Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper

So the only one whose name was given was an American citizen. He was legal, in other words. Plenty of others were quoted, but their names weren't given, nor was their immigration status even stated. We have claims about Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorians, but no names.

Remember, Dump Truck said illegals were drug mules, rapists, murderers, etc., so even if they are now legal, somehow amnesty made them productive citizens.

From the previously posted link you didn't bother to read:

“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage.

In other words, he's legal.

Daniel Gonzalez, 45, a sheet metal worker from El Salvador who crossed the border in the 1980s to escape his country’s civil war. He became a U.S. citizen after a federal immigration judge granted him asylum.

In other words, he's legal.

“Do you think that when we’re hanging out there from the eighth floor that we’re raping or selling drugs?” Ramon Alvarez, 48, a window worker from El Salvador

In other words, he's legal.

Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.

In other words, he's legal. The term "migrant" has no significance as far as their immigration status is concerned.

For David Montoya, 28, Trump’s comments are a harsh reminder that anyone who is not a U.S. citizen is vulnerable to stricter immigration laws in the country. A truck driver at the hotel site, Montoya arrived from El Salvador in 1997, gaining temporary protected status from deportation in 2001. “Every 18 months, I have to get it renewed,” he said, in perfect English, adding that he dreams of permanent legal status.

In other words, he's legal.

Montoya reflected on his journey as an immigrant, which now includes three U.S.-born children and a house that he and his wife own in a quiet section of Silver Spring, Md. He noted with pride that he thinks his story — one of coming to a new world, and of hard work paying off — is more impressive than that of the powerful developer whose name adorned the sign behind him as he spoke.

“Actually,” he reflected, “we’re more American than him.”

Touching, but entirely irrelevant. You claimed Trump hired illegal aliens. So far you haven't named any.
For crying out loud, the Donald didn't hire these workers. His contractor did.
Dump Truck HIRED the contractor, and after he was notified by the newspaper that his contractor was employing illegals on his DC project, Mr "Your Fired" did NOT fire the contractor, because he was the low bidder and any other bidder who doesn't use illegals would cost him more, so his hatred of illegals ends as soon as it costs the billionaire money.

Just keep belting out the lies there cynic.
First of all the newspaper said..wait for it...are you listening...MAY be illegals.
They took no names. They talked to a handful of people that looked Mexican and asked them. Most said they were legal, 2 or 3 said they use to be illegal...mand maybe some are now illegal...but not sure..since the gotcha tactic ambulance chaser reporter didn't check, or even ask names.
SO then what is Trump supposed to? Shut down production, which would undoubtedly cost $millions because some junior reporter said there MIGHT be some illegals??
There is no "may" or "might" about it. Trump was informed that illegals are working for the contractor he hired and he did nothing because using a contractor who uses only Americans would cost him more money.

When was he "informed?" How do we know that information is accurate? How do you know he didn't look iny one to it?
Again from the article you were too lazy to read before you flapped your gums:

"In response to questions from The Washington Post, Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, issued a statement saying that the company and its contractors followed all applicable U.S. immigration laws when hiring the site’s several hundred workers."

So when was that, like two days ago? When did anyone provide the names of illegals working on Trump's building site? Send me the list and I'll turn every one of them into ICES.
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Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads to believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.
I guess if I had only a brain-damaged antique to run for president I'd be worried too. Oh, a brain-damaged antique and an antique uncle crept out of the attic.......yeah, I overlooked that.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads to believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.

You liberals really are fucking stupid. This is whole thing is such a ridiculous, desperate grasping at straws. Trump if a fucking idiot and there is plenty to criticize him on. Why you're wasting so much energy on this is beyond me. I guess this is the liberal equivalent of birthers.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads tosujit believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.

The Certificate of Fitness has nothing to do with illegal aliens, you lying piece of shit. It has to do with whether your building is suitably protected against fire. The COF is issued by the Fire Department.

You're a million laughs, One IQ Point.
The "Donald" is going to turn this primary and this election cycle into a political version of ECW.

I freaking love it. He brings the furniture every time he opens his mouth.


Smackdown on Cooper. Awesome.

What probability do you estimate that Trump will win the nomination? That he'll win the Presidency?
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.
So the only one whose name was given was an American citizen. He was legal, in other words. Plenty of others were quoted, but their names weren't given, nor was their immigration status even stated. We have claims about Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorians, but no names.

Remember, Dump Truck said illegals were drug mules, rapists, murderers, etc., so even if they are now legal, somehow amnesty made them productive citizens.

From the previously posted link you didn't bother to read:

“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage.

In other words, he's legal.

Daniel Gonzalez, 45, a sheet metal worker from El Salvador who crossed the border in the 1980s to escape his country’s civil war. He became a U.S. citizen after a federal immigration judge granted him asylum.

In other words, he's legal.

