Donald Trump in Davos ... what a disgrace, lying through his teeth

Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.

If anyone is lying its you and your TDS Denizen. Look at the following graphs disproving your lies about Trump.

1. Middle-Class Incomes Surging – Thanks to Trump Policies
Middle-class incomes, after adjusting for inflation, have surged by $5,003 since Donald Trump became president in January 2017.
As a percentage of income Trump appears to be right.

GDP Growth under Trump's first 2 years appears higher than Obama's last 2-years

2. I don't see Obama's job growth coming out of the "Great Recession" as any better than Trump's current job growth

3. Trump's Debt growth looks about the same as Obama's. So that's another lie by Denizen

Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

The LFPR is at a good level. The thing most do not realize is that it going up can indicate a weakening economy as families need a 2nd income to survive or people cannot afford to retire.
Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.
Let me ask you this. If you have a D- average in a math class and you get it up to a B, you’ve done great but to get the B to an A is that much more difficult. BHO got it to a B and Trump got it to an A. Don’t be obtuse. It is OK to disagree and dislike Trump. You will have your chance to vote him out soon. Good luck.

Of course trump's so brilliant he won't allow his school grades out there for all to see.
Here's Why Donald Trump Doesn't Want Anyone To Know His Grades Or SAT Scores

Can you point us to Obama's?

you're slipping by not invoking the word 'Soros'. But anyway, back to academics. Obama passed the bar exam. Not easy to do. He's obviously highly intelligent and more important, a decent human being, unlike trump. Most of our presidents have been, up to trump, who's a liar and a low life. Look at all his 'fixers'. In prison, awaiting sentencing, in hot water over his messing around in the Ukraine trying to get dirt on his competition, his sister who's a judge who quickly retired so she didn't have to testify against him. We chose a liar and a dirt bag for a prez. Time to come to grips with that.
Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.
Let me ask you this. If you have a D- average in a math class and you get it up to a B, you’ve done great but to get the B to an A is that much more difficult. BHO got it to a B and Trump got it to an A. Don’t be obtuse. It is OK to disagree and dislike Trump. You will have your chance to vote him out soon. Good luck.

Of course trump's so brilliant he won't allow his school grades out there for all to see.
Here's Why Donald Trump Doesn't Want Anyone To Know His Grades Or SAT Scores
Man is in his 70s. His grades are irrelevant and you totally missed the point of my post.

You're the one who steered the discussion to academics. You need to question these things if you're going all out for this trump character. To me, there's no 'there' there with him.
No I used academics as an example. I ll Use another one since you’re dumb. If I have to collect hidden Easter eggs and there are 100. It’s pretty easy to get the first 90. Last 10 not so much. Trump got you the last 10. What BHO got you was a gimme.

I'm dumb? That's all you got? Bye.
Let me ask you this. If you have a D- average in a math class and you get it up to a B, you’ve done great but to get the B to an A is that much more difficult. BHO got it to a B and Trump got it to an A. Don’t be obtuse. It is OK to disagree and dislike Trump. You will have your chance to vote him out soon. Good luck.

Of course trump's so brilliant he won't allow his school grades out there for all to see.
Here's Why Donald Trump Doesn't Want Anyone To Know His Grades Or SAT Scores
Man is in his 70s. His grades are irrelevant and you totally missed the point of my post.

You're the one who steered the discussion to academics. You need to question these things if you're going all out for this trump character. To me, there's no 'there' there with him.
No I used academics as an example. I ll Use another one since you’re dumb. If I have to collect hidden Easter eggs and there are 100. It’s pretty easy to get the first 90. Last 10 not so much. Trump got you the last 10. What BHO got you was a gimme.

I'm dumb? That's all you got? Bye.
No there was a lot more. You just do not seem to comprehend it. And yes, you are dumb.
Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.
Let me ask you this. If you have a D- average in a math class and you get it up to a B, you’ve done great but to get the B to an A is that much more difficult. BHO got it to a B and Trump got it to an A. Don’t be obtuse. It is OK to disagree and dislike Trump. You will have your chance to vote him out soon. Good luck.

Of course trump's so brilliant he won't allow his school grades out there for all to see.
Here's Why Donald Trump Doesn't Want Anyone To Know His Grades Or SAT Scores

Can you point us to Obama's?

you're slipping by not invoking the word 'Soros'. But anyway, back to academics. Obama passed the bar exam. Not easy to do. He's obviously highly intelligent and more important, a decent human being, unlike trump. Most of our presidents have been, up to trump, who's a liar and a low life. Look at all his 'fixers'. In prison, awaiting sentencing, in hot water over his messing around in the Ukraine trying to get dirt on his competition, his sister who's a judge who quickly retired so she didn't have to testify against him. We chose a liar and a dirt bag for a prez. Time to come to grips with that.
We did not choose you as President. LOL
Let me ask you this. If you have a D- average in a math class and you get it up to a B, you’ve done great but to get the B to an A is that much more difficult. BHO got it to a B and Trump got it to an A. Don’t be obtuse. It is OK to disagree and dislike Trump. You will have your chance to vote him out soon. Good luck.

Of course trump's so brilliant he won't allow his school grades out there for all to see.
Here's Why Donald Trump Doesn't Want Anyone To Know His Grades Or SAT Scores
Man is in his 70s. His grades are irrelevant and you totally missed the point of my post.

You're the one who steered the discussion to academics. You need to question these things if you're going all out for this trump character. To me, there's no 'there' there with him.
No I used academics as an example. I ll Use another one since you’re dumb. If I have to collect hidden Easter eggs and there are 100. It’s pretty easy to get the first 90. Last 10 not so much. Trump got you the last 10. What BHO got you was a gimme.

