Donald Trump is weakening America

President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping
trump won the election. the only people who would agree with you are the ones still pissed they lost and they are no longer getting *their* way.

the sheer fact we still do this is incredible. the fact we are deciding not to honor the election results is what is so frightening.
Who are you mr.small tiny government to not leave my wife and marry a man?
Who are you mr.small tiny government to stop me from being trans and teach my children how wonderful it is being lesbian transsexual?
Who are you mr.small government to stop me from walking around nude in public?
Who are you mr.small government to tell me not to have my own casino and have a sex room?

These Mr. small gov. type DO like to dwell into women's wombs, however. (well, with Trump, he'd like for us to think he dwells with the outer parts of the female reproductive system.)
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I mean its almost as though Trump was saying all men are like him criminal sexual deviants naturally prone to "jump the bones" of any nearby woman ... I mean he is saying we men are liable to "freak without warning"...cause we so horny oh we so horny oh we so horny ...
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping
trump won the election. the only people who would agree with you are the ones still pissed they lost and they are no longer getting *their* way.

the sheer fact we still do this is incredible. the fact we are deciding not to honor the election results is what is so frightening.

How is it that "we are deciding not to honor the election results"? Trump has been sworn in as president and is now in the WH. As far as honoring the election results, it's already been done.

OHHHHH..................I got are thinking that since Trump is president, his decisions and actions should not be questioned, even if they are wrong.

Sorry, that isn't how this nation works. If you disagree, you have the right to speak your piece.

Even if you are disagreeing with the president. Conservatives did it on a daily basis when Obama was in office, so why is Trump above criticism?
RUN sissy boy, is the EC in the Constitution?

Fuck head....I'm not "running" from the likes of white trash (you)...when my wife calls me to dinner, I respond.

...and YES, the EC is part of the Constitution since the Founders believed that democracy was not to be entrusted in the hands of the (how did Trump put it ?) "poorly educated"....This constitutional provision has backfired on a true democracy since the last couple of republicans in the WH had to rely on the EC having LESS support in popular votes.

NO ONE is disputing that YOUR moron in chief is president; what we are disputing is how fucked up you STILL must be to back the clown.
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President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping
trump won the election. the only people who would agree with you are the ones still pissed they lost and they are no longer getting *their* way.

the sheer fact we still do this is incredible. the fact we are deciding not to honor the election results is what is so frightening.

How is it that "we are deciding not to honor the election results"? Trump has been sworn in as president and is now in the WH. As far as honoring the election results, it's already been done.

OHHHHH..................I got are thinking that since Trump is president, his decisions and actions should not be questioned, even if they are wrong.

Sorry, that isn't how this nation works. If you disagree, you have the right to speak your piece.

Even if you are disagreeing with the president. Conservatives did it on a daily basis when Obama was in office, so why is Trump above criticism?
no one said he was.

and i'm not playing this fucked up emo-get-even game you like to play. WAH THEY WERE MEAN TO MY GUY SO IT'S PAYBACK cause that's the exact bullshit tearing us up right now.

bunch of fucking 3 year olds on all sides wah-ing around.
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping

Weakening America is apologizing for its success and appeasing those outside of America that consistently criticize America due to the root of hatred of America.

no one apologized for America's successes.

but I understand why ignorant, uneducated twits who spend their time on breitbart might think that

What/Why would any leader be apologizing for America on any level?
RUN sissy boy, is the EC in the Constitution?

Fuck head....I'm not "running" from the likes of white trash (you)...when my wife calls me to dinner, I respond.

...and YES, the EC is part of the Constitution since the Founders believed that democracy was not to be entrusted in the hands of the (how did Trump put it ?) "poorly educated"....This constitutional provision has backfired on a true democracy since the last couple of republicans in the WH had to rely on the EC having LESS support in popular votes.

NO ONE is disputing that YOUR moron in chief is president; what we are disputing is how fucked up you STILL must be to back the clown.

