Does anyone realize how bad obama was and how unbelievable great trump is?

I am enjoying the inflation during Trump and the devaluation of the dollar..It makes my money worth much less in buying power, thanks Trump...
Yep... just like I said... you think you can blame Trump for the China virus and all the damage you democrats are using it as an excuse to do...

... ain't workin' moonie... that bucket ain't carrin' no water son.
I am enjoying the inflation during Trump and the devaluation of the dollar..It makes my money worth much less in buying power, thanks Trump...
Yep... just like I said... you think you can blame Trump for the China virus and all the damage you democrats are using it as an excuse to do...

... ain't workin' moonie... that bucket ain't carrin' no water son.
You Democrats? Do you always speak incorrectly or is it a lisp or a mental derangement syndrome to make anyone who doesn't lick the feet of Trump a Democrat? What I said is fact I don't care if you can accept it or not. The other fact is I am no member of a political party nor do I show fealty to either, they both stink. Trump is in charge so Trump gets my disapproval. I have never said he created the god damned virus and the damaged that followed is shared by both Repubs and Dems because they are in charge. Don't think for a moment that I will let either party down in my disapproval of how THEY BOTH fucked up.
I am enjoying the inflation during Trump and the devaluation of the dollar..It makes my money worth much less in buying power, thanks Trump...
Yep... just like I said... you think you can blame Trump for the China virus and all the damage you democrats are using it as an excuse to do...

... ain't workin' moonie... that bucket ain't carrin' no water son.
You Democrats? Do you always speak incorrectly or is it a lisp or a mental derangement syndrome to make anyone who doesn't lick the feet of Trump a Democrat? What I said is fact I don't care if you can accept it or not. The other fact is I am no member of a political party nor do I show fealty to either, they both stink. Trump is in charge so Trump gets my disapproval. I have never said he created the god damned virus and the damaged that followed is shared by both Repubs and Dems because they are in charge. Don't think for a moment that I will let either party down in my disapproval of how THEY BOTH fucked up.
Well, nice rant bro, but you ended your prior comment with "thanks Trump," so YES, you ARE blaming Trump for things he had NO CONTROL over, and you do so all day on here. And if you have no political affiliation, then why is it that 99.9% of the time you're here bashing conservatives and Trump?

Give me a break man... you know the old saying about walking and talking like a duck...
Last edited:

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment went down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had
I haven't heard one thing about policy in the 3 days. What is their policies???

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment went down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had
I haven't heard one thing about policy in the 3 days. What is their policies???
Orange man bad. And they won’t take any questions lol
I am enjoying the inflation during Trump and the devaluation of the dollar..It makes my money worth much less in buying power, thanks Trump...
Why won’t democrats open up?
Open up the treasury?
Expand your brain lol
If I could take it out and play with it like you do I would do as such yet that has nothing to do with Oblama throwing cash at Iran or that Trump sucks as an economist. They both stink to high heaven on taking care of the debt and have spent money like a drunken sailor on shore leave after six months at sea. They have also weakened the US militarily overseas and both undermine the soldiers that worked in the military, they both ruined US exports and markets shares. Now we sit here again with two recessions in two presidents and the working man is screwed still by illegals keeping wages lower than they should be. Not a god damned one of the politicians give a shit about the working an and have not lifted up their living standards compared to the cost of living. All they have done is increase the division of the nation and fostered revolt in the streets, while they become wealthier..

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment went down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had
I haven't heard one thing about policy in the 3 days. What is their policies???
Try reading their plank it's online. Nothing new really but neither is the GOP's.
I am enjoying the inflation during Trump and the devaluation of the dollar..It makes my money worth much less in buying power, thanks Trump...
Why won’t democrats open up?
Open up the treasury?
Expand your brain lol
If I could take it out and play with it like you do I would do as such yet that has nothing to do with Oblama throwing cash at Iran or that Trump sucks as an economist. They both stink to high heaven on taking care of the debt and have spent money like a drunken sailor on shore leave after six months at sea. They have also weakened the US militarily overseas and both undermine the soldiers that worked in the military, they both ruined US exports and markets shares. Now we sit here again with two recessions in two presidents and the working man is screwed still by illegals keeping wages lower than they should be. Not a god damned one of the politicians give a shit about the working an and have not lifted up their living standards compared to the cost of living. All they have done is increase the division of the nation and fostered revolt in the streets, while they become wealthier..
I just think you’re extremely unintelligent and really can’t think about the whole picture