I'm dumb? That's all you got? Bye.

that is all he ever has
Of course trump's so brilliant he won't allow his school grades out there for all to see.
Here's Why Donald Trump Doesn't Want Anyone To Know His Grades Or SAT Scores
Man is in his 70s. His grades are irrelevant and you totally missed the point of my post.

You're the one who steered the discussion to academics. You need to question these things if you're going all out for this trump character. To me, there's no 'there' there with him.
No I used academics as an example. I ll Use another one since you’re dumb. If I have to collect hidden Easter eggs and there are 100. It’s pretty easy to get the first 90. Last 10 not so much. Trump got you the last 10. What BHO got you was a gimme.

I'm dumb? That's all you got? Bye.

that is all he ever has
I provided a coherent example and then another one. Is it my fault he was too dumb to understand it? Maybe I should follow your lead and use childish emojis?
Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.
Man is in his 70s. His grades are irrelevant and you totally missed the point of my post.

You're the one who steered the discussion to academics. You need to question these things if you're going all out for this trump character. To me, there's no 'there' there with him.
No I used academics as an example. I ll Use another one since you’re dumb. If I have to collect hidden Easter eggs and there are 100. It’s pretty easy to get the first 90. Last 10 not so much. Trump got you the last 10. What BHO got you was a gimme.

I'm dumb? That's all you got? Bye.

that is all he ever has
I provided a coherent example and then another one. Is it my fault he was too dumb to understand it? Maybe I should follow your lead and use childish emojis?

Both your examples just highlight your favoritism of Trump.

It is far harder for a D student to become a B student than for a B student to become an A student.
You do not give Trump credit for the 10 eggs but for all 100
I am watching his speech and it is a disgrace appearing like an elementary school project talk about how Donald Trump saved the world.

Donald Trump is an international embarassment.

He is, I agree. And we have the Republican and Democratic parties to blame. I mean how dysfunctional must they be to allow a person like Trump to kick their collective asses. He’s probably going to do it again in November. The worse part for me, I will have to cast another vote for him, because again, neither the Republicans nor Democrats have a better alternative.
You're the one who steered the discussion to academics. You need to question these things if you're going all out for this trump character. To me, there's no 'there' there with him.
No I used academics as an example. I ll Use another one since you’re dumb. If I have to collect hidden Easter eggs and there are 100. It’s pretty easy to get the first 90. Last 10 not so much. Trump got you the last 10. What BHO got you was a gimme.

I'm dumb? That's all you got? Bye.

that is all he ever has
I provided a coherent example and then another one. Is it my fault he was too dumb to understand it? Maybe I should follow your lead and use childish emojis?

Both your examples just highlight your favoritism of Trump.

It is far harder for a D student to become a B student than for a B student to become an A student.
You do not give Trump credit for the 10 eggs but for all 100

I give Trump credit for 10, BHO for 90. I disagree about the grades. Going from an SAT score of 1000 to 1200 is not difficult. From 1200 to 1300 is super difficult.
Trumpers, keep it under your hat.

There is one aspect where Trump is beating Obama. That is debt accumulation where Trump is the expert.

Currently, debt is growing at >2 x GDP growth.
Donald Trump should have worn a MAGA hat and shorts at Davos to look more like an elementary schoolboy.

His speech was very stilted and he lied about all aspects of the economy. He said the earnings of the middle and lower classes were rising faster than the earnings of the top 10% which is a blatant lie.

GDP growth under Trump is not any higher than it was under Obama.

Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump has in his three years.

The only aspect that Trump is better than Obama is creating debt. Debt is growing faster than the GDP during Trump's tenure.

If anyone is lying its you and your TDS Denizen. Look at the following graphs disproving your lies about Trump.

1. Middle-Class Incomes Surging – Thanks to Trump Policies
Middle-class incomes, after adjusting for inflation, have surged by $5,003 since Donald Trump became president in January 2017.
As a percentage of income Trump appears to be right.

GDP Growth under Trump's first 2 years appears higher than Obama's last 2-years

2. I don't see Obama's job growth coming out of the "Great Recession" as any better than Trump's current job growth

3. Trump's Debt growth looks about the same as Obama's. So that's another lie by Denizen

Thank you for highlighting how Trump has done not much better than Obama, if at all.

With the US at "full employment" and unemployment rate at about 3.5% how can you expect more job growth?
I'm happy with a participation rate slowly increasing under Trump after sliding down under Obama.

View attachment 301694

Sure, let's even put a mafioso in the white house as long as our 401k's or whatever are doing well.

You still don't get it?!

Tell me you prefer the "establishment wings of both parties to still be in control of DC?
Tell me that you're okay with Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives?
Tell me you're okay with Hillary's bathroom server and her "pay to play" Clinton Foundation?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "being more flexible" with Russia, and giving Iran $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes and ICBMs?
Tell me you're okay with Obama's "those jobs are NOT coming back"? So keep moving US factories overseas, here are a few tax breaks too.
Tell me you're okay with China's unfair trade practices?
Tell me you're okay with 70,000 US drug deaths a year and climbing?

I could go on and on, but the point being that the US voters wanted a major change in DC, and that required an outsider with a vision to "drain the swamp". So we pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC. We are NOT disappointed, he is the "Bull in the China shop" that we sent him there to be. That our 401k's are going up like crazy is just an added benefit. We will vote for Trump again in 2020.

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