CDZ Does Trump really not know how to defend his ideas instead of attacking the people who oppose them?

Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
I think what the media is calling the president is worse. I think what Hollywood is saying about him is worse. Calling him a Nazi and a racist. OH, BUT THEY'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT. So what. They're all acting like a bunch of spoiled children pouting and throwing a tantrum about losing an election.
There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
You mean like liberals always do?
^Typical conservative blames others and doesn't take responsibility.
Like when 4 US citizens died over in Benghazi, and it was blamed on a movie, instead of Al Qaeda that Obama and the ex-vagina candidate said "Were on the Run"? Yeah, sure....
More ducking responsiblilty by blaming others. Party of responsibility should be called party of whiny bitches.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
I think what the media is calling the president is worse. I think what Hollywood is saying about him is worse. Calling him a Nazi and a racist. OH, BUT THEY'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT. So what. They're all acting like a bunch of spoiled children pouting and throwing a tantrum about losing an election.
I saw on the news yesterday that some two-bit country called Trump a "fool" yesterday, very disrespectfully, and you know they got their cue from all that's been said about Trump. We can disagree with him, but calling him a moron or Orange Jesus should be reserved for our living rooms. With the computer OFF.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort. Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
Well, to answer the question posed in the thread title, no.

Look at his history - he started off with money and has always bullied his way to get things done, just mauling people, and people have always capitulated to him, either out of fear or greed. He's clearly never developed (or HAD to develop) communication skills that involve nuance, cooperation, give and take.

It's why he says the ridiculous things he says - he's accustomed to people just biting their lip. Well, that's not going to happen in this case.
There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
I think what the media is calling the president is worse. I think what Hollywood is saying about him is worse. Calling him a Nazi and a racist. OH, BUT THEY'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT. So what. They're all acting like a bunch of spoiled children pouting and throwing a tantrum about losing an election.
I saw on the news yesterday that some two-bit country called Trump a "fool" yesterday, very disrespectfully, and you know they got their cue from all that's been said about Trump. We can disagree with him, but calling him a moron or Orange Jesus should be reserved for our living rooms. With the computer OFF.
I'm not surprised, because the only contact these two-bit country's leaders have had with Trump up until now is listening to our corrupt media calling him every name in the book. How are they supposed to know what he's really like.
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What are you referring to?
Don't be fucking stupid.

When he didn't like the ruling from an American judge whose parents are Mexican he said the judge couldn't be impartial because he's Mexican. Even though born in Indiana.

Now another Federal Judge is "so-called".

Lyin' Ted

Littl' Maco

Crooked Hillary

Those are childish retorts.

Referring to the 41,000 American soldiers captured, many tortured, many killed, he said "I like people who weren't captured".

Childish retorts.

Why do these right wingers pretend to be such ignorant fucks? Is it a pretense?
This is the CDZ.

Please try to control yourself.
There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
The OP was talking about Trump, and so was I. There is no need to bring Obama into it, in any way.
It has to be clear to any thoughtful person that Trump is a fraud. Trump is an economic moron, thus his bankruptcies and lying about his wealth, hiding his taxes etc etc etc. The democrats need to learn that, they need to call the man out for what he is, an inherited rich boy who is has bully qualities, but is dumb as a post. A cowardly draft dodger who doesn't have a clue about the constitution or law - unless he hiding from it or boasting that he'll sue. What a buffoon America has elected.

Trump Likes Putin. Investors, Not So Much.

Even Trump's comments are dumb dumb dumb.

Ranking the Obama Economy
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
/---- No attacks frtom the left - no sir-eee Bobtail.
Jimmy Carter: attacks on Barack Obama fuelled by racism - Telegraph › News › World News › Barack Obama
Sep 16, 2009 - Jimmy Carter has claimed that many of Barack Obama's most vocal ... voice to level a direct charge of racism at Mr Obama's critics. ..... Its ok to attack them and him, but criticism of Obama is racist and completely unacceptable.
It has to be clear to any thoughtful person that Trump is a fraud. Trump is an economic moron, thus his bankruptcies and lying about his wealth, hiding his taxes etc etc etc. The democrats need to learn that, they need to call the man out for what he is, an inherited rich boy who is has bully qualities, but is dumb as a post. A cowardly draft dodger who doesn't have a clue about the constitution or law - unless he hiding from it or boasting that he'll sue. What a buffoon America has elected.

Trump Likes Putin. Investors, Not So Much.

Even Trump's comments are dumb dumb dumb.

Ranking the Obama Economy
/---- I feel your pain -- BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
....Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
Yes, but not completely. The loudest people are always the ones heard, but the "Silent Majority" still exists. They may not say much, but their presence is felt in the stock market, in the marketplace and on election day.

That said, most of us have seen both major political parties become more and more partisan over the past 25 years. Feel free to blame one side or the other, but the fact remains both have done it. Now they hardly talk to each other. "Compromise" is a bad word. In order to appear as if they are doing something, politicians have moved into cyberspace where they are greeted by diehard partisans and jeered by trolls.

As Jimmy Kimmel said on his show a few weeks ago, "We've elected a troll to the White House". It's not helping Trump to keep "twittering", but he still does it despite the advice of others. I strongly doubt he'll be very effective as President if he keeps it up since he'll lose the support of most Congressional Republicans. The Democrats, of course, have become 2017's "Party of No".
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?