So by your own admission you hate the Constitution. Dumbass, see how easy that was. Here's a little homework assignment for you, since you keep trying to make the point that I support Trump you get to prove that assertion now, or will you run from that too?
The only people weakening America are the un-American globalist pigs who can’t accept the will of the people.

I'm sure you meant the "will of the electoral college"....because a total of 3 fucking MILLION people voted AGAINST the orange fuck up....LOL

3 'fucking' million people in 2 cities do not represent America. That's why we have the electoral college in the first place.

A majority should judge who wins.

Of course your America is all about goats, horses and being religious prude. The only freedom you believe in is work or die for the rich.

There you go again, admitting you don't like the Constitution. Dumbass.
"Donald Trump is weakening America..."

By exposing the corruption, perversion, crimes, and betrayals perpetrated by the key Democrats over the last 8 years:

Collusion / Facilitation / Cover-Up of Russian crimes and purchase of 20% of US supply of Uranium...

Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC...

Espionage, Violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Illegal Mishandling / transportation of / Storage / Possession of / Sharing of Top Secret TSI Classified Information...Covering up these crimes...

Illegal leaking of classified, illegal unmasking, illegally acquiring false reports filled with Russia-generated propaganda from foreign agents through the Russian-associated GPS Fusion for use in a US election against an American citizen...

Illegally using the IRS to target American citizens against the re-election of the President

Rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud, cheating in debates... exposing THE WORST, MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION EVUH!
In response to stupid threads like this one......

Let's all recall the astounding success of the Left........


aka...How to turn a multi billion dollar thriving economy.....into a poverty stricken, violent hell hole of starving people
"Donald Trump is weakening America..."

By exposing the corruption, perversion, crimes, and betrayals perpetrated by the key Democrats over the last 8 years:

Collusion / Facilitation / Cover-Up of Russian crimes and purchase of 20% of US supply of Uranium...

Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC...

Espionage, Violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Illegal Mishandling / transportation of / Storage / Possession of / Sharing of Top Secret TSI Classified Information...Covering up these crimes...

Illegal leaking of classified, illegal unmasking, illegally acquiring false reports filled with Russia-generated propaganda from foreign agents through the Russian-associated GPS Fusion for use in a US election against an American citizen...

Illegally using the IRS to target American citizens against the re-election of the President

Rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud, cheating in debates... exposing THE WORST, MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION EVUH!

It’s interesting to see all the libtards go on the offensive, they resist only to have the wind removed from their sails by the fact that every time they accused Trump of something it either turns out to be false, as in, lie or it turns out a democrat was doing what the accuse Trump of doing. I mean all they are doing is chasing their tails.
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping
Jeff Flake gave a speech today worthy of Advise and Consent or Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
He’s calling out this deranged president and also the GOP who enables him.
He’s practicing what he’s preaching and not going to participate in this fascade any longer.
Once again this is unprecedented but then again we never had a prez this out of control and incompetent..

I wasn’t going to say anything but since you attacked another poster for their spelling, what is a “fascade”?

Learn to spell before you correct others.
It’s interesting to see all the libtards go on the offensive, they resist only to have the wind removed from their sails by the fact that every time they accused Trump of something it either turns out to be false, as in, lie or it turns out a democrat was doing what the accuse Trump of doing. I mean all they are doing is chasing their tails

Why does the above remind me of the Whitewater,Watergate and Benghazi hearings???.................LOL
Why does the above remind me of the Whitewater,Watergate and Benghazi hearings???.................LOL

Clinton Associates Went To Jail....only the Clintons were spared.

Hillary tried to submit a brief she knew was wrong in an attempt to deny Nixon of his Constitutional Right to Counsel....

Americans were abandoned, left without inadequate security, to die needlessly at the hands of terrorists, terrorist Hillary and Obama helped take over Libya.

Yeah, sounds about right....
Americans were abandoned, left without inadequate security, to die needlessly at the hands of terrorists, terrorist Hillary and Obama helped take over Libya.

Echoes of Niger????.................LOL

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