighbors, and relatives are not fueling gun crime.....straw buyers, the individuals who are knowingly providing guns to actual criminals so they can commit crime with them are the problem....and no, the mothers, sisters, baby mommas, grandmothers of criminals are not the people you are talking about in that quote....they are not normal people...they are the friends, neighbors, and relatives of known criminals and are intentionally supplying them with guns either for money or because they are threatened with physical are lying in order to push your agenda...

The Criminology of Firearms
In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

Why don't gun bans work? Because they rely on voluntary compliance by gun-using criminals. Prohibitionists never see this absurdity because they deceive themselves into thinking that, as Katherine Christoffel has said: "[M]ost shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for home protection."

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies.

Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."
You are either an idiot, brainwashed or a damn liar.

Yes there are laws, and criminals are not the only ones who commit murders, commit suicide and sell and give guns to friends, neighbors, relatives, and those who buy guns for people knowingly that these guns are going to be sold for money to those who are criminals or those who are not mentally a danger to themselves or others.

Most laws are passed to protect We the People and their property. It's people like you who are allowing criminals who have yet to have been arrested, and those who are protected by HIPAA rules who don't and can't disclose if their patient is a danger to themselves and others, unless the other person is a named person.

Many of those who commit mass murders of innocent people who are in schools, movie theaters, at concerts or eating in restaurants, etc. etc. have never been arrested, never convicted and never been treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist though some who know them know they are "different".

Q. Is your right to own, possess and have in your custody and control a greater right than others to have the right to life?

They are equal, but my Right to own and carry a gun which I do not use in an illegal manner cannot be taken because a tiny number of people break the Right to speech is not taken from you because some people use computers for child doofus.
Have you ever been to a gun show?
There are laws that prohibit felines from pocessing a firearm but that does stop them. Why do judges allow prohibited people out of prison?
I've never gone to gun show. Yet I've read that outside in parking of a gun show there are sales. As to the cats, they are prohibit and I doubt that any cats have ever carried any firearms.

Not only are you making judgements about judges making decisions, it shows how ignorant you are.
I've never gone to gun show. Yet I've read that outside in parking of a gun show there are sales. As to the cats, they are prohibit and I doubt that any cats have ever carried any firearms.

Not only are you making judgements about judges making decisions, it shows how ignorant you are.
Never been, information given was hearsay,
So it's safe to say you don't know what you are talking about.
Sorry about the typo felons
I judge a judge on their actions

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