Donald Trump called Melania our own Jackie O and twitter had a lot to say


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Donald Trump Called Melania ‘Our Own Jackie O’ and Twitter Had a Lot to Say
President Donald Trump on Friday said “we have our own Jackie O today, it’s called Melania,” comparing his wife to former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, which many Twitter users swiftly objected to.

Awww sucks to be the steaming shit in your eyes aye Michael Obama lovers such a shame " real class" stepped in while the line backer stepped out.
They are both very stylish and certainly know what it is liked to be married to a playboy poon hound.
Awww sucks to be the steaming shit in your eyes aye Michael Obama lovers such a shame " real class" stepped in while the line backer stepped out.
Little early to be that hammered ain't it?

I do rather enjoy that some of the same people that piss and moan about the treatment of the present First Lady said some rather unspeakable and dreadful things about the previous one. (and Vice versa) I have a wonderful notion, how about ya'll just stop being twats about our First Ladies?
I do rather enjoy that some of the same people that piss and moan about the treatment of the present First Lady said some rather unspeakable and dreadful things about the previous one. (and Vice versa) I have a wonderful notion, how about ya'll just stop being twats about our First Ladies?
Fine, but comparing any First Lady to another, especially to our Guinevere, is inappropriate. No shocker coming from this President.
I do rather enjoy that some of the same people that piss and moan about the treatment of the present First Lady said some rather unspeakable and dreadful things about the previous one. (and Vice versa) I have a wonderful notion, how about ya'll just stop being twats about our First Ladies?
Fine, but comparing any First Lady to another, especially to our Guinevere, is inappropriate. No shocker coming from this President.

At this point, how can you even be fazed by President Trump's bombast?
I do rather enjoy that some of the same people that piss and moan about the treatment of the present First Lady said some rather unspeakable and dreadful things about the previous one. (and Vice versa) I have a wonderful notion, how about ya'll just stop being twats about our First Ladies?
Fine, but comparing any First Lady to another, especially to our Guinevere, is inappropriate. No shocker coming from this President.

At this point, how can you even be fazed by President Trump's bombast?
I did say "fine," didn't I? I'm not as tough on Melania as rightwinger and bones, but let's not compare a centerfold to sacred Jackie.
Our President dotes on his wife, and his detractors go apeshit over it. lol

First Lady Melania can speak more languages than any other First Lady: English, French, German, Italian, Serbian, and Slovenian.

One of her contributions as First Lady is her "Be Best" campaign against cyber-bullying and opioid drug addiction.

They say her thoughtfulness and kindness have make her white house staffers adore her.

She didn't move to the White House for five months, because she supported their son's completion of his fifth-grade studies in New York.

She is reserved and doesn't like to be the center of attention.
No wonder she has President Trump's veneration. :thup:
I do rather enjoy that some of the same people that piss and moan about the treatment of the present First Lady said some rather unspeakable and dreadful things about the previous one. (and Vice versa) I have a wonderful notion, how about ya'll just stop being twats about our First Ladies?
Fine, but comparing any First Lady to another, especially to our Guinevere, is inappropriate. No shocker coming from this President.
He only meant he was proud of his First Lady, Melania Trump for the refined person she is known to be outside the paranoid and vicious press who hound her husband to death, not to mention his staff, his friends, his sons and daughters, and his present wife and First Lady. All of us would do well to have children who could fluently speak in six languages like she can.
I do rather enjoy that some of the same people that piss and moan about the treatment of the present First Lady said some rather unspeakable and dreadful things about the previous one. (and Vice versa) I have a wonderful notion, how about ya'll just stop being twats about our First Ladies?
Fine, but comparing any First Lady to another, especially to our Guinevere, is inappropriate. No shocker coming from this President.
He only meant he was proud of his First Lady, Melania Trump for the refined person she is known to be outside the paranoid and vicious press who hound her husband to death, not to mention his staff, his friends, his sons and daughters, and his present wife and First Lady. All of us would do well to have children who could fluently speak in six languages like she can.
Who knows how smart she is? If she was so smart why did she give Michelle Obama’s speech at the Republican convention? Why did she wear a jacket to visit children in cages when the jackets said I really don’t care do you? Why did she carry a newborn baby wearing stiletto heels?
And why did she spend so much time doing all that softcore?

But Michelle is black.

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