DOJ Investigating Potential ‘Bribery-for-Pardon' Scheme: Court Document

How fucking disgusting can Trump get? This is just outrageous. Every citizen of America need to demand the Biden Administration to go after Trump and his disgusting family until these pathetic human beings are in jail.

Court documents huh? With NOBODY NAMED... And it's ALL REDACTED.. But Canadian media is all in on it...

And the INFERENCE that the BRIBE might be an "exchange of information" with Julian Assange is really TABLOID NEWS..

I'd APPROVE OF granting Assange a pardon in exchange for WHO leaked the Hillary emails to him.. That's not something that's a BRIBE !! That's a fucking PLEA DEAL you moron.. Law enforcement does it ALL the time..

How fucking disgusting can Trump get? This is just outrageous. Every citizen of America need to demand the Biden Administration to go after Trump and his disgusting family until these pathetic human beings are in jail.

Court documents huh? With NOBODY NAMED... And it's ALL REDACTED.. But Canadian media is all in on it...

And the INFERENCE that the BRIBE might be an "exchange of information" with Julian Assange is really TABLOID NEWS..

I'd APPROVE OF granting Assange a pardon in exchange for WHO leaked the Hillary emails to him.. That's not something that's a BRIBE !! That's a fucking PLEA DEAL you moron.. Law enforcement does it ALL the time..

Nobody leaked the Clinton emails to him. He got them from a FOI Application.

How fucking disgusting can Trump get? This is just outrageous. Every citizen of America need to demand the Biden Administration to go after Trump and his disgusting family until these pathetic human beings are in jail.

Court documents huh? With NOBODY NAMED... And it's ALL REDACTED.. But Canadian media is all in on it...

And the INFERENCE that the BRIBE might be an "exchange of information" with Julian Assange is really TABLOID NEWS..

I'd APPROVE OF granting Assange a pardon in exchange for WHO leaked the Hillary emails to him.. That's not something that's a BRIBE !! That's a fucking PLEA DEAL you moron.. Law enforcement does it ALL the time..

Nobody leaked the Clinton emails to him. He got them from a FOI Application.

Not talking about the Clinton Sec State emails.. Multiple sources had those before the 2016 election. I'm talking about her CAMPAIGN emails that were stolen from the DNC.. THOSE came directly to WikiLeaks as an "exclusive" find.. And MANY believe the source for those was disgruntled DNC employees..

But even Hillary's Sec State emails were probably hacked by MULTIPLE foreign Intel groups as well our own Intel groups.. Because she was so careless about national security..
DNC emails were stolen and Podesta emails were stolen. DNC were not her emails, they were the dnc' s email.

Two separate thefts at two different times, months apart.... same thief.
A lot of the documents are redacted but from at least August there's been an ongoing criminal investigation into bribes for pardons.

None of the names are visible in the redacted documents so those involved aren't known yet.

it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

"The heavily redacted documents do not name the individuals involved"

And there is no "author" to this article.......hmmmmm?

How fucking disgusting can Trump get? This is just outrageous. Every citizen of America need to demand the Biden Administration to go after Trump and his disgusting family until these pathetic human beings are in jail.

Court documents huh? With NOBODY NAMED... And it's ALL REDACTED.. But Canadian media is all in on it...

And the INFERENCE that the BRIBE might be an "exchange of information" with Julian Assange is really TABLOID NEWS..

I'd APPROVE OF granting Assange a pardon in exchange for WHO leaked the Hillary emails to him.. That's not something that's a BRIBE !! That's a fucking PLEA DEAL you moron.. Law enforcement does it ALL the time..

Nobody leaked the Clinton emails to him. He got them from a FOI Application.

Not talking about the Clinton Sec State emails.. Multiple sources had those before the 2016 election. I'm talking about her CAMPAIGN emails that were stolen from the DNC.. THOSE came directly to WikiLeaks as an "exclusive" find.. And MANY believe the source for those was disgruntled DNC employees..

But even Hillary's Sec State emails were probably hacked by MULTIPLE foreign Intel groups as well our own Intel groups.. Because she was so careless about national security..

Nobody believes the source is anyone but Russian Intelligence, since a Russian operative visited Assange at the Embassy the day before the uploads began.

There was no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked.

Do you have any other Russian lies to sell this evening?
DNC emails were stolen and Podesta emails were stolen. DNC were not her emails, they were the dnc' s email.

Two separate thefts at two different times, months apart.... same thief.
Seth Rich was the one that stored the DNC e-mails on a thumb drive behind the DNC firewall...lest you believe otherwise......

How fucking disgusting can Trump get? This is just outrageous. Every citizen of America need to demand the Biden Administration to go after Trump and his disgusting family until these pathetic human beings are in jail.