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment went down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had
I haven't heard one thing about policy in the 3 days. What is their policies???
Orange man bad. And they won’t take any questions lol
I can't wait for the debates. I bet he makes Joe go after him and take him behind the

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment went down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had
I haven't heard one thing about policy in the 3 days. What is their policies???
Try reading their plank it's online. Nothing new really but neither is the GOP's.
Why don't they talk about it and telkl us how it works...Cost???....How????....little stuff like that.
Trump's wins have made Obama look like a clown. All the things Obama claimed Trump couldn't possibly pull off, jobs would not return, Trump doesn't have a magic wand, president Trump made him eat those words. Choke on it Obama you hack amateur.

Now Obama and Michelle try to take credit for Trump's wins. Well you know in the odd weeks when they are not claiming Trump hasn't accomplished anything. Seems like they flip flop on that. All the great things happening are due to Obama, followed by nothing great is happening. Poor Dems they are discombobulated by all the Trump wins!

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment whey down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had

Are you not devastated at the loss of over 170,000 American lives, a number that is still growing by over 1000 a day? Say nothing of the suffering and loss of livelihood of tens of millions let go from jobs, isolated in nursing homes, battling ongoing severe symptoms, and undergoing the extreme stress and devastation of the loss or potential loss of their loved ones and livelihoods that is directly due to the lack of a national strategy to mitigate the pandemic?

Are you not at all concerned that 4.2 million Americans lost overtime protections and will lose over 1 billion per year in pay, hundreds of lives are now at risk again from a rollback of the protection from a deadly dust, millions of workers are more vulnerable to wage theft, workplace injuries, and discrimination on the job due to a rollback of fair pay and safe workplaces order, mortgage payments were increased for over 1 million Americans, increased fees of $17 billion are being taken from people’s retirement savings, close to half a million mothers and babies working minimum wage jobs may not receive basic nutritional assistance needed to sustain them, the increase in hate crimes has risen significantly nationwide – with a 226% increase in counties that hosted Trump rallies, and so very many more policies that negatively impact the lives of hard-working, caring Americans whose goal, unlike their President’s, is not amassing the most power and money.

I truly do not understand why growing bank accounts and personal fears and desires are more important than hundreds of thousands of lives devastated by gun violence, environmental rollbacks that will kill thousands more each year and ruin clean air and water for our children and their children, demands for children with critical illnesses to leave the country and die, refusal to help thousands of families fleeing violence, over 2000 children – many infants and toddlers - held in cages for long periods of time without their parents or adequate care, the severely diminished environmental resources we are leaving for our children, illegal demands and damaging credit reporting affecting 150,000 students’ forced to repay fraudulent for-profit college loans –25 million of which was owed to the disgraced, fraudulent Trump University.

And if, like most, you care about all people of the world and not just Americans, are you not disgusted that an unchecked quest for power causes atrocious losses of health, life and liberty around the world, like the lives and trust of the allies who fought alongside us in Ukraine? Are you not absolutely appalled at the tens of thousands of families living in extreme poverty and danger in makeshift tent camps just across our border in Mexico – feeling better off there than were they came from, though they are continually raped, kidnapped, hungry, and sick, because they left conditions that were worse to come to America, the country that used to be known for its compassion and belief that all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I understand that you want to protect the values you hold dear.

Donald Trump has demonstrated throughout his life that he holds only two values, power and money.

He has demonstrated his values for all to see in three years of lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, objectifying women, hurting children, making rash decisions, speaking incoherently, exhibiting juvenile behavior, deflecting blame, boasting, hiding truths that can hurt him, disparaging anyone who doesn’t agree with him, using the resources of the American people for personal gain, and surrounding himself with people who do the same.

People who choose that experience in life – the experience of ultimate power – use your values to control you.

They tell you that you can’t trust anyone but them to look out for your interests. They point to others and say they are trying to harm you.

They work constantly to divide you from everyone who doesn’t agree.

They weaken your supports to make you feel ever more dependent on them, often taking what you value away and so that they can blame someone who doesn’t agree with them and then give it back to earn your gratitude and loyalty.

