Donald Trump finds a way to work around congress

...and this is how democracy dies, with cheers and celebrations.
Agree or disagree with a wall along our southern border, anyone who supports this strategy is ushering us all down a dangerous path. I’m depressed.

Our ‘democracy’ died when the Kenyan wrote his own personal immigration policy and when Democrats began governing for Mexico. The good guys have to get a little dirty to get shit back on track.
Karma is a bitch
What Obama and Bush did with executive orders is child play compared to what Trump is doing by calling a national emergency. Reagan 381 executive orders in 8 years. Bush 291 executive orders in 8 years. Obama 276 executive orders in 8 years. TRUMP 95 EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND A NATIONAL EMERGENCY IN 2 YEARS.
Trump supporters will back him if he bombs our own country. Trump supporters are minion, lackeys without the ability to think on their own.

Again you wetback lovers struggle with making simple distinctions....what the Kenyan Chimp did with DACA wasn’t an EO, it was pure treason...he wrote a policy of direct benefit to Mexico and illegal wetbacks, one which fucked American in the ass. No POTUS has ever done that.
You are an embarrassment to the human race, all USA citizens and even to the Trump supporters.
I am not sure if you are yanking our chains with your despicable words. Either way you are an embarrassment. I think you know you are an embarrassment.

“You’re right, I have nothing for you, I can’t be logical and listen to reason therefore....YOU’RE DESPICABLE!”
Trump is laying the ground work for a Democratic President to call an emergency on gun control and unilaterally do what they feel necessary to reduce gun violence.
It is absolutely unbelievable how dumb Trump supporters are. Trump know how dumb they are and is playing to their stupidity.

All of this is about bumping up the grid. Soon we'll get biometric identification. All of us. And it'll be a bipartisan affair, yay, everybody's a moderate all of a sudden. Remember how the terorists hated us for our freedoms and a lot of people have to pull their pants down around their ankles now in order to hop a flight to Iowa or some place?

All of the past legeslation is freely available. The electorate would likely do well to puruse it.

Lol. We're so fukin screwed.
...and this is how democracy dies, with cheers and celebrations.
Agree or disagree with a wall along our southern border, anyone who supports this strategy is ushering us all down a dangerous path. I’m depressed.

Our ‘democracy’ died when the Kenyan wrote his own personal immigration policy and when Democrats began governing for Mexico. The good guys have to get a little dirty to get shit back on track.
Karma is a bitch
What Obama and Bush did with executive orders is child play compared to what Trump is doing by calling a national emergency. Reagan 381 executive orders in 8 years. Bush 291 executive orders in 8 years. Obama 276 executive orders in 8 years. TRUMP 95 EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND A NATIONAL EMERGENCY IN 2 YEARS.
Trump supporters will back him if he bombs our own country. Trump supporters are minion, lackeys without the ability to think on their own.

Again you wetback lovers struggle with making simple distinctions....what the Kenyan Chimp did with DACA wasn’t an EO, it was pure treason...he wrote a policy of direct benefit to Mexico and illegal wetbacks, one which fucked American in the ass. No POTUS has ever done that.
You are an embarrassment to the human race, all USA citizens and even to the Trump supporters.
I am not sure if you are yanking our chains with your despicable words. Either way you are an embarrassment. I think you know you are an embarrassment.

“You’re right, I have nothing for you, I can’t be logical and listen to reason therefore....YOU’RE DESPICABLE!”
Please, read your words low life.
Donald Trump has found a way to work around congress.

In november Trump tweeted the following.

Repubs must not allow Pres Obama to subvert the Constitution of the US for his own benefit & because he is unable to negotiate w/ Congress.
6:36 AM - Nov 20, 2014

He hires illegals for his various businesses.
Almost of 100% of products with his name on them are (or were) made outside the USA
He golfs more than any President including Obama
He consistently pays/paid low wages to employees in his various businesses. He routinely would not pay contractors what was owed.. No friend of the working person

He is the biggest hypocrite to occupy the oval office
Ha ha!
Donald Trump has found a way to work around congress.

In november Trump tweeted the following.

Repubs must not allow Pres Obama to subvert the Constitution of the US for his own benefit & because he is unable to negotiate w/ Congress.
6:36 AM - Nov 20, 2014

He hires illegals for his various businesses.
Almost of 100% of products with his name on them are (or were) made outside the USA
He golfs more than any President including Obama
He consistently pays/paid low wages to employees in his various businesses. He routinely would not pay contractors what was owed.. No friend of the working person

He is the biggest hypocrite to occupy the oval office
Ha ha!
Yet when the previous president couldn't get his way with Congress he did EO and end runs around Congress and used his pen and phone and the Republicans claimed outrage over it and the left was fine with it. It's really something how the blind partisans on both sides can only see the other sides hypocrisy but never there own.
Donald Trump has found a way to work around congress.

In november Trump tweeted the following.

Repubs must not allow Pres Obama to subvert the Constitution of the US for his own benefit & because he is unable to negotiate w/ Congress.
6:36 AM - Nov 20, 2014

He hires illegals for his various businesses.
Almost of 100% of products with his name on them are (or were) made outside the USA
He golfs more than any President including Obama
He consistently pays/paid low wages to employees in his various businesses. He routinely would not pay contractors what was owed.. No friend of the working person

He is the biggest hypocrite to occupy the oval office
'I've Got A Pen And I've Got A Phone"

Take the guns first. Worry about due process later!:21::21::21::21::21::21:
He REALLY stuck his foot in his mouth while doing it:

House Judiciary Committee Probes Trump National Emergency After Contradictory Statement

First he signs the spending Bill, then he declares a National Emergency AND THEN he says: 'I didn't need to do this'.

What are they going to probe?

He didn't need to do it to get all of that money. That 2.5 billion that is
part of the Army's budget toward Drug interdiction into the country is
given to the Sec of Defense to do what is needed to stop the flow
of drugs into the country. Unless I read it wrong, The SEC can give the
money to the President, for the wall for just that purpose and it doesn't
need the approval of Congress.

The 600 mil in drug money is already his to do what he wants with it.

I see the law as he can use 3.1 billion of that money right now and the courts
cannot stop him.

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