Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper

a contractor that he has no control over
Mr "You're Fired" can shit can the contractor and replace him with a contractor who only hires Americans. But Trump does not want to pay for American labor so you pretends he is powerless.
Do we want a powerless president?

So you expect Trump to vet every single person in a company he hires to do a job? You're one of those retards I was referring to.....
And I noticed you failed to mention your messiahs penchant for allowing and protecting the very illegals you're crying about.
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.

For crying out loud, the Donald didn't hire these workers. His contractor did.
Dump Truck HIRED the contractor, and after he was notified by the newspaper that his contractor was employing illegals on his DC project, Mr "Your Fired" did NOT fire the contractor, because he was the low bidder and any other bidder who doesn't use illegals would cost him more, so his hatred of illegals ends as soon as it costs the billionaire money.

Just keep belting out the lies there cynic.
First of all the newspaper said..wait for it...are you listening...MAY be illegals.
They took no names. They talked to a handful of people that looked Mexican and asked them. Most said they were legal, 2 or 3 said they use to be illegal...mand maybe some are now illegal...but not sure..since the gotcha tactic ambulance chaser reporter didn't check, or even ask names.
SO then what is Trump supposed to? Shut down production, which would undoubtedly cost $millions because some junior reporter said there MIGHT be some illegals??
There is no "may" or "might" about it. Trump was informed that illegals are working for the contractor he hired and he did nothing because using a contractor who uses only Americans would cost him more money.

Are you lying?
a contractor that he has no control over
Mr "You're Fired" can shit can the contractor and replace him with a contractor who only hires Americans. But Trump does not want to pay for American labor so you pretends he is powerless.
Do we want a powerless president?

So you expect Trump to vet every single person in a company he hires to do a job? You're one of those retards I was referring to.....
And I noticed you failed to mention your messiahs penchant for allowing and protecting the very illegals you're crying about.
No, I expect Trump to vet the contractors HE hires, and to fire them when he is told they are using illegals.
a contractor that he has no control over
Mr "You're Fired" can shit can the contractor and replace him with a contractor who only hires Americans. But Trump does not want to pay for American labor so you pretends he is powerless.
Do we want a powerless president?

So you expect Trump to vet every single person in a company he hires to do a job? You're one of those retards I was referring to.....
And I noticed you failed to mention your messiahs penchant for allowing and protecting the very illegals you're crying about.
No, I expect Trump to vet the contractors HE hires, and to fire them when he is told they are using illegals.

You some kind of racist? What would your messiah think?
No, I expect Trump to vet the contractors HE hires, and to fire them when he is told they are using illegals.

You expect to demagogue with impunity, edtheliar.

  • no evidence that there ever were illegals
  • no allegation they worked for Trump
  • no allegation they worked for the contractor Trump hire
  • "some guy say" that the subcontractor of a subcontractor had legal workers who once were illegal.
Even for you Khmer Rouge pukes, this is scraping the bottom.
Perhaps the Donald should have asked Ol' Coop about this best seller?

It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.
No it hasn't, numskull, and having a hissy fit over something that happened 35 years ago is absurd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You should know better than to believe Dump Truck's 35 years ago lie! All that means is he has knowingly using contractors who use illegals for at least 35 years without exception, because he still has illegals and former illegals working on his projects going on TODAY!

At Trump hotel site immigrant workers wary - The Washington Post

By Antonio Olivo July 6
For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest luxury hotels.


Trump garnered headlines — and prompted several business associates to sever relations with him — when he launched his bid for the Republican presidential nomination last month with a controversial description of drug dealers and “rapists” crossing the border each day into the United States from Mexico.

But a Trump company may be relying on some undocumented workers to finish the $200 million hotel, which will sit five blocks from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, according to several who work there.


“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage. He now works as a mason laying the stonework for the lobby floor and walls of what will become the Trump International Hotel.

“The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally,” Arellano said in Spanish. “And we’re all here working very hard to build a better life for our families.”

Interviews with about 15 laborers helping renovate the Old Post Office Pavilion revealed that many of them had crossed the U.S-Mexico border illegally before they eventually settled in the Washington region to build new lives.


Several of the men, who hail mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, have earned U.S. citizenship or legal status through immigration programs targeting Central Americans fleeing civil wars or natural disasters. Others quietly acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally.