Let’s work together to reunite the United States. With discord, hatred and misery on one end of a spectrum, and peace, love and happiness on the other, please see this man is moving us ever further toward the end none of us aspires to.

Please, I implore you, notice the signs of who Donald Trump is and what he does to keep you in his power.

These are the tactics of highly manipulative narcissists – people whose highest value is their own power. Please open your mind and look again at what Donald Trump says and does. His Twitter feed, rallies, speeches, decisions and the people he surrounds himself with can give you examples of each of these 20 tactics – likely all in one week.

20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You | Thought Catalog

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
I am enjoying the inflation during Trump and the devaluation of the dollar..It makes my money worth much less in buying power, thanks Trump...
Yep... just like I said... you think you can blame Trump for the China virus and all the damage you democrats are using it as an excuse to do...

... ain't workin' moonie... that bucket ain't carrin' no water son.

Nobody said he caused the virus. His response worsened the pandemic in America. His flippant, nonchalant attitude that it would some how magically disappear turned into the worse response in the entire developed world.

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment whey down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had

Are you not devastated at the loss of over 170,000 American lives, a number that is still growing by over 1000 a day? Say nothing of the suffering and loss of livelihood of tens of millions let go from jobs, isolated in nursing homes, battling ongoing severe symptoms, and undergoing the extreme stress and devastation of the loss or potential loss of their loved ones and livelihoods that is directly due to the lack of a national strategy to mitigate the pandemic?

Are you not at all concerned that 4.2 million Americans lost overtime protections and will lose over 1 billion per year in pay, hundreds of lives are now at risk again from a rollback of the protection from a deadly dust, millions of workers are more vulnerable to wage theft, workplace injuries, and discrimination on the job due to a rollback of fair pay and safe workplaces order, mortgage payments were increased for over 1 million Americans, increased fees of $17 billion are being taken from people’s retirement savings, close to half a million mothers and babies working minimum wage jobs may not receive basic nutritional assistance needed to sustain them, the increase in hate crimes has risen significantly nationwide – with a 226% increase in counties that hosted Trump rallies, and so very many more policies that negatively impact the lives of hard-working, caring Americans whose goal, unlike their President’s, is not amassing the most power and money.

I truly do not understand why growing bank accounts and personal fears and desires are more important than hundreds of thousands of lives devastated by gun violence, environmental rollbacks that will kill thousands more each year and ruin clean air and water for our children and their children, demands for children with critical illnesses to leave the country and die, refusal to help thousands of families fleeing violence, over 2000 children – many infants and toddlers - held in cages for long periods of time without their parents or adequate care, the severely diminished environmental resources we are leaving for our children, illegal demands and damaging credit reporting affecting 150,000 students’ forced to repay fraudulent for-profit college loans –25 million of which was owed to the disgraced, fraudulent Trump University.

And if, like most, you care about all people of the world and not just Americans, are you not disgusted that an unchecked quest for power causes atrocious losses of health, life and liberty around the world, like the lives and trust of the allies who fought alongside us in Ukraine? Are you not absolutely appalled at the tens of thousands of families living in extreme poverty and danger in makeshift tent camps just across our border in Mexico – feeling better off there than were they came from, though they are continually raped, kidnapped, hungry, and sick, because they left conditions that were worse to come to America, the country that used to be known for its compassion and belief that all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I understand that you want to protect the values you hold dear.

Donald Trump has demonstrated throughout his life that he holds only two values, power and money.

He has demonstrated his values for all to see in three years of lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, objectifying women, hurting children, making rash decisions, speaking incoherently, exhibiting juvenile behavior, deflecting blame, boasting, hiding truths that can hurt him, disparaging anyone who doesn’t agree with him, using the resources of the American people for personal gain, and surrounding himself with people who do the same.

People who choose that experience in life – the experience of ultimate power – use your values to control you.

They tell you that you can’t trust anyone but them to look out for your interests. They point to others and say they are trying to harm you.

They work constantly to divide you from everyone who doesn’t agree.

They weaken your supports to make you feel ever more dependent on them, often taking what you value away and so that they can blame someone who doesn’t agree with them and then give it back to earn your gratitude and loyalty.

Let’s work together to reunite the United States. With discord, hatred and misery on one end of a spectrum, and peace, love and happiness on the other, please see this man is moving us ever further toward the end none of us aspires to.

