Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance?

More polling data

The poll asked independent voters, “Do you want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024?” Sixty-three percent did not want Biden to run. Just 17 percent said they did.

Seventy-six percent said Biden’s economy is in bad or poor shape. Just 17 percent said it is in good or excellent condition. Sixty-four percent disapproved of Biden’s handling of jobs and the economy. Just 22 percent approved.

“Do you think that Joe Biden is the strongest candidate that Democrats could nominate for president in 2024?” the poll asked. Fifty-eight percent said he was not the strongest Democrat candidate. Only 17 percent he was.

Joe 17%

And they say RFKjr cannot win....

The DNC won’t allow dissent directed toward the current administration. He’s playing with fire. The extreme left of the DNC will not stop until he’s silenced.
Great. All we need is another rich Kennedy asshole telling us how to run our lives.
180 degrees the opposite, gaining momentum every day as more and more Americans die and get maimed from Murderous Fraud Vax. The media can and will censor this truth, but Americans see it at the local level.

A guy from my gym, mid 30s, absolutely great shape, quality diet.... stroke. Admitted getting MFV and knows that is the ONLY POSSIBLE CAUSE...

You might find that a positive about him, but I don't think that will be the case for the average Dem voter. I just don't see an anti-vax candidate winning the primary, especially against an incumbent...even one as bad as Biden. 🤷‍♂️
I have listened to Robert Kennedy Jr's political views on several YouTube videos. He seems very compassionate and sincere. His approval numbers with voters are high. Some folks think the DNC will not allow him to win the primary, because they want Joe Biden to be the only viable nominee for 2024. I hope this is not true.
What do you all think? Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance? Would he make a good President?
For the sake of his own well being as well as that of his family, hopefully he abandons the intention to run for office.

Compassion and sincerity in America's politics as you described, are long gone and certainly not admired, if they ever even existed.
don't queef around, fucktard. no one but your fellow tards is impressed by your pseudoknowledge.
Concession accepted. You might want to take a basic writing course so you don’t come across as such a triggered imbecile.
I have listened to Robert Kennedy Jr's political views on several YouTube videos. He seems very compassionate and sincere. His approval numbers with voters are high. Some folks think the DNC will not allow him to win the primary, because they want Joe Biden to be the only viable nominee for 2024. I hope this is not true.
What do you all think? Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance? Would he make a good President?
Biden needs to go. I am interested in seeing what RFK Jr could do.
Great. All we need is another rich Kennedy asshole telling us how to run our lives.

Yeah, since all the "official versions" are true according to mongoloid morons with IQs under 5

Global Warming
Covid - Murderous Fraud Vax
Who actually shot JFK and RFK and why

Patriotic Americans would like the criminal traitors behind that absolute bullshit brought to justice, shot, and suffer total asset forfeiture.

Morons still think 600F burning jet fuel produced a river of 2200F molten steel pouring out of the south tower...
For the sake of his own well being as well as that of his family, hopefully he abandons the intention to run for office.

Compassion and sincerity in America's politics as you described, are long gone and certainly not admired, if they ever even existed.

And from the heart of America



Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

'cause we got away it in 1963...
I have listened to Robert Kennedy Jr's political views on several YouTube videos. He seems very compassionate and sincere. His approval numbers with voters are high. Some folks think the DNC will not allow him to win the primary, because they want Joe Biden to be the only viable nominee for 2024. I hope this is not true.
What do you all think? Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance? Would he make a good President?

Who stands a chance against an incumbent? The only reason to stand when there is an incumbent is to raise your own profile for four years later.
RFKjr has made a lot of stupid comments in the past, but not recently. His past 20 years have been discovering what killed his father. He now understands that, which is why Zionist Fascism will try to stop him. If ZF expects Traitor Joe to do that, they are badly mistaken...
Any reference to stupid comments should be accompanied by examples. The media says he's wrong about vaccines and autism. We others say he is more right than wrong about vaccines and autism.

The CIA-MI6 assemblage links to the latter helping to cover up the fraud about SARS2 origins and Wuhan. The former is that Biden is one of their puppets.

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