DOJ snooped on House Intelligence Committee investigators during Russia probe, subpoenas show


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The DOJ and the FBO are enforcers for the deep state. This and their spying on the Senate Committee a few years ago says all we need to know about both.

Burn them both down and start over again. And the CIA as well. They are out of control and they cannot be reformed.

In an extraordinary intrusion on congressional oversight, the Justice Department used grand jury subpoenas to secretly obtain the personal email and phone data of at least two top House Intelligence Committee investigators back in November 2017 just as they and their boss, then-Chairman Devin Nunes, were assembling bombshell evidence of FBI abuses in the Russia collusion probe, Just the News has learned.

The subpoenas, obtained by Just the News, show the DOJ demanded that Google turn over personal email and phone data from the two senior staffers on Nov. 20, 2017 and that responsive materials were to be returned to DOJ by Dec. 5, 2017.



The subpoenas were delivered during a critical time frame in the committee's effort to expose the Donald Trump-Russia collusion investigation as having been driven by an uncorroborated political opposition dossier funded by Hillary Clinton. Nunes' committee was locked at the time in a bitter struggle to force the FBI and DOJ to turn over records to the committee.

The DOJ subpoenas came to light in the last few days when the former committee staffers were informed by Google that their records had been taken, consistent with the Big Tech company's policy of alerting customers five years after law enforcement takes such actions.



One of the subpoenaed staffers, former Intelligence Committee senior counsel Kash Patel, told Just the News that the DOJ's subpoenas were an extraordinary intrusion on congressional oversight and raised serious concerns about the separation of executive and legislative branch powers guaranteed in the Constitution.

“It's so shocking,” Patel told the Just the News, Not Noise television show Monday night. "Because a co-equal branch of government, we as congressional investigators and Devin Nunes, his staff on House Intel were conducting constitutional demanded oversight of the fraudulent acts at the FBI and DOJ which we now know happened."

The other House Intelligence staffer whose records were subpoenaed by DOJ confirmed to Just the News he was notified last week by Google. He said he had worked extensively on investigating the FBI's Russia collusion conduct, including drafting the committee's report criticizing the FBI, reviewing sensitive documents and fighting with DOJ to gain access to the records.

Nunes said the subpoenas gave the DOJ and FBI unprecedented potential to learn in real-time what his investigation was learning about misconduct in the Russia probe. He called on the new Republican Congress to probe the subpoenas aggressively.

“The FBI and DOJ spied on a presidential campaign, and when Congress began exposing what they were doing, they spied on us to find out what we knew and how we knew it," Nunes told Just the News. "It’s an egregious abuse of power that the next Congress must investigate so these agencies can be held accountable and reformed.”



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