Please, I implore you, notice the signs of who Donald Trump is and what he does to keep you in his power.

These are the tactics of highly manipulative narcissists – people whose highest value is their own power. Please open your mind and look again at what Donald Trump says and does. His Twitter feed, rallies, speeches, decisions and the people he surrounds himself with can give you examples of each of these 20 tactics – likely all in one week.

20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You | Thought Catalog

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
Even more Communist Democrat
OIP (29).jpg

Nobody believes the lies and total bullshit thrown around in desperation by Communist Democrats who know they will lose big on November 3rd :smoke:

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment whey down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had

Are you not devastated at the loss of over 170,000 American lives, a number that is still growing by over 1000 a day? Say nothing of the suffering and loss of livelihood of tens of millions let go from jobs, isolated in nursing homes, battling ongoing severe symptoms, and undergoing the extreme stress and devastation of the loss or potential loss of their loved ones and livelihoods that is directly due to the lack of a national strategy to mitigate the pandemic?

Are you not at all concerned that 4.2 million Americans lost overtime protections and will lose over 1 billion per year in pay, hundreds of lives are now at risk again from a rollback of the protection from a deadly dust, millions of workers are more vulnerable to wage theft, workplace injuries, and discrimination on the job due to a rollback of fair pay and safe workplaces order, mortgage payments were increased for over 1 million Americans, increased fees of $17 billion are being taken from people’s retirement savings, close to half a million mothers and babies working minimum wage jobs may not receive basic nutritional assistance needed to sustain them, the increase in hate crimes has risen significantly nationwide – with a 226% increase in counties that hosted Trump rallies, and so very many more policies that negatively impact the lives of hard-working, caring Americans whose goal, unlike their President’s, is not amassing the most power and money.

I truly do not understand why growing bank accounts and personal fears and desires are more important than hundreds of thousands of lives devastated by gun violence, environmental rollbacks that will kill thousands more each year and ruin clean air and water for our children and their children, demands for children with critical illnesses to leave the country and die, refusal to help thousands of families fleeing violence, over 2000 children – many infants and toddlers - held in cages for long periods of time without their parents or adequate care, the severely diminished environmental resources we are leaving for our children, illegal demands and damaging credit reporting affecting 150,000 students’ forced to repay fraudulent for-profit college loans –25 million of which was owed to the disgraced, fraudulent Trump University.

And if, like most, you care about all people of the world and not just Americans, are you not disgusted that an unchecked quest for power causes atrocious losses of health, life and liberty around the world, like the lives and trust of the allies who fought alongside us in Ukraine? Are you not absolutely appalled at the tens of thousands of families living in extreme poverty and danger in makeshift tent camps just across our border in Mexico – feeling better off there than were they came from, though they are continually raped, kidnapped, hungry, and sick, because they left conditions that were worse to come to America, the country that used to be known for its compassion and belief that all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I understand that you want to protect the values you hold dear.

Donald Trump has demonstrated throughout his life that he holds only two values, power and money.

He has demonstrated his values for all to see in three years of lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, objectifying women, hurting children, making rash decisions, speaking incoherently, exhibiting juvenile behavior, deflecting blame, boasting, hiding truths that can hurt him, disparaging anyone who doesn’t agree with him, using the resources of the American people for personal gain, and surrounding himself with people who do the same.

People who choose that experience in life – the experience of ultimate power – use your values to control you.

They tell you that you can’t trust anyone but them to look out for your interests. They point to others and say they are trying to harm you.

They work constantly to divide you from everyone who doesn’t agree.

They weaken your supports to make you feel ever more dependent on them, often taking what you value away and so that they can blame someone who doesn’t agree with them and then give it back to earn your gratitude and loyalty.

Let’s work together to reunite the United States. With discord, hatred and misery on one end of a spectrum, and peace, love and happiness on the other, please see this man is moving us ever further toward the end none of us aspires to.

Please, I implore you, notice the signs of who Donald Trump is and what he does to keep you in his power.

These are the tactics of highly manipulative narcissists – people whose highest value is their own power. Please open your mind and look again at what Donald Trump says and does. His Twitter feed, rallies, speeches, decisions and the people he surrounds himself with can give you examples of each of these 20 tactics – likely all in one week.