So the only one whose name was given was an American citizen. He was legal, in other words. Plenty of others were quoted, but their names weren't given, nor was their immigration status even stated. We have claims about Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorians, but no names. Furthermore, we don't even know if they are Trumps employees, but all we know is that some employees on the site were "worried."

Yeah, that's information we trust. It's in the same category as claims about ancient aliens or bigfoot.
So what you detractors are saying that not only should Trump interview and check status of employees of everyone his company does business with - but go beyond that and even if they have legal status - because they look Mexican, make sure they never were illegal.

Yeah makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
And even if he did do that - you all would be calling him a racist profiler.
The media made Dump Truck aware that his contractor was currently using illegals and Trump did not fire the contractor because a compliant contractor would cost him more money. So Trump can't play the dumb card, he knows illegals are building his DC hotel.

You and every other liberal is free to call ICE have have them arrest every illegal found worker on the site. Why haven't any of you done that?
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.

For crying out loud, the Donald didn't hire these workers. His contractor did.
Dump Truck HIRED the contractor, and after he was notified by the newspaper that his contractor was employing illegals on his DC project, Mr "Your Fired" did NOT fire the contractor, because he was the low bidder and any other bidder who doesn't use illegals would cost him more, so his hatred of illegals ends as soon as it costs the billionaire money.

Just keep belting out the lies there cynic.
First of all the newspaper said..wait for it...are you listening...MAY be illegals.
They took no names. They talked to a handful of people that looked Mexican and asked them. Most said they were legal, 2 or 3 said they use to be illegal...mand maybe some are now illegal...but not sure..since the gotcha tactic ambulance chaser reporter didn't check, or even ask names.
SO then what is Trump supposed to? Shut down production, which would undoubtedly cost $millions because some junior reporter said there MIGHT be some illegals??
There is no "may" or "might" about it. Trump was informed that illegals are working for the contractor he hired and he did nothing because using a contractor who uses only Americans would cost him more money.

When was he "informed?" How do we know that information is accurate? How do you know he didn't look into it?
For crying out loud, the Donald didn't hire these workers. His contractor did.
Dump Truck HIRED the contractor, and after he was notified by the newspaper that his contractor was employing illegals on his DC project, Mr "Your Fired" did NOT fire the contractor, because he was the low bidder and any other bidder who doesn't use illegals would cost him more, so his hatred of illegals ends as soon as it costs the billionaire money.

Just keep belting out the lies there cynic.
First of all the newspaper said..wait for it...are you listening...MAY be illegals.
They took no names. They talked to a handful of people that looked Mexican and asked them. Most said they were legal, 2 or 3 said they use to be illegal...mand maybe some are now illegal...but not sure..since the gotcha tactic ambulance chaser reporter didn't check, or even ask names.
SO then what is Trump supposed to? Shut down production, which would undoubtedly cost $millions because some junior reporter said there MIGHT be some illegals??
There is no "may" or "might" about it. Trump was informed that illegals are working for the contractor he hired and he did nothing because using a contractor who uses only Americans would cost him more money.

Maybe I have you mixed up with someone else who is intelligent.
Unless they provided him both names and proof that there are illegals - they did no such thing.
It is idiotic to believe Trump should shut down an extremely large project using one of the largest contracting firms in the world, that would personally cost him $millions BEFORE the lawsuits...because a reporter talked to some Mexican looking people who said they think there are some illegals there.
And like I said - if he actually did something that stupid - you would call him a racist.
Yeah sure! Just like Trump is powerless to get his overpriced clothing line made anywhere else but China.
Trump knows that the cheap price he gets from his contractor is because the contractor uses illegals.

Trump could setup a factory here in the USA and hire only union labor, but then each shirt would cost $500. How many of you libs are going to buy a $500 shirt? Nope, you go to Costco and pay $20.00 for a shirt made in Honduras or Bengla Desh.
Last edited:
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.
No it hasn't, numskull, and having a hissy fit over something that happened 35 years ago is absurd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You should know better than to believe Dump Truck's 35 years ago lie! All that means is he has knowingly using contractors who use illegals for at least 35 years without exception, because he still has illegals and former illegals working on his projects going on TODAY!

At Trump hotel site immigrant workers wary - The Washington Post

By Antonio Olivo July 6
For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest luxury hotels.


