Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance?

I have listened to Robert Kennedy Jr's political views on several YouTube videos. He seems very compassionate and sincere. His approval numbers with voters are high. Some folks think the DNC will not allow him to win the primary, because they want Joe Biden to be the only viable nominee for 2024. I hope this is not true.
What do you all think? Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance? Would he make a good President?
Bookmarked for future laughs.
...."will not allow him" speaks volumes about our ability to vote democratically. So RFK Jr. will help to educate the voters no matter what the Democrat Party says or does. He can still do that and not be nominated. Higher IQs should be looking forward to it: look at the absurdity lower IQs legally placed in the White House.

That's why I'm glad that he's running, just as I was glad that Bernie Sanders ran in 2016... I wouldn't want either of them to become President, but they both can serve (and have served) good purposes on a number of issues. It's all about shining sunlight upon just how corrupt and BS our government systems are, and how none of them even remotely serve We The People.

There's a reason why people chant "we love you!" at Trump rallies. There's a reason why (currently) ~20% of Trump's supporters will not vote for any other Presidential candidate.

It's because We The People want representation again, and Trump is the vessel for said representation, and has been true to his word and kept his promises. He is the populist candidate. DeSanctimonious is YET ANOTHER "Jeb!"...
According to The Economist/YouGov poll, incumbent President Joe Biden's rival in the battle for the nomination as the Democratic challenger is rated positively by 49% of respondents and negatively by only 30%.

According to the survey, Kennedy's net rating is 19 points, higher than any other challenger. In particular, Biden's net rating is negative and makes up minus 9 points - only 45 per cent of Americans give a positive assessment of the US President, while the opposite is true for 52 per cent of those questioned.

As for the contenders to the post of the head of state in the Republican Party, the leading candidate, the former U.S. leader Donald Trump does not have a positive rating - his index is at minus 10 points, the politician has 43% of positive assessments against 53% of negative ones. Kennedy's score, however, as noted by Forbes, is more mixed, as 21% of Americans could not describe their feelings about the politician.

Earlier, Kennedy said that the conflict in Ukraine began because of the provocations of the United States.

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