That's just his style. He cuts through the crap. He sticks the knife straight in front, not in the back.....

No, that's not style. That's childish behavior. When someone opposes him, instead of saying "I'm right because of x,y, and z" he says "you suck". That is certainly expected on a grade school playground, but not from the president. Can you name one thing he has advocated that was backed up by truthful, reasonable data, or is it all gut reaction to urban legends?
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
The people who voted for Donald Trump like his style, part of which is to hit back at critics. He won with a minority of the popular vote which means most people were prepared to vote for a very unpopular candidate rather than have someone with a screw loose running the government by signing his name to a bunch of executive orders as if he is on a reality TV show. With evidence to the contrary, he makes dopey statements and those who are among his followers love him for it. Others who, up to now, had faith in their system of government knew this man was unfit for the job but the voting system beat them.

Donald Trump gave plenty of warning about how he would govern by considering all opposition as enemies such as the Democrats and Republicans who give him support but not enough, federal judges, and the media (except hate radio and Faux News), while praising Vladimir Putin. What can one say? The Americans have no-one to blame for this mess but themselves.
Beg to differ, as he won with the majority of the popular vote in the majority of states to overcome the vagina candidate. This is not a Democracy, but a Representative Republic, which it seems you people on the left don't understand. As for using his pen and phone(remember the bi-racial president who said that?) to pass executive orders to stop the bleeding the 1/2 white president wanted to fundamentally transform America. We the People voted against the next 4 years of the same policies, as more people wanted to get back to "NORMAL"....

Just remember what the kettle and pot said, in the above post....

There can only be four reasons Trump defends murderous Russia:

1. Business ties keeps him defending Russia no matter what they do.

2. He' being blackmailed.

3. He doesn't understand what he's saying.

4. He agrees with murder, poison and jailing political opponents.

It's either one of those or a combination. There are no other options.
It's just his personality disorder. Everything is personal with him, including perceived slights. If you disagree, you have slighted him. He defends himself that way because it is instinctive, part of his character. No one should be surprised. I highly doubt if he is in cahoots with them or under any kind of obligation. People keep needling him about his comments, many moons ago, that he admires Putin. The more you needle him, the more the defensiveness comes out.

As for the OP's question, he isn't a debater or a politician and that wasn't his training. He's been the one in charge, answerable to no one else. He doesn't have that ability to come up with a reply on the spur of the moment. And at his age, I doubt if he's going to learn.
Yet again, you cannot see the difference between calling someone a loser and someone who spent their entire presidency getting even with anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Well, maybe you can. You think that Obama had every right to conduct a war on Fox News. You think Obama had the right to prevent conservative groups from raising cash for their candidates by withholding their 501k status. You think Obama had every right to use the IRS to attack his critics. To throw people in jail because they insulted Islam. To send billions of our taxpayers cash to Iran. To send billions to the UN. You think Obama had a right to attack police and make it next to impossible for them to do their jobs. You think it's just great that Obama was attacking businesses with the Justice Department and bring lawsuits and calling in the goons on any folks that weren't kissing his ass. You feel it was okay for Obama to try to undermine and subvert a foreign election. You feel its not a problem when he continues to undermine the Israeli government. You have no problem with Obama waiting till his last month in office to stab Israel in the back.

Yeah, Trump is a terrible person for calling someone a loser or an jerk. Well words mean something but that's all it is, just words. Quite a change from all of the vindictive actions of our last president.
The OP was talking about Trump, and so was I. There is no need to bring Obama into it, in any way.
Living in a total vaccum isn't reality.

You have to be able to defend your positions according to the facts or admit you were wrong. Obama's actions were swept under the rug for 8 years and now we're supposed to forget about them? Instead we must listen to a corrupt media's exaggerations?

Being a Democrat is so easy because you never have to face the truth or face the consequences of your acts.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?
/---- No attacks frtom the left - no sir-eee Bobtail.
Jimmy Carter: attacks on Barack Obama fuelled by racism - Telegraph › News › World News › Barack Obama
Sep 16, 2009 - Jimmy Carter has claimed that many of Barack Obama's most vocal ... voice to level a direct charge of racism at Mr Obama's critics. ..... Its ok to attack them and him, but criticism of Obama is racist and completely unacceptable.
The left likes a president they can put on a cross and shut down opposition with martyrdom.
Whenever someone opposes Donald Trump's proposals, rather than respond by demonstrating the substantive merit of his proposals, Trump attacks the opposer. It was one thing to do that in the theater of campaigning, but as President the man's "best" responses are still that same childish retort.

Why has our society devolved into one of exchanges of attacks rather than exchanges of substance?

That's just his style. He cuts through the crap. He sticks the knife straight in front, not in the back.....

He has no knife and he's not cutting through crap, he's flinging it, childishly and with no purpose.

Take his call with the Australian Prime Minister. He tweeted that the Australians want him to take in thousands of "illegal immigrants" according to a "bad" deal signed by the Obama Administration. Trump is "going to look at that deal". First off, these are "refugees", not illegal immigrants.

But most importantly, should Trump have "looked at that deal" before complaining about it to the Australian Prime Minister. It's called "preparation". Smart people are prepared for what comes up and know what's being talked about so they don't look like fools.

The rest of the world thinks Trump is the funniest thing to ever happen to arrogant Americans. He's an incompetent fool, even if he wasn't so devoted to Putin.

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