Trump garnered headlines — and prompted several business associates to sever relations with him — when he launched his bid for the Republican presidential nomination last month with a controversial description of drug dealers and “rapists” crossing the border each day into the United States from Mexico.

But a Trump company may be relying on some undocumented workers to finish the $200 million hotel, which will sit five blocks from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, according to several who work there.


“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage. He now works as a mason laying the stonework for the lobby floor and walls of what will become the Trump International Hotel.

“The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally,” Arellano said in Spanish. “And we’re all here working very hard to build a better life for our families.”

Interviews with about 15 laborers helping renovate the Old Post Office Pavilion revealed that many of them had crossed the U.S-Mexico border illegally before they eventually settled in the Washington region to build new lives.


Several of the men, who hail mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, have earned U.S. citizenship or legal status through immigration programs targeting Central Americans fleeing civil wars or natural disasters. Others quietly acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally.

So the only one whose name was given was an American citizen. He was legal, in other words. Plenty of others were quoted, but their names weren't given, nor was their immigration status even stated. We have claims about Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorians, but no names. Furthermore, we don't even know if they are Trumps employees, but all we know is that some employees on the site were "worried."

Yeah, that's information we trust. It's in the same category as claims about ancient aliens or bigfoot.
I love how desperate they are.
So the only one whose name was given was an American citizen. He was legal, in other words. Plenty of others were quoted, but their names weren't given, nor was their immigration status even stated. We have claims about Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorians, but no names.

Remember, Dump Truck said illegals were drug mules, rapists, murderers, etc., so even if they are now legal, somehow amnesty made them productive citizens.

From the previously posted link you didn't bother to read:

“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage.

Daniel Gonzalez, 45, a sheet metal worker from El Salvador who crossed the border in the 1980s to escape his country’s civil war. He became a U.S. citizen after a federal immigration judge granted him asylum.

“Do you think that when we’re hanging out there from the eighth floor that we’re raping or selling drugs?” Ramon Alvarez, 48, a window worker from El Salvador

Ahmad Samadi, 26, a site foreman who arrived last year from Afghanistan under U.S. political asylum, said he has had to learn some Spanish to communicate with his crew. “Most of the workers here are migrants,” he said.

For David Montoya, 28, Trump’s comments are a harsh reminder that anyone who is not a U.S. citizen is vulnerable to stricter immigration laws in the country. A truck driver at the hotel site, Montoya arrived from El Salvador in 1997, gaining temporary protected status from deportation in 2001. “Every 18 months, I have to get it renewed,” he said, in perfect English, adding that he dreams of permanent legal status.

Montoya reflected on his journey as an immigrant, which now includes three U.S.-born children and a house that he and his wife own in a quiet section of Silver Spring, Md. He noted with pride that he thinks his story — one of coming to a new world, and of hard work paying off — is more impressive than that of the powerful developer whose name adorned the sign behind him as he spoke.

“Actually,” he reflected, “we’re more American than him.”
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.

For crying out loud, the Donald didn't hire these workers. His contractor did.
Dump Truck HIRED the contractor, and after he was notified by the newspaper that his contractor was employing illegals on his DC project, Mr "Your Fired" did NOT fire the contractor, because he was the low bidder and any other bidder who doesn't use illegals would cost him more, so his hatred of illegals ends as soon as it costs the billionaire money.

Just keep belting out the lies there cynic.
First of all the newspaper said..wait for it...are you listening...MAY be illegals.
They took no names. They talked to a handful of people that looked Mexican and asked them. Most said they were legal, 2 or 3 said they use to be illegal...mand maybe some are now illegal...but not sure..since the gotcha tactic ambulance chaser reporter didn't check, or even ask names.
SO then what is Trump supposed to? Shut down production, which would undoubtedly cost $millions because some junior reporter said there MIGHT be some illegals??
There is no "may" or "might" about it. Trump was informed that illegals are working for the contractor he hired and he did nothing because using a contractor who uses only Americans would cost him more money.

When was he "informed?" How do we know that information is accurate? How do you know he didn't look into it?
Again from the article you were too lazy to read before you flapped your gums:

"In response to questions from The Washington Post, Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, issued a statement saying that the company and its contractors followed all applicable U.S. immigration laws when hiring the site’s several hundred workers."

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