Does anyone realize how bad obama was and how unbelievable great trump is?

Profits first and's the american way. It's neither good nor bad. It's the way it is. We are a nation of class divisions, religious divisions, and regional divisions. It's always been this way
Obama was a snake oil salesman. He talked a lot of people into doing a lot of really stupid shit. He also set race relations back 60 years
Why are his closest associates in jail ? .... or waiting for a presidential pardon ?

Just in this morning: 'Steve Bannon charged in Mexican wall fraud scheme'

Your rose-colored glasses are actually regular glasses colored by the blood of US troops killed by Afghan militants that were paid by Russian bounty.

Your 'checks and balance' system is being wrecked by a guy caught on camera watching prostitutes pee on a bed at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton. (hint: blackmail anyone?).

The video in question reportedly shows Trump in the presidential suite at Moscow’s posh Ritz-Carlton Hotel, watching two prostitutes pee on a bed the Obamas supposedly slept in. The incident allegedly took place in 2013, when Trump was visiting Moscow to attend the Miss Universe pageant.

The Ritz-Carlton was allegedly under surveillance by the FSB, Russia’s main state security agency, and successor to the KGB, which had microphones and hidden cameras in many of the rooms, including, it seems, the soiled presidential suite.

Your financial gains are fake (very temporary) and are the result of de-regulation and over-stimulation (tax redux). Regulations (rules) put in place to avoid a 2008-like meltdown. (hint: now you know when to sell).

Just take a minute and look under the hood, 173,241 dead and an average of 55,000 infections every day.

When this saga is over, if you have any money left, you'll have the poor knocking on your door, no roads to drive your Lexus on and no doctor to fix you.

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