“Do you think that when we’re hanging out there from the eighth floor that we’re raping or selling drugs?” Ramon Alvarez, 48, a window worker from El Salvador

In other words, he's legal.

Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.

In other words, he's legal. The term "migrant" has no significance as far as their immigration status is concerned.

For David Montoya, 28, Trump’s comments are a harsh reminder that anyone who is not a U.S. citizen is vulnerable to stricter immigration laws in the country. A truck driver at the hotel site, Montoya arrived from El Salvador in 1997, gaining temporary protected status from deportation in 2001. “Every 18 months, I have to get it renewed,” he said, in perfect English, adding that he dreams of permanent legal status.

In other words, he's legal.

Montoya reflected on his journey as an immigrant, which now includes three U.S.-born children and a house that he and his wife own in a quiet section of Silver Spring, Md. He noted with pride that he thinks his story — one of coming to a new world, and of hard work paying off — is more impressive than that of the powerful developer whose name adorned the sign behind him as he spoke.

“Actually,” he reflected, “we’re more American than him.”

Touching, but entirely irrelevant. You claimed Trump hired illegal aliens. So far you haven't named any.
That's right, 5 legal out of 15 interviewed.
You liberals really are fucking stupid. This is whole thing is such a ridiculous, desperate grasping at straws. Trump if a fucking idiot and there is plenty to criticize him on. Why you're wasting so much energy on this is beyond me. I guess this is the liberal equivalent of birthers.

The fact that Trump DIDN'T say he checked the certificate of fitness on his subs tells me he's lying. But then again, you'll buy the lie.
The Certificate of Fitness has nothing to do with illegal aliens, you lying piece of shit. It has to do with whether your building is suitably protected against fire. The COF is issued by the Fire Department.

You're a million laughs, One IQ Point.

Maybe not in Canada, but in the US a third party is hired to check insurance, bonds, and employees status.
Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.
The term "migrant" has no significance as far as their immigration status is concerned.
Bullshit it doesn't. Non-English speaking migrants for the most part have not settled down calling the USA their home.
What probability do you estimate that Trump will win the nomination? That he'll win the Presidency?

The GOP doesn't want the White House. The GOP can do more damage to the middle class in Congress than the POTUS. The biggest idiot will be nominated, ie; Palin and whats his name.
Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.
The term "migrant" has no significance as far as their immigration status is concerned.
Bullshit it doesn't. Non-English speaking migrants for the most part have not settled down calling the USA their home.

That your opinion or you got a link?
So the only one whose name was given was an American citizen. He was legal, in other words. Plenty of others were quoted, but their names weren't given, nor was their immigration status even stated. We have claims about Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorians, but no names.

Remember, Dump Truck said illegals were drug mules, rapists, murderers, etc., so even if they are now legal, somehow amnesty made them productive citizens.

From the previously posted link you didn't bother to read:

“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage.

In other words, he's legal.

Daniel Gonzalez, 45, a sheet metal worker from El Salvador who crossed the border in the 1980s to escape his country’s civil war. He became a U.S. citizen after a federal immigration judge granted him asylum.

In other words, he's legal.

“Do you think that when we’re hanging out there from the eighth floor that we’re raping or selling drugs?” Ramon Alvarez, 48, a window worker from El Salvador

In other words, he's legal.

Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.

In other words, he's legal. The term "migrant" has no significance as far as their immigration status is concerned.

For David Montoya, 28, Trump’s comments are a harsh reminder that anyone who is not a U.S. citizen is vulnerable to stricter immigration laws in the country. A truck driver at the hotel site, Montoya arrived from El Salvador in 1997, gaining temporary protected status from deportation in 2001. “Every 18 months, I have to get it renewed,” he said, in perfect English, adding that he dreams of permanent legal status.

In other words, he's legal.

Montoya reflected on his journey as an immigrant, which now includes three U.S.-born children and a house that he and his wife own in a quiet section of Silver Spring, Md. He noted with pride that he thinks his story — one of coming to a new world, and of hard work paying off — is more impressive than that of the powerful developer whose name adorned the sign behind him as he spoke.

“Actually,” he reflected, “we’re more American than him.”

Touching, but entirely irrelevant. You claimed Trump hired illegal aliens. So far you haven't named any.
That's right, 5 legal out of 15 interviewed.

You don't have the names of the other 10, do you?
Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.
The term "migrant" has no significance as far as their immigration status is concerned.
Bullshit it doesn't. Non-English speaking migrants for the most part have not settled down calling the USA their home.

What does that have to do with their immigration status? If they are here legally, then your OP is a colossal fraud, isn't it?
The Certificate of Fitness has nothing to do with illegal aliens, you lying piece of shit. It has to do with whether your building is suitably protected against fire. The COF is issued by the Fire Department.

You're a million laughs, One IQ Point.

Maybe not in Canada, but in the US a third party is hired to check insurance, bonds, and employees status.

What does that have to do with the COF which certifies their fire safety?

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