Donald Trump has left the world stage. Few will miss him


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.

Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.

Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his refusal to publicly accept the reality of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.’

Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.
We should all hope that he occupies himself exclusively with golf and his first lady from now until presidential authority is handed over to others. That is not to say we are necessarily overjoyed about into whose hands this authority goes.
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.

Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.

Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his refusal to publicly accept the reality of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.’

Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.
And EVEN LESS will miss YOUR sorry ass when YOU leave this world................................................ :mm:
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.

Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.

Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his refusal to publicly accept the reality of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.’

Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.
Finally the globalists around the planet can get back to selling their souls to Communist China, and start some new wars. Four years without new wars was too much to bear.
Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.

I’m an AMERICAN citizen, not a world citizen. I don’t care what the world thinks of anything I or this country do; nor should our Government. The fact that Democrats do care about the international community is one reason I could not, under any circumstance, sipport them.
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.

Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.

Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his refusal to publicly accept the reality of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.’

Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.

It isn't going to end well for the Trump family.
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.

Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.

Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his refusal to publicly accept the reality of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.’

Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.
Great satire! You sounded exactly like a leftist fool sealed off in his own little bubble completely unaware of
what is going on all around him.
Trump has NOT left the world stage. In fact his greatest chance to expose the criminal plot to steal the election will come within a short time in the Supreme Court.

The left has been urging him to concede and leave for several weeks now knowing a concession will end
all chances to get the real criminals and their perfidy will go unpunished.

Your insistence that all of the world hates Trump is a tired old song (the world hates Bush...the world hates
Reagan, etc.) and the flip side of that song (the whole world loves Obama) is equally a tiresome lie.

In fact Trump has NOT been voted out of office you will find that out very shortly.
This nation dodged a bullet when cognitively deficient crook, Joe Biden, was stopped in his attempt
to steal the office of the presidency. Many eyes will open up now. Even the eyes of cowardly
rats like yourself, like it or not.

Deportation for crooks like yourself to China or Venezuela would be an appropriate remedy for our
rodent problem.
Trump’s ‘America first’ policy has been an unmitigated failure – with autocratic dictators emboldened to further pursue their anti-democratic efforts, with America’s influence concerning international affairs diminished, and with America’s long-standing allies understandably reluctant to trust Washington.

President-elect Biden not only has a domestic disaster to address the consequence of Trump’s reckless incompetence, but he must also clean up the foreign policy mess Trump will leave behind.
Donald Trump has left the world stage. Few will miss him
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.
The Mob is outnumbering itself. The Globalists have long since demoted Americans to consumerhood. None of them have any interest in anything made in America.
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Trump’s ‘America first’ policy has been an unmitigated failure – with autocratic dictators emboldened to further pursue their anti-democratic efforts, with America’s influence concerning international affairs diminished, and with America’s long-standing allies understandably reluctant to trust Washington.

President-elect Biden not only has a domestic disaster to address the consequence of Trump’s reckless incompetence, but he must also clean up the foreign policy mess Trump will leave behind.
I have to admit for once you are right. Trump's pro American policies have been an unmitigated failure with
autocratic dictators. Thanks for the admission. You aren't completely stupid and dishonest...I guess.
Donald Trump has left the world stage. Few will miss him
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.
The Mob is outnumbering itself. The Globalists have long since demoted Americans to consumerhood. None of them have any interest in anything made in America.

What does 'the mob is outnumbering itself' even mean?
‘As stage exits go Donald Trump's departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of global G20 leaders to play golf.

Trump has been out of kilter with the global mood since he first took office preaching his "America first, fair, not free trade" brand of nationalist isolationist hubris.

Now, as his time in office draws to a close, despite his refusal to publicly accept the reality of the US election results, the combined unspoken message from the world's leaders is: don't let the door hit you on the way out.’

Needless to say, Trump cult members and sycophants will respond that they don’t care what the international community thought of Trump, further illustrating why Trump was unfit to be president and appropriately voted out of office.
Are the people of Afghanistan living as they do are the same as you? Or are you the same as they? No insult to them, but they fight for centuries and longer.

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