Court documents huh? With NOBODY NAMED... And it's ALL REDACTED.. But Canadian media is all in on it...

And the INFERENCE that the BRIBE might be an "exchange of information" with Julian Assange is really TABLOID NEWS..

I'd APPROVE OF granting Assange a pardon in exchange for WHO leaked the Hillary emails to him.. That's not something that's a BRIBE !! That's a fucking PLEA DEAL you moron.. Law enforcement does it ALL the time..

Nobody leaked the Clinton emails to him. He got them from a FOI Application.

Not talking about the Clinton Sec State emails.. Multiple sources had those before the 2016 election. I'm talking about her CAMPAIGN emails that were stolen from the DNC.. THOSE came directly to WikiLeaks as an "exclusive" find.. And MANY believe the source for those was disgruntled DNC employees..

But even Hillary's Sec State emails were probably hacked by MULTIPLE foreign Intel groups as well our own Intel groups.. Because she was so careless about national security..

Nobody believes the source is anyone but Russian Intelligence, since a Russian operative visited Assange at the Embassy the day before the uploads began.

There was no evidence that the Clinton Server was ever hacked.

Do you have any other Russian lies to sell this evening?
100 percent bullshit. I am sure that you have a link claiming that Russian agents visited Julian Assange before the alleged "downloads" occured because the downloading of incriminating evidence of democrat corruption and dirty political tactics happened BEHIND the firewalls of the DNC security apparatus......we have William Binney's expertise to "thank" for that, dragonklunt.....
A lot of the documents are redacted but from at least August there's been an ongoing criminal investigation into bribes for pardons.

None of the names are visible in the redacted documents so those involved aren't known yet.

it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

"The heavily redacted documents do not name the individuals involved"

And there is no "author" to this article.......hmmmmm?
It's Rudy asking for a pardon for a client of his.... and the only person who can pardon is the President.

I read about Rudy trying to get this pardon for client months was reported but thrown to the wayside the past few months due to election chaos....

Let me see if I can find the article
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s lead lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, said Wednesday that lawyers for several people facing scrutiny from the Justice Department in the investigations into the Trump campaign and presidency had contacted him to see whether the president would pardon their clients

Found that above, but that's not what I was thinking about..... need to search some more....
DNC emails were stolen and Podesta emails were stolen. DNC were not her emails, they were the dnc' s email.

Two separate thefts at two different times, months apart.... same thief.
Seth Rich was the one that stored the DNC e-mails on a thumb drive behind the DNC firewall...lest you believe otherwise......
Nahhhhhh, Seth was an honest ace, not a thief/alleged felon, plus podesta emails were not on the Dnc server and were stolen after Seth was dead....

And Seth loved hillary, was going to work for her after his DNC job was completed.
A lot of the documents are redacted but from at least August there's been an ongoing criminal investigation into bribes for pardons.

None of the names are visible in the redacted documents so those involved aren't known yet.

it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

"The heavily redacted documents do not name the individuals involved"

And there is no "author" to this article.......hmmmmm?
It's Rudy asking for a pardon for a client of his.... and the only person who can pardon is the President.

I read about Rudy trying to get this pardon for client months was reported but thrown to the wayside the past few months due to election chaos....

Let me see if I can find the article
Still haven't found what I had read but found this enlightening article on Trump pardons, Giuliani, Christie, etc

Likely there is something to all this but I choose to believe it is all about offers being made and not about anybody in the administration being guilty of anything.
A lot of the documents are redacted but from at least August there's been an ongoing criminal investigation into bribes for pardons.

None of the names are visible in the redacted documents so those involved aren't known yet.

it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, of the corruption that will be unfolding over the next few months. Just wait until Bidens people get into all of those departments, and find the level of corruption that has been there the last four years. We will soon be seeing the magamites denying they ever knew Donald Trump.

No you won't, they will get down there in the mud and wallow with the pig tRump. It is who they are, what they are about!!!!!

What, exactly, is known about this latest MAGA scandal?

Justice Dept. Investigating Potential Bribery Scheme for Trump Pardon

"The Justice Department has been investigating whether intermediaries for a federal convict offered White House officials a bribe in exchange for a potential pardon or commutation from President Trump, according to court documents unsealed by a federal judge on Tuesday..."

"Investigators suspected that the convict seeking the pardon was imprisoned as recently as this summer and that two people working on behalf of the convict may have undertaken a secret lobbying campaign by approaching White House officials, according to the documents.

"The two people may have offered to funnel money as political donations in exchange for the pardon or commutation, although it was unclear where the money was supposed to be sent."

We know Trump's only criteria for a pardon is loyalty.
The individuals whose identities were redacted appear to have acted as lobbyists to senior White House officials without complying with required registration procedures.
Last August prosecutors sought a court order to access communications and confront suspect.
Is the list of suspects long or short?

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