20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You | Thought Catalog

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
And have democrats offered a solution?

Obama Gave pallets of billions to Iran, trump shut them down.
North Korea we were almost at war now we are friends in a sort of way
China trade deals were killing us. Now they respect us again.
black my god wages went up, and unemployment whey down.
All in three years.
like trump said if Obama wasn’t so bad I would have stayed in my comfortable life.
THANK YOU TRUMP! The best we ever had

Are you not devastated at the loss of over 170,000 American lives, a number that is still growing by over 1000 a day? Say nothing of the suffering and loss of livelihood of tens of millions let go from jobs, isolated in nursing homes, battling ongoing severe symptoms, and undergoing the extreme stress and devastation of the loss or potential loss of their loved ones and livelihoods that is directly due to the lack of a national strategy to mitigate the pandemic?

Are you not at all concerned that 4.2 million Americans lost overtime protections and will lose over 1 billion per year in pay, hundreds of lives are now at risk again from a rollback of the protection from a deadly dust, millions of workers are more vulnerable to wage theft, workplace injuries, and discrimination on the job due to a rollback of fair pay and safe workplaces order, mortgage payments were increased for over 1 million Americans, increased fees of $17 billion are being taken from people’s retirement savings, close to half a million mothers and babies working minimum wage jobs may not receive basic nutritional assistance needed to sustain them, the increase in hate crimes has risen significantly nationwide – with a 226% increase in counties that hosted Trump rallies, and so very many more policies that negatively impact the lives of hard-working, caring Americans whose goal, unlike their President’s, is not amassing the most power and money.

I truly do not understand why growing bank accounts and personal fears and desires are more important than hundreds of thousands of lives devastated by gun violence, environmental rollbacks that will kill thousands more each year and ruin clean air and water for our children and their children, demands for children with critical illnesses to leave the country and die, refusal to help thousands of families fleeing violence, over 2000 children – many infants and toddlers - held in cages for long periods of time without their parents or adequate care, the severely diminished environmental resources we are leaving for our children, illegal demands and damaging credit reporting affecting 150,000 students’ forced to repay fraudulent for-profit college loans –25 million of which was owed to the disgraced, fraudulent Trump University.

And if, like most, you care about all people of the world and not just Americans, are you not disgusted that an unchecked quest for power causes atrocious losses of health, life and liberty around the world, like the lives and trust of the allies who fought alongside us in Ukraine? Are you not absolutely appalled at the tens of thousands of families living in extreme poverty and danger in makeshift tent camps just across our border in Mexico – feeling better off there than were they came from, though they are continually raped, kidnapped, hungry, and sick, because they left conditions that were worse to come to America, the country that used to be known for its compassion and belief that all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I understand that you want to protect the values you hold dear.

Donald Trump has demonstrated throughout his life that he holds only two values, power and money.

He has demonstrated his values for all to see in three years of lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, objectifying women, hurting children, making rash decisions, speaking incoherently, exhibiting juvenile behavior, deflecting blame, boasting, hiding truths that can hurt him, disparaging anyone who doesn’t agree with him, using the resources of the American people for personal gain, and surrounding himself with people who do the same.

People who choose that experience in life – the experience of ultimate power – use your values to control you.

They tell you that you can’t trust anyone but them to look out for your interests. They point to others and say they are trying to harm you.

They work constantly to divide you from everyone who doesn’t agree.

They weaken your supports to make you feel ever more dependent on them, often taking what you value away and so that they can blame someone who doesn’t agree with them and then give it back to earn your gratitude and loyalty.

Let’s work together to reunite the United States. With discord, hatred and misery on one end of a spectrum, and peace, love and happiness on the other, please see this man is moving us ever further toward the end none of us aspires to.

Please, I implore you, notice the signs of who Donald Trump is and what he does to keep you in his power.

These are the tactics of highly manipulative narcissists – people whose highest value is their own power. Please open your mind and look again at what Donald Trump says and does. His Twitter feed, rallies, speeches, decisions and the people he surrounds himself with can give you examples of each of these 20 tactics – likely all in one week.

20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You | Thought Catalog

Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
And have democrats offered a solution?
I think all these Communist Democrats showing up lately trolling are paid to disrupt political message boards :smoke:

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