Does The Media Ever Stop It's Lying?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Laying in bed on Sunday morning as usual, clicking through the channels between 9 and 10:30 to see what the latest crap is being discussed on the various news programs, one is never disappointed at how the media forever reinvents itself as the low-information outlet or at least treats the public as low IQ.

Today's palette between CBS, ABC, NBC and Fox was a mix of Covid discussion, Biden as president elect and the ever-strained vitriol on how soon they can't wait to see DJT out of the White House. Laying there listening and clicking around to avoid the commercials, I was treated to a smorgasbord of the usual misinformation-- -- among some of the better stuff I recall hearing:
  • A member of the Biden Team in bringing up Trump and his certain-to-fail election challenge though it hasn't actually gone to court yet, commented: "After all, what can you expect from Trump? He was impeached for WITHHOLDING AID FROM UKRAINE!" The problem being of course for all those out there with bad memories---- Trump NEVER WITHHELD a penny, not a single bullet from Ukraine, in fact, such a thing was not at all even a part of either of the two charges under which Trump was impeached! In fact, the only one who ever credibly threatened to withhold anything from Ukraine was JOE BIDEN in his famous video clip everyone has seen. And of course, clueless as ever, the host of the program says nothing, doesn't dispute the man, doesn't correct him, gives no indication he even knows a thing is factually wrong with the misstatement.

  • Jumping to another channel, this one I remember was Fox, they were taking about incidents where the media "got it wrong" (nice way of saying LIED). One incident mentioned was during the early days of Covid, a network showing video of a packed ER in NYC overflowing with patients (no doubt due to Trump's failed Covid policies!)-- -- the only problem was that the video was actually taken of an ER in ITALY. Pointed out to the network their mistake, the network corrected it-- -- then some days or weeks later used the video from Italy a SECOND time claiming it was film taken in hard-hit NYC.

  • Another media faux pas I caught mentioned during the same program (I really love this one) was video a network showed one year of Trump golfing on Thanksgiving. Apparently Donald was just off whacking his golf balls around with nothing better to do on the holiday! The only problem was that during the Thanksgiving in question, Trump was actually OVERSEAS IN AFGHANISTAN HANDING OUT TURKEY DINNERS TO OUR TROOPS.

  • And of course Covid came up on one of the channels and to my surprise, the host asked his guest whether Pfizer purposely withheld news of its vaccine until AFTER the election! Naturally the fellow did not come out to deny it but sidestepped the question to only reply that vaccines were in the process to get distributed to the public as absolutely soon as possible. It was just total coincidence that Pfizer withheld the announcement until 6 days AFTER the election.
I just wonder when they come out, will these be Trump's vaccines or Joe's? Because Joe told us in no uncertain terms before the election that Trump's vaccine was unscientific and not to be trusted and that people SHOULD NOT TAKE IT. I wonder if Joe will be taking Trump's vaccine?

When people say the election was a fraud, I hope they include all of this sort of propaganda, misinformation, spin, lying and distortions CONSTANTLY thrown out there at the public 24/7 to paint as NEGATIVE a view and opinion of Trump as humanly possible-- -- one can only imagine that if the same efforts were thrown against the democrats, they'd never get elected. Put more succinctly: if our media actually reported the REAL NEWS as it happened sans bias, sans spin and prejudice, Donald Trump would unquestionably have easily and clearly won reelection.

IN THAT SENSE, the democrat-run MSM in one huge multi-billion dollar campaign contribution to the democrats that goes unrecognized and unchallenged.

So even if Trump fails to prove fraud, we all know that the past four years have been nothing but one big fraud perpetrated against America to get Trump OUT of office just as the coming months and years will be a new fraud to downplay Biden's foibles, conceal his lies and mistakes while up-playing and exaggerating his successes.
MSM is part of the shadow government, the news funnelled and more or less choreographed by the CIA.
Remember where quid pro Joe was speaking about withholding the billion dollars in Ukraine ?

Many of our so called journalists are actually assets under sworn secrecy oaths. (NDA)


Meanwhile, reality.

The next point, a mistake about using stock footage of an ER is supposed to be a conspiracy.

Trump on Thanksgiving? He made a surprise visit to Afghanistan, instead of golfing as planned. The OP is upset because the media didn't know about Trump's secret plans ahead of time.

And finally, a vaccine conspiracy theory with no evidence to back it up.

Conclusion? Butthurt.

On the bright side, at least he's finally accepting Trump's loss. He's just not accepting that Trump and the Trump cult bear the responsibilitty for it, and that Trump couldn't win despite the backing of our nutty conservative mianstream media.

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